
  • 网络YOUTH
  1. 低成本的接地气喜剧《泰囧》被认为是一种现象,正如《致青春》是低成本的关于青春的怀旧电影。

    The small-budget , tacky comedy Lost in Thailand was considered a phenomenon , as was So Young , a small-budget nostalgic film about youth .

  2. 关于青春,导演赵宝刚有很多话要讲&他的讲述80后生活的青春三部曲便是最好的证明。

    Director Zhao Baogang has a lot to say about youth – his youth trilogy about the lives of the post-1980 generation testifies to the fact .

  3. 你不能同时又有青春又有关于青春的知识。

    You cannot have youth and the knowledge of it at the same time ;

  4. 这是一件关于青春的幻梦,以及对这样一个幻梦终于醒来的悠悠惆怅的作品。

    This works is about the youthful fantasy and dreams and the long melancholy experienced when finally waken up from the fancy dream .

  5. 导演郭敬明,他也是这本最畅销小说的作者,说这是一部真正关于青春的电影,一部旨在鼓励年轻人去追求他们梦想的电影,就像主角一样,有些很富有,有些很贫穷。

    Director Guo Jingming , who is also the bestselling novel 's author , says it is really a movie about youthhood and one intended to inspire young people to pursue their dreams , like the protagonists , some wealthy , some poor .

  6. 关于“青春”,导演赵宝刚有很多话要讲——他的讲述80后生活的“青春三部曲”便是最好的证明。

    Director Zhao Baogang has a lot to say about youth - his " youth " trilogy about the lives of the post-1980 generation testifies to the fact .