
  • 网络Relation judgment
  1. 第四个实验研究在三维空间类别关系判断任务中空间情境的内隐学习是否存在,以及是否存在提示效应。

    Study 3 researches the implicit scenes learning in two-dimensional spatial category relation judgment missions , and whether it is exist the cueing effect ;

  2. 基于Oraclespatial的空间线线拓扑关系判断的实现

    The Realization of Differentiating Spatial Topological Relations between Lines Based on Oracle Spatial

  3. 第二,根据散焦模型,由两物点在CCD成像面上弥散斑直径的大小关系判断实际成像面与聚焦像面的相对位置关系。

    Secondly , judge the position relationship between actual image surface and focused image plane according to defocus model .

  4. 用AB连线与主震位置的关系判断未来主震的震中范围

    Judgement the epicentral range of coming main shock by the rela-tion of AB linked line and main shock location

  5. 对于接地故障,先利用零、负序电流相位关系判断故障发生在A,B还是C区,每个区域对应一种单相接地故障和一种两相短路接地故障;

    When a grounding fault occurs , A , B or C region is judged by the phase angle between the zero sequence and negative sequence components of the current . Each region contains a kind of single phase to ground fault and phase to phase with ground fault ;

  6. 术前B超25例判断正确,3例IUD断端与子宫内膜及浅肌层关系判断错误,1例子宫纵隔未发现,1例子宫极度后倾曲未提示。

    The results of ultrasonic examination only were correct in 25 cases , but in other 3 cases the relationships of IUD residues and endometrium or superficial tunica muscularis were misjudged , one septate uterus and one serious uterine retroversion were not found .

  7. 费歇尔投影式的变化规律与关系判断

    The Change Law And Relation Judge of Fischer 's Projection Formula

  8. 论大陆法系中的因果关系判断标准

    On the Judgment Standards of Causality in Civil Law System

  9. 两种药物不良反应因果关系判断方法的比较与分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Two Judgment Methods for Causality of Adverse Drug Reactions

  10. 根据地层关系判断,其当为现代的产物。

    Judged on the stratum relation , all sediment was from the modern times .

  11. 一种统一的拓扑关系判断模型

    A Unified Model of Distinguishing Topological Relationships

  12. 空间关系判断中的无意识加工

    Unconscious Processing in Spatial Relations Judgments

  13. 基于线索的视觉空间关系判断

    Visuospatial relations judgment based on clue

  14. 根据历史关系判断,储蓄率还应继续逐步上升至7%或更高。

    Judging by that historical relationship , savings should continue to rise gradually to 7 per cent or more .

  15. 第一个实验研究在二维空间类别关系判断中注意的提示效应;第二个实验研究在三维空间类别关系判断中注意的提示效应;

    Study 1 researches the cueing effect in the judgment of two-dimensional spatial category relations ; It is suggested that C.

  16. 实现了名词短语基于外延的偏正关系判断,以及名词基于内涵的性质继承与推理,实现了动词基于内涵、外延的词的搭配和语义选择。

    The understanding of noun phrase based on the attributive-centered relation and property reasoning based on concept intension are accomplished .

  17. 然而,单纯从行为事实是推不出行为应该的,只有通过法律目的判断以及法律伦理行为事实和法律目的之关系判断才能从法律伦理行为事实如何推导出法律伦理行为应该如何。

    But the distinction cannot be drawn without finding the purpose of law and determining the relationship between legal ethical behavior and legal objectives .

  18. 第五部分主要研究了因果关系判断困难与破解方法,提出实行多元化举证责任配置,实行区域案例指导。

    The fifth part discuss how to judge the causal relationship , and provide diversification of burden of proof , which exercises regional cases instruction .

  19. 然后提出基于待定过渡线中点和特征边位置关系判断来优化连接填充矢量生成扫描路径。

    Then , group and optimize to connect filling lines based on judging the ubiety of between the middle point of transition line and characteristic edge .

  20. 随后,还研究了在类别空间关系判断任务中,空间情境的内隐学习是否同样存在注意的提示效应。

    And later , we studied the cueing effect of attention in the activities of the implicit spatial scenes learning in the judgment of categorical spatial relation .

  21. 在阶级阶层关系判断上进行了创新&新的社会阶层与两个阶级,一个阶层是对立统一的关系。

    The innovation of judging the relationship of class stratum - new stratum and " two classes , one stratum " are the relationship of unity of opposites .

  22. 实验结果初步说明,通过太赫兹波段的吸收谱和折射率的特征差异与种类之间的关系判断和田玉的种类是可行的,为无损和田玉种类鉴别提供一种新型的方法。

    The results indicate that it is feasible to apply THz-TDS technique to identification of Hotan jade , which provides a new approach to the nondestructive examination of Hotan jade .

  23. 在错选这种情况中,因对具体词语掌握不到位而造成的偏误远远多于因逻辑关系判断错误而导致的偏误。

    Second , in the case of wrong choice of words , errors caused by failure of proper usage are more than those caused by wrong judgment of logic relations .

  24. 在对两地旅游关系判断的基础上提出2个发展模式,即市场互换发展模式和市场共享模式,并提出了具体建议。

    Tourism in the relations between the two places judgement on the basis of two development models that market exchange mode of development and market-sharing model , and made specific recommendations .

  25. 探讨了该模型及其算法的若干应用问题,包括从属关系判断、单套件数求解以及产品结构比较等。

    Detailed application issues of this model and related algorithms , including the solution of affiliation , calculation of the part quantities , and comparison between product structures , were discussed .

  26. 分子进化树的分类结果与生物系统进化并非一致,但可为不同物种间的亲缘关系判断提供一定的参考。

    The classification results of the phylogenetic tree and biological systems evolution is not consistent , but may determine to provide a reference for the phylogenetic relationships among different species . 3 .

  27. 通过将拓扑映射引入到背向面去除判断中,将三维向量的空间角度关系判断转化成二维平面上投影向量的角度判断,然后再转化成一维射影直线上映射点的位置判断。

    Angle comparison of two vectors in three dimensional space is converted to that of two projected vectors in two dimensional plane , then to two mapped points in one dimensional projection line .

  28. 然而,这些学说大都将因果关系判断标准问题与推定、举证责任分配、举证责任倒置、法律责任分担等诸问题混为一谈。

    However , most of them have a mix - up between the aimed problem and other problems such as the determination standard and inference of causality and the distribution of evidential burden and legal liability .

  29. 在实际工作中应根据足迹遗留部位、足迹新鲜程度、反映出的行走规律特点以及足迹与其它痕迹的关系判断和确定嫌疑人足迹。

    In practical work , we should judge and determine the suspects ' footprints according to the part of the left footprints 、 the freshness degree of the footprints 、 its reflected moving characteristics and other traces .

  30. 在司法实践中,由于对案件定性、因果关系判断以及法律法规适用等诸多方面存在不同认识,以至于相同的案件却产生不同或者差距甚远的审判结果。

    The same case may be concluded with different or distinctive results just because of the different views on the nature of the case , the judgment of relationship between cause and effect , the application of law and so on .