
  1. 冀中星的手臂在爆炸中受伤,目前正在接受治疗。

    Ji himself suffered arm injuries and is currently under treatment .

  2. 记者无法联络冀中星。

    Ji could not be reached .

  3. 冀中星当时是在东莞从事摩托车载客,事发时载着乘客。

    Mr. Ji was working in Dongguan as a motorcycle driver ferrying passengers around town , and was carrying someone at the time .

  4. 据官方媒体新华社报道,34岁的冀中星在爆炸中手臂受伤,但没有其他人员伤亡。

    Mr. Ji , 34 , suffered arm injuries in the blast , but there were no other casualties , according to the official Xinhua news agency .

  5. 通报说,东莞市公安局于2009年给予冀中星人民币10万元(16280美元)人道主义救助金,但他仍继续上访。

    The local public security bureau had provided him with a humanitarian payment of 100000 yuan ( $ 16280 ) in 2009 , according to the announcement , but he nevertheless continued to petition .

  6. 新华社说,法院的调查依据那名乘客的证词认定,冀中星受伤是因他的摩托车与治安队员相撞所致,而不是被殴打受伤。

    A court investigation relying on testimony from the passenger found Mr. Jis injuries were the result , not of a beating , but of his motorcycle colliding with the police staff , Xinhua said .

  7. 东莞市政府周日发布的通报说,冀中星已经两次提起诉讼,要求约人民币33万元(53700美元)的赔偿金,但因证据不足败诉。

    In its announcement Sunday , the Dongguan government said Mr. Ji had already sued twice , asking for roughly 330,000 yuan ( $ 53,700 ) in compensation , but lost due to lack of evidence .

  8. 据新华社报道,冀中星的家属从2005年7月就开始向东莞警方上访,说冀中星前一个月被治安队员殴打导致瘫痪。

    According to Xinhua , Mr. Jis family began petitioning the Dongguan police in July 2005 , saying Mr. Ji had been paralyzed as the result of a beating he had received at the hands of informal police staff the previous month .

  9. 许多人将冀中星孤注一掷的举动视为对中国上访制度的惊人控诉。上访制度一直因效率低下、给人以虚假希望而受到诟病,一些人担心,冀中星在爆炸案之后受到关注,可能会鼓励其他人效仿。

    Many saw in Mr. Jis desperate act a striking indictment of Chinas petitioning system , which has long been criticized for being ineffective and giving people false hope , and some worried that the attention Mr. Ji has received as a result of the bombing could encourage others to follow suit .