
nèi juàn
  • involution
  1. 痛苦;农村教育;身体社会学;内卷化。

    Suffering ; Rural Education ; Sociology of Body ; Involution .

  2. 以上分析,都基于中国结构内卷化倾向;

    The reason is that the China structure is involution .

  3. 大火蔓烧过厨房的天花板咆哮而来,红色的火舌朝门厅内卷去。

    The fire came roaring through the kitchen ceiling and sent its red tongues licking into the entrance hall

  4. 在根癌农杆菌介导的T-DNA(携带有除草剂Basta抗性基因bar和Ds因子)转化中花11水稻群体中,获得了一个叶片发生明显内卷的突变体R1-A。

    A rolled-leaf mutant was obtained in a T-DNA ( containing bar gene and Ds element ) insertion population , which consist of transgenic japonica rice Zhonghua 11 mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens .

  5. 我国独立董事制度创新的内卷化问题实证研究

    An Empirical Study on " Involvement " of Independent Director System Innovation

  6. 内卷边槽钢的孔型设计

    Roller Hole Type Design for Notch Steel Sides Introflexion

  7. 乡村社会内卷化的生成结构研究

    The Shaping Construction of Evolution in Rural Society

  8. 内卷的向内卷的;盘绕的或内卷的。

    Curled inward ; coiled or involute .

  9. 引起辣椒黄白花叶、内卷的一个病毒分离物的鉴定

    Identification of a virus isolate causing white yellow mosaic and inward roll of pepper leaves

  10. 我国社区自治改革的内卷化分析&一种空间模型的视角

    The Involution Analysis of China 's Community Self-governance Reform & The Perspective of a Space Model

  11. (植物学)特别是花瓣或发芽的叶子;有向内卷的边。

    ( botany ) especially of petals or leaves in bud ; having margins rolled inward .

  12. 研究乡村社会内卷化生成结构对于制定符合农村实际的改革和管理政策,对于构建和谐农村,具有重大学术价值。

    It 's academically meaningful for drawing up the policy in reform and management of countryside .

  13. 我国城市化进程中的农民工困境&基于内卷化机理的阐释

    Predicament Confronting Migrant Workers in China 's Urbanization & A Study Based on " Involution "

  14. 民国时期的地方财政与乡村政治&以浙江兰溪模式为中心,兼论内卷化模式

    Local Finance and Rural Politics in Republic China & on Lanxi pattern , and state involution pattern

  15. 农村经济体制改革后,康村的婚嫁距离急剧缩短,通婚区域快速内卷,通婚村减少,婚入与婚出出现了地域上的不对称性。

    After the reform of rural economy system , the distance of village Kang 's marriage rapidly has been shortened .

  16. 摘要作为具有很强学术潜力的概念,“内卷化”提供了一个很有解释力的分析乡村社会的框架。

    As a concept with a very strong academical potential , evolution provides social frame for explaining and analyzing country society .

  17. 在当前法律场域的权力结构下,法律制度变迁表现出制度内卷化的特征。

    In the power structure of the law field nowadays , the law institution change shows a character of institutional involution .

  18. 陌生自由人社会及其内卷化&关于中国社会结构现状的思考

    Strange Freeman Society and Its Involution : A Grave Thought on the Current Situation of Civil Society 's Development in China

  19. 痛苦之所以延续,归因于文化、权力及身体技术的存在及内卷化发展。

    The reason why the suffering continued can be due to the existence of the cultural , power and body technology .

  20. 在此过程中模具即将闭合时,销轴与支座、肘杆之间的摩擦起主导作用,决定着双曲肘五支铰内卷式合模机构所需要的最大油缸推力。

    Friction between pins and rods or platens played an important role , which determined the maximal thrust force of oil cylinder .

  21. 市场的竞争和国内卷烟税的变化都使华商时刻处于艰难的生存压力之下。

    In addition the fierce competition and the change of cigarette tax at home were heavy burden for the Chinese cigarette plants to survive .

  22. 如果说内卷化侧重于对某种经济过程尤其是某种农业经济过程的刻画,那么,刘易斯模型则偏重于对结果性现象的表述。

    Compared with involution which lays particularly emphasis on economic process , especially agricultural economic process , Lewis Model lays stress on describing consequent phenomena .

  23. 对此,已经有不同的经典解释范式:农业内卷化、高水平均衡陷阱以及过密化理论等。

    There were kinds of different classical comment mode in this field , " Agricultural Involution ", " High-level-equilibrium Trap ", " Excess-density Theory " .

  24. 长期以来在市场缺失的情况下,国有企业承担了很重要的社会职能,国有企业沿着社会职能内卷化和冗员化的方向发展,并伴随着巨大的社会成本支出。

    State-owned enterprises assumed important social functions without the marketing system , and they developed on the way of involution with disguised unemployment and huge social cost .

  25. 云南少数民族群体内卷化与现代多样性演进&从制度经济学角度看云南少数民族地区的社会制度变迁

    The " Internalization " of Yunnan Minority Groups and their Modern Development of Diversity : On the Changes of their Social System from the Perspective of Institutional Economics

  26. 最后,在这样的政府型强互惠理论架构上,将理性设计和自发演化同时囊括进来,对制度演化的均衡、内卷、动态演化以及革命的动态过程展开深入分析。

    Finally , such theoretical constitution embraces rational design and spontaneous evolution of institutions together , which can make it clear of equilibrium , involution , dynamic evolution and revolution of institutions .

  27. 将内卷化与刘易斯模型相联系,可以为经由工业化、城市化和农村剩余劳动力转移而去内卷化拓展理论和实践空间。

    The combination of involution and Lewis Model will broaden the theoretical and practical space of de-involution , which is to be achieved by industrialization , urbanization and the migration of rural surplus labors .

  28. 但在此过程中,农民被更加牢固地束缚在有限的土地上,专门从事农业,平安寨经济的内卷化依然继续着。

    But in this process , the Ping ' an Zhai economy involution continued due to the farmers were bound to their limited lands even more strictly , with no alternative except for farming .

  29. 社会交往具有很强的同质性,日常往来密切的人以父母、兄弟姐妹、子女和邻居为主,出现交往内卷化且向血缘回归的趋势。

    Their Social interaction is highly homogeneous . The people that they communicate closely are their parents , brothers , sisters , children and neighbors . The social interaction tends to return to the blood .

  30. 而乡村社会内卷化的生成是由三层结构组成的,即上层压力型体制的过分彰显,中层乡级政府的自利性亢奋和底层农民无组织的弱势地位。

    The shaping construction of evolution in the rural society includes three levels , pressure type system in the upper , self interest in the middle and peasants , vulnerable position of inorganization in the bottom .