
  • 网络Endogenous Technological Progress;Endogenous Technological Change
  1. 石油价格冲击、内生技术进步与日本经济增长

    Oil Price Shocks , Endogenous Technological Progress and Japanese Economic Growth

  2. 随后建立了一个用FDI内生技术进步的增长模型,进行计量分析的结果表明,FDI促进中部地区经济增长主要是通过外溢效应提高了当地企业的生产效率。

    We construct an endogenous economic growth model , taking the FDI spillovers as the main variable . The outcome of our research indicates that the FDI has a positive influence on the per capita output , mainly through spillover effect promoting the productivity efficiency of local companies ;

  3. 内生技术进步的生产率测算研究

    A Study of the Measurement of the Productivity from Endogenous Technology Progress

  4. 内生技术进步、南北贸易与干预政策

    Endogenous Technology Progress , North-South Trade and Interference Policy

  5. 第三部分作为论文的最核心内容,提出了产业深化理论的基本框架。新增长理论关于内生技术进步的论证和产业发展过程中的创造性毁灭机制奠定了产业深化发展的理论机理基础。

    The third part is the essence of this dissertation , which puts forward the basic framework of industrial deepening theory .

  6. 本文从内生技术进步层面来探讨外商直接投资与经济增长之间的关系。

    This article studies the relationship between the foreign direct investment ( FDI ) and economic growth from the aspect of endogenous technology progress .

  7. 经济学家罗默和卢卡斯等人在对新古典增长理论,论反思的基础上,探讨了内生技术进步与经济增长的关系,逐渐形成了内生增长理论。

    P · Romer and R · Lucas have studied the relation between endotrophic technique progress and economy growth on the foundation of the neo-classic growth theory , gradually developed the endotrophic growth theory .

  8. 运用误差校正模型方法,估计了中国1952~1998年期间扩展的索洛模型和内生技术进步经济增长模型,比较分析了各种投入要素以及技术进步对经济增长的作用。

    Applied error correction model , the paper estimated the augmented solow model and endogenous technology progress economical growth model of China from 1952 to 1998 , comparing and analyzing the effect of input factors and technology progress on economic growth .

  9. 本文通过构建一个中间产品种类扩张型的内生技术进步模型,探讨了开放经济条件下人力资本、国内研发与国外研发技术外溢影响经济增长的内在机理。

    By building up a model of endogenous technical progress that increases types of intermediate products , we discuss the inner mechanism of the impacts on economic growth of human capital , domestic RD and the spillover effects of foreign RD in an open economy .

  10. 因此,作者通过对知识经济时代下突显的规模报酬递增型经济增长模式的分析,将不完全竞争和RD理论引入农村经济增长理论,建立了一系列内生农业技术进步的经济增长模型。

    Therefore , through analyzing the salient economic increase mode by degrees of scale reward in the knowledge-based economy ages and introducing incompletion competition and RD theory into rural economic increase , the author establishes a series of economic growth mode of endogenous agriculture technique progresses .

  11. 第三章考察内生的技术进步如何保障经济的可持续增长。

    Chapter 3rd is about endogenous technical change how to ensure economic sustainable growth .

  12. 内生科学技术进步模型与最优控制

    An Economic Model with Endogenous Variable as Progress of Science and Technology and Optimal Control

  13. 更进一步的,新的经济增长理论内生了技术进步的因素,并进一步的提出了创新对经济增长的长期决定作用。

    Furthermore , technological progress was been endogenous and innovation was considered as the factor of the long-term decision of the economic growth by the new growth theory .

  14. 生产要素的配置变化内生着技术进步,而农业技术进步的基本性质表现为由生产要素决定的新的生产函数和要素资源间边际技术替代率发生变动。

    The technological progress is embodied in changes in allocating of factors , while new production function by factors and change in marginal rate of substitution are basically characteristic of it .

  15. 英美模式是依靠市场方式自发推进工业发展,经济系统内生地实现技术进步、产业结构转变;

    The British and American pattern depends on the market to promote industrial development spontaneously , which realizes the technology advancement and the transformation of industrial structure in the economy system .

  16. 相关理论大致上可以从基于不同经济发展水平、基于不同的进步类型以及基于内生和外生技术进步这三种视角出发进行描述。

    These theories can be divided into three categories , i.e. theories based on different levels of economical development , on different methods of technological progress and on endogenous and exogenous technological progress .

  17. 研究内生偏向性技术进步的理论只研究了偏向性技术存量的变化与要素相对供给的关系,本文将这一命题扩展至研究偏向性技术的积累率的变化与要素相对供给的关系。

    The literatures of biased technological change only studies the relationship between biased technology stock and relative factor supply , this dissertation expends this issue to the study of the relationship between biased technological progress rate and relative factor supply .

  18. 索洛在经济增长速度方程中,将技术进步作为外生变量引入经济增长模型。而新增长理论将技术进步作为经济增长的内生变量,视技术进步为经济增长的重要因素。

    Solow added technology as outside variable to economic growth model , and the new economic growth theory takes technology as endogenous variable , which is the important factor of economic growth .

  19. 自内生增长理论将技术进步作为经济增长来源以来,有关技术创新(或者技术进步)的研究一直是经济增长理论研究的前沿。

    The studies on the technological innovation or technology progress have been the frontier of the economic growth theory , since the Endogenous Growth Theory took the technology as an endogenous factor .

  20. 城市内生增长理论依据规模报酬递增的现象,提出了城市长期的经济增长取决于内生的技术进步和人力资本积累等因素。

    Increasing returns to scale is observed by the endogenous growth theory , which reveals urban long-term economic growth depends on the technology progress and human capital accumulation .

  21. 内生经济增长理论研究分析表明,一国经济持续增长的决定因素是知识、人力资本积累水平的提高等内生因素,其中技术进步是最重要的动力。

    According to Endogenous Growth Theory , in the long run , it is endogenous factors , such as knowledge and accumulations of human capital , that determine economic growth rate , in which technology progress is the most important impetus .