
  • 网络Memory Module;DIMM;DRAM Module
  1. 公司的主要业务是集成电路封装测试和内存模块装配。

    The Company 's primary business is IC component packaging and test and memory module assembly .

  2. 设计实现采用独立内存模块存储数据至数据库,实现数据集中高效的管理,系统显示层也是通过访问独立内存模块来显示实时数据。

    Use independent memory module to store data to the database , so that achieve the data centralized and efficient management . Presentation layer of the system also displays real-time data by accessing independent memory module .

  3. 通过实验证明,该系统减小了器件本身和内存模块受到的SEU(singleeventupset)影响。

    The experiment results show that the system is equipped with the ability of the tolerance of the effect caused by SEU ( Single Event Upset ) .

  4. 为了减轻主控计算机的内存模块受到的SEU影响,采用了基于软件的EDAC方式对内存进行保护。

    To alleviating the effect caused by SEU , we use software based EDAC to guarantee the integrity of the memory system .

  5. RAMBUS内嵌式内存模块

    RIMM RAMBUS In-line Memory Modules

  6. 例如,如果计算机上安装了两个256MB内存模块,则删除其中之一。

    For example , if two256-MB memory modules are installed on your computer , remove one of the memory modules .

  7. 托架板内嵌在轨道内双重内嵌式内存模块

    Hidden mounting bracket system DIMM Dual In-line Memory Modules

  8. 无线内存模块全球化

    Wireless Memory Modules Go Global

  9. 这样做的目的是,在内存模块中为处理器上产生缺页的进程提供内存分配的功能。

    What this does is provides the capability to allocate memory for a process from the memory module which contains the processor that caused the page fault .

  10. 3D加速引擎设计包含3D加速渲染管道、视角变换管道、基元读取、顶点FIFO、基元FIFO、写内存等模块。

    The 3D accelerating rendering engine includes 3D accelerating rendering pipeline , perspective transform pipeline , element to read , vertex FIFO , primitive FIFO , write the memory modules .

  11. 本文在阐述面向无线宽带的HTTP代理服务器软件的设计方案的基础上,同时给出了系统缓存模块、协议解析模块、数据I/O处理模块、内存管理模块的具体实现。

    This paper proposes the cache model , protocol parse model , data I / O process model in detail , after set forth the design about the HTTP proxy server based on wireless broadband .

  12. 没错,GlassFish使用了Shoal(运行时的动态集群框架),它也作为内存复制模块的根基。

    Yes , GlassFish uses Shoal , the runtime dynamic clustering framework , which also forms as the basis for in-memory replication module .

  13. 以嵌入式实时数据库ARTs-EDB为原型分析,改进其内存管理模块,适应处理实时数据流的新要求。

    With an embedded real-time database ARTs-EDB as a prototype analysis , to improve their memory management module , adapted to deal with the new requirements of real-time data streams .

  14. ARTs-OS是微内核抢占式嵌入式实时操作系统,在对ARTs-OS内核的内存管理模块研究基础上,重点研究动态存储分配算法(DSA),这也是提高嵌入式实时系统性能的关键。

    Based on the study of memory management of the ARTs-OS , research is focused on the dynamic storage allocation algorithm ( DSA ), which is the key of improving the performance of embedded real-time system .

  15. 总结出了BREW应用设计的各个功能模块:菜单模块,声音模块,按键处理模块,资源管理模块,内存管理模块,显示模块,网络模块,中断处理模块,以及逻辑模块等。

    Summed up the BREW application designed for the various functional modules : the menu module , voice module , key processing module , resource management module , memory management module , display module , network module , interrupt handling module , and logic modules .

  16. 这包括:线程管理模块,系统初始化模块,内存管理模块,文件系统模块等。

    These include : thread management module , the system initialization module , memory management module , the file system module .

  17. 论文主要涉及四个方面:图像的采集模块、界面管理模块、内存防护模块和扫描仪驱动程序。

    There are four important parts in this thesis : image acquisition , interface manager , memory manager and scanner driver .

  18. 本论文主要完成其中的安全内存管理模块和安全文件系统模块(统称存储管理模块)的设计和开发。

    This paper mainly designs and develops the modules of memory management and file system which are called as storage management together .

  19. 该机制基于内压预拷贝方法,并且将内存压缩模块扩展在其之中,采用压缩传输的方式,进行虚拟机实时迁移。

    The mechanism based on the memory pre-copy method , expanding memory compression module to it , uses compressed transmission for live migration .

  20. 该内核主要包括任务管理模块、任务通信模块、中断管理模块、时钟管理模块和内存管理模块。

    It mainly includes task management module , inner-task communication module , interrupt management module , timer management module and memery management module .

  21. 短消息中心主要包括:短消息协议处理模块、七号信令模块和内存数据库模块。

    The Short Message Center mainly includes : SM protocol module , Forward signal module , Main memory database module , SMPP module and so on .

  22. 然后根据系统模型的架构,阐释了内存管理模块与可生存系统中各个保障模块的关系,并对内存管理模块做出了需求分析。

    Then the relationship between memory management module and other security modules is clarified , and the demands of embedded system memory management for survivability are analyzed .

  23. 其次分析了与优先级反转相关的实时内核结构,包括μC/OS-Ⅱ实时内核的五大功能模块:任务管理模块、时间管理模块、内存管理模块、任务间同步与通信模块及与移植相关的模块。

    Secondly it analyses the structure of kernel which is related to reservation of priority , including five functional module of μ C / OS - ⅱ: task management module , time management module , memory management module , task synchronization and communication module , transplantation module .

  24. 一方面,随着缩放技术的发展,片上处理器、内存、硬件模块等IP核数目急剧增多,全局互连功耗占总功耗的比重越来越大。

    On the one hand , with technology scaling , the number of processor , memory and other cores on the chip is increasing .

  25. WASCE在内存占用、模块化、简单性和容易获得程度(免费下载)方面具有独特优势。

    WAS CE has unique advantages in footprint , modularity , simplicity , and ease of acquisition ( a free download ) .

  26. 然后详细介绍了OSS子系统中的定时器管理和内存管理功能模块的设计与实现;

    The design and implementation of the timer management and memory management are illustrated in detail ;

  27. DDR2内存控制器的模块设计和验证平台技术研究

    Modules Design and Verification Technology Research of DDR2 SDRAM Controller

  28. 联合战术信息分发系统(JTIDS)端机工作软件仿真的终端模型含用户接口、内存、任务模块、网络接口、RTI接口等模块。

    The simulation terminal model for the JTIDS ( Joint Tactical Information Distribution System ) work software based on HLA includes the modules such as user interface , memory , task , network interface , RTI interface , etc.

  29. 整个系统硬件设计包括键盘电路、复位电路、显示驱动电路、显示电路、内存扩展电路模块。

    The entire system includes some modules ; for example , the key subcontractors , the signal input microcontroller , signal processing , LED Drivers and LED display program .

  30. mymodulecleanup函数是在卸载这个模块时被调用的,它用来释放内存并清除这个模块的踪迹。

    The my_module_cleanup function is called when the module is being unloaded and is used to free memory and generally remove traces of the module .