
  • 网络internal development
  1. 长株潭区域金融内部发展对经济的增长作用不均衡。

    There is imbalance between the internal development of regional financial and for the growth of economy .

  2. 前者简称内部发展型,后者简称外部扩张型。

    The former is called an internal development type , the latter briefly named a type of external expansion .

  3. 通过SWOT分析方法得出黑龙江省农产品物流的内部发展优势、劣势和外部环境的机遇与挑战。

    Through the SWOT analysis of the logistics of agricultural products in Heilongjiang province the development of internal strengths and weaknesses , and the external environment opportunities and challenges .

  4. 公司获得新能力的途径无非两条,要么内部发展,要么从别处收购。

    A company can either build new capabilities internally or buy it .

  5. 创新产业是一个正在亚洲内部发展壮大的大型产业。

    It 's a big industry that 's growing within the region .

  6. 山东省服务业内部发展的理论思考

    The Theoretical Thoughts on Interior Development of Service Industry of Shandong Province

  7. 采取收入分配调节政策缓解第三产业内部发展不均衡状况;

    Enforcing the income policy to balance the interior of the tertiary industry ;

  8. 只有阿富汗社会的内部发展,才能为良好的国家治理提供长期保证。

    Only the internal evolution of Afghan society can provide any long-term guarantees of good government .

  9. 中世纪西欧商业复兴产生的社会基础在于庄园的内部发展和变动。

    In Medieval Western Europe the trade revival was based on the development and changes of manors .

  10. 重点与非重点制度设置,形成我国城乡义务教育内部发展不公平的。

    The installation of focus and non-focus system formed the unfair development in the internal of compulsory education .

  11. 对欧元区危机“胡乱应付”的做法,未能解决欧元区内部发展不均衡的根本问题。

    The muddle-through approach to the eurozone crisis has failed to resolve the fundamental problems of divergence within the union .

  12. 这种层次模式是由岩石表面逐渐递次向岩石内部发展的。

    This kind of level mode has rock surface to pass one that is to the rock development once gradually .

  13. 尽管企业制定战略是寻求发展的稳定状态,但当外界环境和企业内部发展要素发生改变时,企业必须积极导入有效的战略变革,这才能最终实现战略目标。

    Although strategy is for constant development , enterprises must induce effective strategic change when business environment and internal factors change .

  14. 诗文小说这种形式的出现与文言小说的内部发展有关,也与一定的审美接受心理有关。

    This form was linked to the internal development of the classical Chinese novels and also to the aesthetic accepted psychology .

  15. 其间,由于分析的需要,本文也分析了长丰集团的内部发展条件。

    Meantime , in the view of model demand , the paper also analyzed the internal development conditions of Chang Feng Group .

  16. 为了适应这些不利的环境,植物内部发展一系列的防卫措施,也需要非生物胁迫应答基因参与。

    To adapt such detrimental conditions , plants have developed a variety of defense strategies , requiring many genes regulated by abiotic stress .

  17. 通过对两种学徒制的比较,在总结其经验、教训的基础上,得出了有益于我国建立现代学徒制的启示:营造良好的外部环境;构建完善的内部发展标准。

    According to the comparison before , author concludes some beneficial revelations : cultivating good external environment , establishing perfect internal development standards .

  18. 古缅语长短元音是一种历史语音现象,产生的前提在于语音系统内部发展的不平衡,韵尾的不同导致韵腹元音松紧特征的不同,进而产生了松紧元音。

    Being a historical phenomenon of phonetics , the long and short vowels of ancient Burmese originated from the lax and tense vowels .

  19. 究其原因,主要是由外部大环境的社会因素和时代因素的影响和自身内部发展的因素造成。

    The mainly reason is the impact of social factors and the time factor of external environment and its own internal development factors .

  20. 经济发展模式的选择,是以经济空间结构为基础,在外部发展环境的压力,内部发展环境的动力双重作用之下做出的选择,它应当与空间结构相辅相成,形成合力。

    The modulation is produced by internal pressure and external force , the model selecting must be coincide with the economical space structure .

  21. 专家警告称,由于新疆内部发展程度悬殊,对不同区域必须施行截然不同的发展战略。

    Experts caution that as Xinjiang is suffering from internal disparities , it requires drastically different development strategies for different parts of the region .

  22. 对于企业应用来说,这既是企业内部发展的需要,也是企业适应外部环境的需要。

    For enterprise , this application is the requirement from enterprise internal development ; and is also the requirement for enterprise to adapt external environment .

  23. 解决企业内部发展动力问题,是关系到家族企业能否顺利转型,进行二次创业的关键。

    Resolve the internal driving force for development , and is related to the smooth transition Family Business , " second venture " the key .

  24. 港口企业内部发展战略,是业务与口岸关系层面的保障。港口企业内部层面包括财务管理、港口能办、价值创新、安全管理等四个方面的子战略。

    Internal development strategy is the protection of business relationship of port enterprise , including financial management , port capacity , value innovation , and security management .

  25. 本文从苏联对外战略理论、目标及对其国家内部发展战略影响的角度对这一问题进行了深入探讨。

    This dissertation makes profound explorations of the subject by analyzing the external strategy and objectives of the Soviet Union and their impact on its internal development strategy .

  26. 同时,探讨义在集团内部发展上所起的不同作用以及义与忠、仁、孝等结合上所处的不同地位。

    Meanwhile , it also inquires into the different function of loyalty in inter-bloc development and its different positions in its combination with loyalty , humanity and filial piety .

  27. 本文的四、五两章分别从内部发展机制和外部制度环境来考察明代家族上行流动的影响因素。

    Chapter 4 and chapter 5 of this thesis are talking respectively about the elements which affected the social movement of families from their interior mechanism and exterior surroundings .

  28. 改革开放以来,海峡西岸经济区区域内经济得到了快速发展的同时,也加剧了区域内部发展的不平衡。

    Since reforming and opening up the West Coast of Taiwan Strait Economic Zone has accomplished the rapid development of economy , but also exacerbated the uneven development within the region .

  29. 此外集团体制机制不顺,作风纪律不严,人才结构不优,内部发展不平衡等问题,也严重制约了企业的进一步发展。

    In addition group system mechanism not , style lax discipline , structure of talents is not optimal , internal balance , and severely restricts the further development of the enterprise .

  30. 摘要鸦片战争后,随着中外关系的变化和清政府内部发展的客观要求,遣使出洋已成为必须。

    With the change of relations between China and foreign countries and the needs of the Qing governmnt 's development after the Opium war , it was necessary to send ambassadors abroad .