
  • 网络Breeding cycle;culture cycle
  1. 建议鲢、鳙投放密度控制在20g/m~3以内,鲢、鳙放养比例为1:3,以缩短养殖周期,提高经济效益,有利于改善云龙湖水质。

    It was suggested that the appropriate stocking density of silver carp and bighead carp was 20g / m ~ 3 and the ratio was 1:3 for the benefit of shortening the period of culture and raising the income and improving the water quality as well .

  2. 对江西省赣州、上饶、吉安、抚州、南昌、宜春等地的欧洲鳗鲡养殖周期出现的病害进行了调查。

    The diseases of European eel in one cultured year had been investigated .

  3. 猪的养殖周期约为170天,所以他将能够很快地把养肥的猪送往市场,目前的猪肉价格则仍接近历史最高水平。

    With a breeding cycle at about 170 days , he will soon be sending fattened pigs off to a market that is still offering near-record prices .

  4. 在养殖周期内密养池塘中的营养物质并没有随鱼的生长、摄食量和排泄量的增加而逐渐增加,说明池塘的自净机制可以支持当前的放养量。

    Nutrients in the ponds did not increase with the growth of fish , feeding and discharge , which indicated that the self-cleaning mechanism still support the cultured density .

  5. 由于其生长快、养殖周期短、经济效益高,而且味道鲜美、营养丰富,华贵栉孔扇贝在20世纪80年代中后期就已成为我国南方沿海重要的海水养殖种类之一。

    It has also been one of most important cultured shellfish in the southern sea of China since late 1980s because of its quick growth , short culturing period , high profit and good taste and nutrition .

  6. 滩涂种植-养殖系统换水周期内细菌的消长动态研究

    Dynamics of Bacteria Community in Fishery Cultural and Mangrove Planting System in Period of Exchanging Water in Intertidal Area in the Pearl River Estuary

  7. 奶牛养殖普遍存在饲养周期长、生产技术要求高、生产环节和养殖数据繁杂等问题。

    There are many problems in dairy breeding , such as long breeding cycles , high technical requirements , multifarious production links and multifarious breeding data .

  8. 由于工厂化养殖投资高、养殖周期长、生产单位出现亏损,鲍养殖生产随后滑坡。

    But factory-breeding needs high investment and long period , which resulted in the loss of the cultural business and decline of abalone - breeding .

  9. 海水鱼类网箱养殖已对养殖区沉积环境造成了严重污染,其污染程度的季节变化与养殖生产的季节周期有密切关系。

    These indicated that cage fish farming had heavily polluted the sediment environment in cage fish farming area , and the seasonal changes of pollution degree appeared to be related to the seasonal cycle of fish farming production .