
  • 网络internal control system
  1. 辽河油田公司未上市企业内控体系建设研究

    The Research on the Construction of Internal Control System in Liaohe Oil Company 's Unlisted Enterprises

  2. 大庆油田XX采油厂财务内控体系构建及应用

    The Construction and Application of Financial Internal Control System in XX Oil Production Plant of Daqing Oilfield

  3. 本文共分五章,第一章指出了根据COSO内部控制整体框架建立酒店企业内控体系的设想提出的背景、研究的目的、意义和方法。

    Chapter 1 introduced the idea of building internal control system in hotel enterprises with the guidance of COSO internal control integrated frame as well as the background , objectives and methods of the research .

  4. 阐述了质量健康安全环境国际管理体系标准的产生与发展,COSO框架的内控体系的产生背景与建立要求,管理体系之间的兼容性。

    This paper expounds the emerging and development of the international management standard for healthy and safe environment of quality , the background and demands of setting up COSO internal control system , and the compatibility between the two management systems .

  5. 浅析高校后勤社会化财务内控体系

    On the Financial Inner Control System of Logistics Socialization in Colleges

  6. 最后,对辽河油田公司未上市企业内控体系建设的实施情况进行了预测和评价。

    Finally , it predict and evaluate the implementation situation .

  7. 加强商业银行内控体系建设的思考

    A Reflection on the Reinforcement of Internal Control Mechanisms in Commercial Banks

  8. 浅谈安全内控体系文件汇编的一般思路与方法

    On common thought and method of document assembly in safe internal control system

  9. 三是强化风险管理,建立良好的内控体系;

    Thirdly , to strengthen risk management and to build up well inside-control system ;

  10. 基于萨班斯法案的企业内控体系构建研究

    Study on the Corporate Internal Control System Establishment Based on the Sarbanes Oxley Act

  11. 内控体系关乎企业的生存与发展。

    Internal Control plays an important role in the survival and development of the enterprises .

  12. 我国中小企业内控体系现状分析及建设对策

    Status Analysis and Construction Policy of Internal Control System in Our M & S Enterprise

  13. 目前我国中小企业普遍存在着内控体系不健全的现象。

    At present , there is imperfect internal control system in our medium and small scaled enterprise .

  14. 而在信息化背景下,IT控制已成为企业内控体系的核心内容之一。

    And just because of this , IT control has become one of the core systems of internal control .

  15. 针对上述问题,笔者认为应该从建立严密的银行会计内控体系;

    To address the problem , from my view , should establish strict internal control system of banks accounting ;

  16. 鉴于此,要完善我国企业内部控制信息披露,需要借鉴发达国家的经验,依照我国已建立的规范的内控体系,解决我国目前在内控信息披露中所遇到的问题。

    China has established internal control system norms to solve our current problems encountered in the disclosure of internal control information .

  17. 对于内部风险的控制,企业必须加强内部控制,建立完善的内控体系。

    In the side of internal risks , the enterprises must to strengthen internal control and to establish the internal control system .

  18. 另外,还提出了在企业年金各管理机构构建有效的风险内控体系的组织框架以控制管理风险。

    They study respectively the management risk control and the other risks control in the process of China 's occupational pension fund investment .

  19. 该模型能够改善反洗钱监管效率,为金融机构改善反洗钱内控体系提供一种经济可行的方法。

    This model can upgrade the efficiency of anti-money laundering and provide financial organizations a feasible method to improve their inner control systems about anti-money laundering .

  20. 预防和减少基层银行业金融诈骗就必须增强防范意识,健全内控体系,提高技防水平。

    In order to prevent financial cheating , it is necessary to strengthen ideological education , intensify the consciousness of prevention and improve internal control system .

  21. 本文始终以证券公司风险为主线,提出证券公司的内部控制体系要以防范风险为首要目标,内控体系的建设也必须始终围绕风险管理。

    I put forward the ideas that the security companies ' internal control system must surround risk management and the objective is to avoid or reduce risk .

  22. 对西南油气田公司在内控体系建设和内控测试工作中的风险识别、内控体系设计、跟单测试和关键控制测试等方面存在的问题进行了分析,并针对这些问题提出了改进措施。

    According to analysis of some problems existing in risk identification , internal control system design , merchandising test and key control test , related improving measures are discussed .

  23. 然后根据安全、效率的原则,提出了洛阳市农村信用社内部控制构建的总体思路和基本对策,并对内控体系进行了评价;

    According to safety and efficiency principles , the thesis puts forward the general train of thought and essential countermeasure in the internal control construction in Luoyang Rural Credit Cooperative .

  24. 企业惩防体系与内控体系有机结合的探讨

    The structure of his characters is firm , providing a bold and masculine beauty . Research on Organic Combination of Punishing and Preventing Corruption System and Internal Control System in the Enterprise

  25. 在风险接受者层面,笔者构建了银行内部控制体系以应对风险,并对形成内控体系的五个步骤做了介绍。

    The last factor is risk receptor . And on this level , the thesis sets up an internal control system to coping risk and analyzes the five steps of the system .

  26. 针对存在的问题,可以从管理体制、内控体系的构建、产权创新、建立固定资产折旧制度等方面寻找解决方法。

    Therefore , efforts are made to search for solutions from the perspectives of management system , restructuring of internal control system , innovation of property rights and establishment of depreciation system of fixed assets .

  27. 然而目前有关商业银行IS内控体系的研究还比较缺乏,银行业界对IS风险的识别、分析和控制还处于摸索阶段。

    However , the study on the current IS internal control system of commercial banks is lacking and the IS risks recognition , analysis and control in the banking industry is still in the exploratory stage .

  28. 构筑严密的企业内控体系、强化对内部控制制度实施情况的检查与考核并建立有效的激励机制、建立健全职务分离制度等是完善企业内部控制制度的关键所在。

    The key to the perfection of the inner control system is to set a tight inner control system , to strengthen the examination of carrying out the system and construct an effective and stimulating organism .

  29. 法律是企业内部控制的重要组成因素,它渗透到内部控制的诸多方面,如何构建法律内控体系是企业能否健康持续发展的重要因素。

    Law is an important component in internal control , it penetrated into many aspects of internal control . How to build a legal system of internal control is an important factor for a business sustainable and healthily development .

  30. 最终建立一个有效的利率风险防范和内控体系,从而更好地防范和控制利率风险,并为商业银行最后过渡到全面风险管理奠定良好的基础。

    Only doing this , commercial banks can set up an effective risk prevention and internal-controlling system of interest rate in order to prevent banks from interest rate risk , and lay a solid foundation for comprehensive risk management .