
cè fēng
  • Canonize;create;confer titles of nobility on;invest with rank
册封 [cè fēng]
  • [confer titles of nobility on] 皇帝封授皇贵妃、贵妃、亲王等的典礼

册封[cè fēng]
  1. 皇帝册封她为贵妃。

    The emperor bestowed on her the title of imperial concubine of the highest rank .

  2. 对所有的宗教报以同等的尊重——这一价值观应该存在于每个印度人的基因里。——庆祝幼发拉斯亚和查凡拉册封圣人典礼上的讲话

    Equal respect for all religions must be in the DNA of every Indian .

  3. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世最近册封著名硅谷风险投资人迈克尔•莫里茨为爵士,以表彰他对英国经济和慈善事业的贡献,其中包括他为母校牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)提供的一大笔资金。

    Michael Moritz , the renowned Silicon Valley venture capitalist , recently became Sir Michael , knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his promotion of British economic interests and his philanthropy , including a large gift to his alma mater , Oxford University .

  4. 摩洛哥王妃LallaSalma是摩洛哥历史上第一个改变了皇室一夫多妻制的平民王妃,也被正式册封为拉拉·萨尔玛公主。

    Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco is the princess consort of King Mohammed VI of Morocco and the first wife of a Moroccan ruler to have been publicly acknowledged and given a royal title .

  5. 我可不希望在我的册封大典上,你也这样表现。

    I hope that you will do better at my coronation .

  6. 教宗在二○○○年四月三十日册封她为圣人。

    The pope had canonized her on April 30 , 2000 .

  7. 册封她?皇太后。

    He confers on her the title of empress dowager .

  8. 没想到,却要用在我的册封大典上。

    However , it is now used in my coronation .

  9. 女王陛下依法征得他劫掠所得的一半财富,并册封他为皇家骑士。

    The Queen took fifty percent of the treasure and knighted him .

  10. 册封查尔斯王子为威尔士亲王的计划。

    Plans for the investiture of Prince Charles as Prince of wales .

  11. 你不想被册封男爵,成为贵族?

    You don 't want to be a baron , an aristocrat ?

  12. 1972年被教皇册封为圣格里高利骑士指挥官。

    In1972 he was made a Knight Commander of St.

  13. 他被国王册封为侯爵。

    He was conferred marquess by the king .

  14. 册封为骑士和伊贝林的男爵。

    Rise a knight and Baron of ibelin .

  15. 赵轻盈善舞,宠冠后宫,册封为后。

    Zhao light and a good dancer , pet crown Temple , canonized as after .

  16. 女王宣布册封威廉和凯特为剑桥公爵和夫人。

    The Queen has given the Royal couple the titles of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge .

  17. 1719年,这块领土被正式册封为公国,只受罗马皇帝管辖。

    In 1719 , the domain was granted principality status , answering only to the emperor .

  18. 传朕口谕,本月十五,举行皇后册封大典。

    I hereby proclaim the Empress coronation will take place on the fifteenth day of this month .

  19. 离册封大典还有两天,我怕我绣不好。

    The coronation is only two days away . I fear this will not be ready in time .

  20. 唐朝与边疆民族政治联系的两种主要途径:册封与和亲

    Two Principal Ways of Political Relationship between Tang Dynasty and Frontier 's Nationalities : Giving Reputation and Political Marries

  21. 太和殿是皇帝坐在龙椅上观看寿辰庆典和举行登基及册封等仪式的地方。

    The Hall of Supreme Harmony is where the emperor viewed birthday celebrations and coronation ceremonies from his Dragon Throne .

  22. 这是该骑士团首次在香港举行公开的册封仪式。

    It was the first time the association has held a public investiture Mass for its postulants in Hong Kong .

  23. 哈里王子还被册封为苏格兰邓巴顿伯爵以及北爱尔兰基尔基尔男爵。

    Prince Harry has also been given Scottish and Northern Irish titles , becoming the Earl of Dumbarton and Baron Kilkeel .

  24. 尽管他从未演示过任何奇迹而被正式册封为圣徒,其能力也近乎超自然了。

    Though he never performed the kind of miracle needed to be officially canonised , his power was close to unearthly .

  25. 册封与朝贡是清季中朝宗藩体制的重要特征。

    The imperial order and the feudal proprieties of contribution were important characteristics in Sino-Korea patriarchal vassal system during the Qing Dynasty .

  26. 艾里沙爵士是我接任司令以来,参加黑衣军的少数几位经正式册封的骑士。

    Ser Alliser is an anointed knight , one of the few to take the black since I have been Lord Commander .

  27. 依据宗藩体制,朝鲜国王、世子、王妃均须得到清帝册封;

    According to the patriarchal-vassal system , Korean king , prince and empress all must be observed order from emperors of Qing Dynasty .

  28. 1500年左右发祥于欧洲的资本主义文明改变了全球历史,资本主义文明的全球扩张导致东亚古老的封建册封秩序崩溃,促使近代中日关系形成。

    The capitalistic civilization starting from Europe in about 1500 have changed the global history and urged the Sino-Japanese relations into a modern phase .

  29. 中琉贸易的形式是多样的,有册封贸易,有朝贡贸易,还有私人贸易,并且出现了专门从事琉球贸易的福州商人,史称球商。

    There also appeared some Fuzhou merchants who specially engaged in the trade with Ryukyu . They were known in history as Ryukyu tradesmen .

  30. 任何人自称为王,而不受元老院册封,那就是叛国罪。

    Anybody who set himself up as king , without being appointed king by the Senate , that was itself an act of treason .