
  • war industry
兵工 [bīng gōng]
  • [war industry] 军事工业;军工

  • 兵工生产

  1. 兵工署已对火控及鱼雷火控建立起一套较严格定性的标准符号,最常用的部分可以参照附件F。

    The Bureau of Ordnance has established standard fire control and torpedo control symbols of a more restricted nature , the most useful of which are to be found in appendix F.

  2. 四川一时成为抗战大后方的兵工生产中心。

    Sichuan became the center of the big rear ordnance production .

  3. 兵工企业项目管理问题分析与改进措施

    Problem Analysis and Improvements of Project Management in Ordnance Factory

  4. 某兵工企业3744名工人色觉调查及分析

    Analysis on 3 744 workers ' sense of color in an arsenal enterprise

  5. 兵工仓库中皮套及装板上霉菌的检测与防治

    Detection and Controling of Mold on Leather Sheath and Paneling in Ordnance Warehouse

  6. 国内百家兵工企业正在面向社会招聘人才。

    Hundreds of ordnance factories are recruiting people now .

  7. 兵工厂西迁,建立后方兵工基地。

    Arsenals were moved westward , and KMT government began to establish the rear ordnance base .

  8. 兵工科技成果转化系统分析与政策研究

    The system analysis and adoptive policy of the transfer of scientific and technological accomplishments in the ordnance industry

  9. 兵工器件振动环境试验中的若干问题

    On Several Important Points in the Process of the Vibrational Environment Test for the Parts of Military Equipment

  10. 在航空、兵工和某些一般类工业中,瞬态温度的准确测试通常是至关重要的。

    In aviation , weapons industry and some general industry , usually , the transient temperature accuracy measurement is essential .

  11. 本文分析了兵工企业目前在项目管理中存在的主要问题,并提出相应的改进措施。

    In this paper , we will analyze the problem of project management in ordnance factories , and then give the improvements .

  12. 当前兵工企业面临着沉重的债务困扰,对企业的生存和发展产生了严重的负面影响。

    Presently , weaponry industry enterprises are faced with the obsession of heavy debts , which produces serious negative influences on their existence and development .

  13. 重庆兵工企业建立现代企业制度的难点及对策研究兵工企业项目管理问题分析与改进措施

    Study of the Difficulties and Countermeasures in Chongqing Weaponry Industries to Set up Modern Business System Problem Analysis and Improvements of Project Management in Ordnance Factory

  14. 作为晚清洋务运动不同阶段的两大兵工巨头,两厂的建立时间、创办者、所处的历史环境均不相同。

    As the two big ordnance giants in different periods of westernization movement , the setup times , creators , historical situations of the two factories are not the same .

  15. 试图从兵工企业债务问题的现状、性质、产生原因来分析其解决途径,为兵工企业摆脱债务困境建立一种理财的新观念。

    This paper tries to analyse the solutions in terms of the status quo , nature , cause of the debt problem , so as to establish a new financing concept to help them out .

  16. 山东根据地的兵工生产是抗日战争和解放战争时期人民军队武器装备的重要来源,但以往的军事史研究受方法和时代的限制,对这一问题涉及较少。

    The war industry of Shandong base was an important source of weaponry for people 's army during the Anti-Japanese War and the liberation war . however , limited by methods and times , the past military history refered to this theme less .

  17. 分析和讨论了机器人气体保护自动焊的发展、国内外的应用现状、促进弧焊机器人应用的动力、我国弧焊机器人应用存在的问题和技术难点及弧焊机器人在兵工产品中应用的概况。

    This article introduces the studies of robot gas protect welding and the general application situation in arms industry products , then analyses the application situation at home and abroad . At last it discusses the existing problem and technique difficulty at present .