
zài jiù yè
  • re-employment;reemployment
  1. 通过对我国当前劳动就业结构调整的形势进行研究分析,提出劳动就业结构调整的对策,为我国加入WTO后如何进行社会劳动力配置及做好新时期的劳动就业和再就业工作提供参考依据。

    Through the analysis of the current situations of the adjustment of the structure . The policies for the adjustment have been presented , offering some referrences for the configuration of social labour force , employment and reemployment in the new period after China 's entry into WTO .

  2. 西安下岗职工再就业对策研究

    Tactical research on the reemployment countermeasure of laid-off workers in Xi'an

  3. 浅论我国的失业保险与再就业养老金影响退休者再就业决策的Logistic经验研究

    Discussion on the Workless Insurance and Rework in Our Country Logistic Analysis of Effects of Pension on the Retirees ′ Decision

  4. 根据芝加哥再就业行业巨头挑战者公司(ChallengerGray&Christmas)预测,在未来三个月内,季节性新增职位将达到620000个。

    Altogether , predicts Chicago outplacement giant Challenger Gray & Christmas , seasonal payrolls will swell by about 620,000 over the next three months .

  5. 再就业服务机构Challenger,Gray,andChristmas的CEO约翰·查林格建议,求职者们应该“让雇主现报出一个数目&这个数目可能会超出你的预期。”

    John challenger , CEO of outplacement firm challenger , gray , and Christmas , urges applicants to " let the employer name a salary first & it may be higher than you expect . "

  6. 据知名公众政策研究机构布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)的GaryBurtless表示,联邦政府主要有三种方式推动再就业。

    The federal government has three main ways for leading workers back to employment , according to Gary Burtless of the Brookings Institution , a think-tank .

  7. 麦特森是再就业与高管培训公司凯斯通联合公司(KeystoneAssociates)的高级副总裁,专门为与你丈夫情况类似的人提供帮助,避免他们因为过于沮丧,从而失去继续找工作的动力。

    Mattson , a senior vice president at outplacement and executive coaching firm keystone associates , specializes in helping people like your husband avoid getting so discouraged that they stop trying to find work .

  8. 本文利用青岛市就业失业抽样调查数据,运用logistic回归模型对养老金是否影响退休者再就业行为进行了实证检验,同时了分析了退休者个人特征变量对再就业行为的影响。

    Using employment and unemployment spot check data of Qingdao and logistic regression model , this paper analyzes the old age pension ′ influence on retiree ′ decision to work and also the impact of personal characteristics on retirees ′ decision to work .

  9. 再就业咨询公司挑战者公司(Challenger,Gray&Christmas)首席执行官约翰•A•基林格表示,任职资格是可以培养的,但文化契合度这种难以量化的指标,对于求职者能否取得成功却是至关重要的。

    John A. challenger , CEO of outplacement consulting firm challenger , gray Christmas , says that qualifications are malleable , but fitting in a less quantifiable measure should make or break a candidate .

  10. 再就业公司Challenger,Gray&Christmas的首席执行官JohnChallenger说:失业率上升了,但还没有到引起求职者恐慌的地步。即便失业率在5.2%-5.3%,依然还有人员需求。

    The unemployment rate has risen , but it is not at a point that should cause job seekers to panic , says John Challenger , CEO of outplacement firm Challenger , Gray & Christmas Inc. Even at 5.2 % or 5.3 % , there is still demand for workers .

  11. 我国实施再就业工程存在问题及其出路研究

    The Study of Problems and Solution of Re-employment Project in China

  12. 吉林省城镇劳动力失业及再就业问题研究

    The Research of Labor Unemployment and Reemployment Problem in Jilin Province

  13. 城镇弱势群体的救助与再就业扶持

    To Assist the Urban Vulnerable Group by Social Relief and Reemployment

  14. 关于就业和再就业问题的现实思考

    Reality Thought on Vigorously Promotion of Employment and Re - employment

  15. 再就业与中小企业发展

    Re-employment and Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Our Country

  16. 再就业观念对再就业行为的影响力研究

    A Study About How The Re-employment Values Affect The Re-employment Behavior

  17. 实施再就业工程的法律思考

    Thinking about the Project of the Re-employment in Terms of Law

  18. 我国失业保险与促进再就业法律问题研究

    Legal Issues Study of Unemployment Insurance and Reemployment Promotion in China

  19. 河南省就业与再就业问题思考

    Some Thoughts on Employment and Re - employment in henan Province

  20. 关于国有企业下岗人员再就业的几点探索

    Research on Adjustment of Redundant Workers in State - owned Enterprises

  21. 西方国家就业和再就业机制及对我国的启示

    Employment and re-employment in western countries and Their Enlightenment to China

  22. 平均而言,失业保险可以使再就业工资提高9.5%。

    On average , UI coverage increases workers'reemployment wage by9.5 % .

  23. 浅谈下岗职工基本生活保障和再就业

    A Discussion on the Living Ensurance of Laid-off Workers and Reemployment

  24. 构建下岗职工再就业社会保障体系

    Constract the Social Security System of the Laid-off Workers ′ Reemployment

  25. 从个人社会化看失业与再就业问题

    On Unemployment and Reemployment from the Angle of Socialization of Individuals

  26. 广州市失业女性再就业对策研究下岗女工心理状况分析及再就业对策选择

    Research on Measures for Securing Re-employment for Unemployed Women in Guangzhou

  27. 社会资本与下岗职工再就业的个案研究

    Case Study on Social Capital and Laid-off Workers ' Reemployment

  28. 我国下岗再就业政策存在问题的制度思考

    Institutional Analysis of Problem in the Policies of Our China 's Re-employment

  29. 促进就业和再就业的财政对策几点思考

    On Financial Polices of Improving Employment and Re - employment

  30. 解决下岗职工的基本生活需要与再就业问题探讨

    Solving Basic Living Needs and Re-employed Problem of Unemployed Workers