
  1. 搬入位于曼哈顿下城区(LowerManhattan)百老汇大街25号的WeWork共享办公空间的公司,租下的是创业国度的典型配置。

    Companies that move into the WeWork shared office space at 25 Broadway in lower Manhattan are renting the usual paraphernalia of start-up land .

  2. WeWork表示,目前拥有约5万名客户,他们分布在23个城市(主要位于美国)的77处共享办公空间里。

    WeWork says it now has about 50000 customers spanning 77 co-working spaces in 23 cities , mainly in the US .

  3. 如果能拥有自己的办公室,谁会选择共享办公区呢?

    Who would opt for a shared space if they could have their own ?

  4. 开放式办公室或许会给你带来友谊,但前提是你喜欢那个与你共享办公空间的人。

    Open-plan offices may offer companionship , but that assumes you like the people whose space you share .

  5. 该公司一直在向国外扩张,在加拿大和伦敦推出了新的共享办公空间,并希望到今年底可以达到14处。

    It has been pushing abroad , with new locations in Canada and London , where it expects to open 14 co-working spaces by the end of this year .

  6. 研究显示,被迫共享办公空间的人报告称感觉受排挤,更容易分心,人际关系不佳,难以和他人合作,且会觉得上司不待见自己。

    Studies have shown that people forced to share workspaces reported feeling marginalised , experienced more distractions , negative relationships and uncooperative behaviour , not to mention feeling like their supervisors were being less supportive .

  7. 在共享的办公空间与老板擦肩而过这种事,可能会鼓励女性职员为了得到想要的职位而讲究穿着。

    Rubbing shoulders with bosses in one shared office may encourage women to dress for the job they want .

  8. 信息的传递与共享与办公自动化紧密的结合在一起,自动化软件得到了广泛的应用。

    The sharing , transmission and collection of information are closely related to office automation system , office automation software is widely used .

  9. 信息的收集、传递、共享与办公自动化紧密地结合在一起,人们对文档的安全性,真实性也越来越高。

    The transmission , collection and sharing of information are closely combined with office automation , and thus the people 's requirements on document security and authenticity are on the rise .

  10. 随着信息系统建设与应用的深入发展,包括政府、军队、企事业单位在内的许多部门和机构都建立了各种规模的内部网络作为实现内部信息共享和办公自动化的平台。

    With the fast development of the information system and its appliance , many branches and institutions including government , army and enterprise all build all scales of intranet as the platform of inner information sharing and automation of office business .

  11. 运用Intranet和Internet相结合的网络平台,构建适合其特点的网络办公系统,将信息化与企业管理紧密结合,实现信息共享,协调办公。

    Engineers apply the network platform , which is combined with Intranet and Internet , to make the network office system suited for building enterprise . This network combines information with management enterprise and realizes the office of automation and coordination .

  12. 系统实施目标包括信息共享、网络办公、规范管理、项目控制及科学决策。

    The implementing object of the system involves information sharing , network handle official business , criterion manage , item control and scientific decision-making .

  13. 采用网络办公系统不仅可以实现资源共享,提高办公效率,而且也可以使工作人员的办公更加轻松自如,同时也节减了许多不必要的开支。

    Office system using the network can not only share resources , improve working efficiency , but also enables the office staff are more comfortable , but also savings of many unnecessary expenses .

  14. 山东省劳动和社会保障厅经过多年信息化建设,已经建立起了自己的内部办公自动化系统,有效地实现了内部文件流转办理、信息共享、个人办公等单位内部办公业务信息化管理。

    Shandong Labor and Social Security Office , has established its own internal e-office system after many years of information technology construction , effective implemented the internal document flow processing and information sharing , personal office and other office business information management .

  15. 随着网络信息系统不断的完善,基于网络的政务信息服务也逐步开展起来,如何实现办公自动化、部门资源共享和协同办公对于政府科学化管理尤为重要。

    With the continuous improvement of online information system , the e-government information service based on network is gradually conducted , how to realize automation of office , share of apartment source and work in coordination are very important to scientific management of government .

  16. 办公自动化以其高效、便捷的资源共享冲击着传统办公方式。

    Office automation has replaced the traditional office with its efficient and convenient resource sharing methods .