
ɡònɡ yínɡ
  • win-win;all-win
  1. 开放、包容和共赢的精神

    the spirit of openness , inclusiveness and win-win cooperation

  2. 自主和协作并重,以互利共赢为途径寻求普遍核安全。

    The international community should attach equal importance to independent and collaborative efforts , and seek universal nuclear security through win-win cooperation .

  3. 各方正加强合作,寻求共赢。

    All parties are strengthening their cooperation to achieve an all-win result .

  4. 中国方案是:构建人类命运共同体,实现共赢共享。

    And China ’ s proposition is : build a community of shared future for mankind and achieve shared and win-win development .

  5. 成员国遵循“上海精神”,加强政治、经济、安全、人文等领域合作,树立了相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系典范。

    Committed to the Shanghai Spirit , SCO members have enhanced cooperation in the political , economic , security , people-to-people and cultural fields ,

  6. 在气候变化挑战面前,人类命运与共,单边主义没有出路。我们只有坚持多边主义,讲团结、促合作,才能互利共赢,福泽各国人民。

    In meeting the climate challenge , no one can be aloof and cooperation can we deliver shared benefits and win-win for all nations .

  7. 优势互补和互利共赢是两国务实合作快速拓展的强大动力;敢为人先和求同存异是两国关系始终走在中国同发达国家关系前列的不竭源泉。

    and the pioneering spirit and the readiness to seek common ground while shelving differences provide an inexhaustible source of strength to keep the bilateral relationship at the forefront of China 's relations with developed countries .

  8. 世界各国相互联系日益紧密、相互依存日益加深,遍布全球的众多发展中国家、几十亿人口正在努力走向现代化,和平、发展、合作、共赢的时代潮流更加强劲。

    Countries have become increasingly inter-connected and inter-dependent . Several billion people in a large number of developing countries are embracing modernization . The trend of the times , namely , peace , development , cooperation and mutual benefit , is gaining momentum .

  9. 17年来,参与探月工程研制建设的全体人员大力弘扬追逐梦想、勇于探索、协同攻坚、合作共赢的探月精神,不断攀登新的科技高峰。

    Over the past 17 years , space scientists and engineers who have participated in China 's lunar exploration program have promoted the lunar exploration spirit of pursuing dreams , daring to explore , cooperating in tackling difficulties and win-win cooperation , and have achieved new heights in science and technology .

  10. 公权、公利与共赢:英国公共空间的表达&单词Common的社会历史学

    Commonage , Commonweal and Co-win : Expressing a British Public Sphere & The Social History of the Word Common

  11. 和谐WTO体系的基本特征是有序、平衡、发展与人和,共赢是和谐WTO体系的基本理念。

    The characteristics of harmonious WTO system are order , balance , development and harmony and win-win should be its philosophy .

  12. 做音频技术专家与中国市场共赢&访CirrusLogic公司总裁兼CEODavidFrench

    Cirrus Logic : The Global Audio Technology Specialist & Its Win-win China Strategy

  13. e家人本着共赢发展的路线,联通中国的消费者、超市运营商、供应商之间的产业链,从而实现中国的生活消费品的终极消费市场。

    E in the route of the family win-win development , China unicom of consumers , supermarket operator , the chain of suppliers , so as to realize the China of consumer goods ultimate consumer market .

  14. 过去三年,香港透过cepa,开拓出与内地互利共赢的新局面。

    Over the past three years , the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement ( CEPA ) has created a win-win situation for Hong Kong and the mainland .

  15. 因而提出定制ECR,通过刺激客户需要并有效满足需求,提升客户价值,实现成员企业共赢。

    Thus , customized-ECR is put forward , which can stimulate customer demand , promote the customer value effectively , and realize the win-win of member enterprises .

  16. 为此,应及时调整LNG发展规划,注重LNG进口策略,采取与资源国一体化合作的方式,共同寻找互利共赢的途径,创新我国LNG产业发展模式。

    China should therefore adjust its LNG development planning , improve LNG importing strategies and , through integrated cooperation with the countries rich in LNG resources , seek mutual benefits and developments with them , and follow new trails in China 's LNG development .

  17. REITs不但可以充分促进房地产业和信托业实现共赢性合作,而且有利于加速我国房地产资本市场的形成,并有助于分散和降低全国范围内银行的系统性风险。

    REITs can not only contribute to achieve win-win between the real estate and trust business of cooperation , help accelerate the formation of real estate capital markets , but also help reduce systemic risk for banks across the country .

  18. GNI以开放和共赢的姿态对外开展合作,积极探索、创新,共同推动数字电视产业健康、快速的发展。

    GNI will collaborate with others , question for and innovate actively to drive DTV industry to develop healthily and fast with an attitude of open and win - win .

  19. 不对称新产品开发联盟:共赢还是赢输合作关系?

    Asymmetric new product development alliances : win-win or win-lose partnerships ?

  20. 中国走的是和平、发展、合作、共赢的和平之路。

    It is a peaceful development of cooperation and mutual benefit .

  21. 共赢&政府与大学及企业间的战略性合作

    Win-win : The Strategic Cooperation among Government , University and Enterprise

  22. 绍兴商行:在机会与风险的平衡中与中小企业共赢

    Shaoxing CCB : Win-Win with SMEs by Balancing Opportunities and Risks

  23. 高职院校与企业共建多方共赢的校企合作模式的研究

    On Mode of Cooperation of Colleges and Enterprises Aiming for Win-Win

  24. 与开源社区共同成长、共赢互惠!

    Growing with open source community for mutual benefit and win-win !

  25. 共赢与共存&经济全球化的目标选择

    Mutual benefit and coexistence & the ends on economic globalization

  26. 互利共赢的开放战略高度活跃的开放格局

    An Opening Strategy for Mutual Benefits and a Setup for Active Opening-up

  27. 企业精神:求实,创新,和谐,共赢。

    Enterprise spirit : practical , innovative , harmonious , win-win situation .

  28. 房地产金融是地产开发与金融资本的互利共赢活动。

    Real Estate Finance is the win-win activity between developer and capital .

  29. 银期业务合作是银行与期货业实现共赢之路

    The Cooperation Between Banking and Futures is a Mutual - Win Road

  30. 大学与企业合作共赢。论大学/企业(U/I)的合作创新

    Co-operation between universities and enterprises . On University-Industry Cooperative Innovation