
guān dōng
  • Kanto;northeast China;east of Shanhaiguan;the east of Hangu pass in ancient china
关东 [guān dōng]
  • (1) [northeast China]∶旧称东北三省,以位于山海关之东而得名。亦称关外

  • (2) [the east of Hangu pass in ancient china]∶指函谷关以东之地

  • 自秦孝公以来, 周室卑微,诸侯相兼,关东为六国。--《史记.李斯列传》

关东[guān dōng]
  1. 关东人参号称极品。

    The ginseng of Northeast China is known to be the best .

  2. 关东古代家庭结构面面观

    Different Perspectives of the Ancient Family Structure in Northeast China

  3. 1923年的关东大地震(TheGreatKantoquake)中,东京死了13万人。

    The great Kanto quake of 1923 killed about 130,000 people in Tokyo .

  4. 分析了有关东道国吸收能力对FDI技术溢出效应影响因素,对提高我国技术吸收能力提出一些建议。

    This paper reviews and analyses the influence of absorptive capacity of host country on FDI technology spillover effect , and puts forward some proposals to improve absorptive capacity of corporation in our country .

  5. 法国已建议本国国民离开东京。目前外界对福岛核电站的问题越来越感到震惊,而气象厅警告称,关东地区(Kantoregion)可能发生一次较强的余震。

    France advised its nationals to leave Tokyo amid growing alarm about problems at the nuclear power plant and a warning from meteorological agency about a possible large aftershock in the Kanto region .

  6. 关东文化的象征&楛矢石砮

    The Symbol of Culture in the East of Pass & Stone Arrows

  7. 朱雷以《北方图腾》成就了他在关东大地上的诗名。

    Zhu Lei achieved his reputation on Guangdong earth by North Totem .

  8. 宗族是关东豪族社会势力的基础和核心。

    Secondly , patriarchal clan was the foundation and core of Guan Dong magnates .

  9. 日据大连时期关东州方面委员制度探析

    On Sectional Committee System of " Guandong Province " in Dalian During Japanese Occupation

  10. 在1923年的关东大地震后,穿着和服的人往往成为被抢劫的对象。

    After the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake , Kimono wearers often became victims of robbery .

  11. 规划创意与旅游经济的结合&关东三宝园规划项目介绍

    Combination of Planning Originality and Tourism Economy

  12. 关东各国虽还想合纵,情况更困难。

    Consequently , it was more difficult for the other states in northeast to ally .

  13. 闯关东:近代山东移民与武术的传播

    " Rush to Northeast ": The Modern Shandong Migration and the Spread of Martial Arts

  14. 针对日本关东地下水盆建立了三维有限元模型。

    A 3D finite element model was established based on the structure of Kanto Groundwater Basin .

  15. 二十五年后的一个春天,从关东开进一趟列车,直向保定驰来。

    One spring say , twenty-five years later , a train pulled towards Baoding from the Northeast .

  16. 再论20世纪20年代华北人民闯关东狂潮之成因20世纪20年代中国的合作主义思潮论析

    A Study on the causes that the People of the North China Emigrated to the Northeast in 1920s

  17. 本届冰雪节主会场设在棋盘山冰雪大世界和关东影视城。

    The maintain tent of the festival will be located in Ice & Snow World and Guandong Film-TV City .

  18. 其次他的剧作还真实地再现了当代关东人的生存历史,具有历史认识价值。

    Secondly his works also reappeared a real living history of contemporary of Northeast people , which has historical merit .

  19. 根据局部复发时间探索日本关东和东海地区大地震最可能的位置

    Most likely locations of large earthquakes in the Kanto and Tokai areas , Japan , based on the local recurrence times

  20. 高速增长期前后日本城市建设中的市民参与机制&以关东关西地区为例

    The Mechanism of Citizen Participation in Urban Construction Around Japanese Rapid Development Period : The Case Study of Kanto and Kansai Areas

  21. 《闯关东》主题曲《家园》艺术魅力探析

    The Study of the Art Fascination of the Theme Song " Home " of TV Drama " Pass Through the East "

  22. 日本为了加强对城市和农村的管理,在关东州设置市制与会制,成为行政上的辅助机构。

    To strengthen the management of urban and rural areas , Japan set new systems , which became a subsidiary organ of administration .

  23. 而既然是旧东北或者老关东的一个重要文化角色,傻子也就必然性地带上旧东北民间社会所赋予的许多文化意义。

    Since ninny is an important culture role , ninny inevitably partakes much culture 's meaning what the old North-east 's folk society embodies .

  24. 最后,新时期的关东话剧还体现出明显的英雄膜拜情结。新时期关东话剧全面展现在关东人的心中的人的野性未驯的原始力量。

    Finally , the new period Kanto drama also reflects the obvious hero worship complex , comprehensive display of the Kanto heart wild raw power .

  25. 神奇宝贝动画中,火箭队是总部位于关东地区,活跃于关东地区和成都地区的邪恶组织。

    An underground school for aspiring Team Rocket operatives is present somewhere in the region , while the organization 's headquarters were formerly near Pallet Town .

  26. 但是它们的主要特征却始终不变,正因为如此,民歌得以广泛流传。在关东民间广泛流传的傻子故事,就是这一独特文化的具体表现。

    But their chief distinction remains the manner by which they circulate . So the fool 's story becomes a specific form of the popular culture .

  27. 首先他的作品立足于现实土壤,探索人的存在价值,表现关东人对社会与人生的思考,具有思想价值。

    Firstly , his works based on realistic conditions , exploring human existence value , express contemporary Northeast people think about life , have ideological value .

  28. 以往有关东乡语的研究主要采用传统语音学的方法,运用实验语音学的方法研究东乡语还是一个空白点。

    On previous study of Dongxiang language , people mainly use methods of conventional phonetics , but using the methods of experimental phonetics is still a gap .

  29. 对关于闯关东移民问题,武术传播问题以及移民与武术传播问题的国内研究现状进行了归类和分析。

    And then , present situation of migration issue & rush to northeast , martial arts transmission and relations between migration and transmission are analyzed and categorized .

  30. 1931年爆发的九·一八事变,给民国以来关内人民的闯关东运动带来了深刻影响。

    The September 18th Incident had profound influence on the movement of " Braving the journey to the Northeast " since the beginning of the Republic of China .