
  • 网络regenerant;regenerating solution
  1. 对离子交换器的进水装置、中排装置、再生液分配装置及出水装置的设计作了详细的说明,并针对运行中经常出现的一些问题提出了解决办法。

    This paper describes in detail the design of intake apparatus , intermediate collector , regenerant apparatus and dewatering apparatus and puts forward the solutions to the problems often occuring during operation .

  2. 本文研究了用酒石酸-甘露醇作淋洗液,氢氧化钠作再生液测定土壤和植物中硼酸的离子排斥色谱条件。

    The conditions of ion exclusion chromatography was applied to the determination of boric acid in soil and plants were explored with tartaric acid - mannitol as eluent and NaOH as regenerant .

  3. 因此,在本实验中选用TEA溶液作为光纤再生液。最后,将此检测方法与目前常用的BTV抗体检测方法&ELISA方法进行比较,对此方法进行性能评价。

    Therefore , in this experiment choose TEA solution as optical fiber regeneration fluid . Finally , the detection method and the common BTV antibody test method , ELISA comparison method , the method of performance evaluation .

  4. 考察了再生液中NH3N浓度、进水NH3N浓度、进水悬浮物浓度、进水pH、再生液用量等因素对处理效果的影响;

    The influence of NH 3 N concentration in regeneration liquid , influent suspended solid concentration , influent pH and regeneration liquid dosage on the treatment effect was examined .

  5. 面神经再生液的采集及其蛋白质组学分析和生物活性检测

    Proteomics analysis and biochemical activity detection on facial nerve regeneration fluid

  6. 再生液自调控浮动床离子交换器在我厂的应用

    Application of the ion-exchanger with self-controlled floating bed for the regenerated liquid

  7. 活性氧化铝饮法水除氟再生液的研究

    Research on the Regenerant by Activated Alumina for Removing Fluorides From Drinking Water

  8. 再生液洗脱再生反复使用90次后,脱色效果达84%。

    After rebirth for 90 times the average decoloration degree is 84 % .

  9. 低压溶气铁氧体法处理阳离子交换柱再生液

    Treating the Regenerated Solution of Cation Column by Low Pressure Gas Dissolved Ferrite Method

  10. 废碱再生液的再利用研究

    The recycling study of alkali waste regenerator

  11. 面神经再生液的双向凝胶电泳分析及针刺对再生液的影响

    An analysis on 2-DE of facial nerve regeneration microenviroment and the effect of acupuncture on it

  12. 每次进再生液时,只要满足再生用量即可,不必多进。

    Quantity of the regenerative solution injected every time just needs to meet the regeneration dosage , no need of excess .

  13. 分别选用氢氧化钠和氯化钠的混合液以及碳酸钠溶液作为再生液,交换剂可以得到再生。

    In order to regenerate the adsorbent , the mixture solution of sodium hydroxide and sodium chloride and pure solution of sodium carbonate were served .

  14. 本着低消耗、低污染、高产出的原则,从再生液持续利用的新思想出发,探索通用离子交换树脂改型及其应用技术的工艺理论。

    According to the principle of low consumption , low pollution and high yield , the technique theory of transforming of the currency resin and its application were discussed .

  15. 本着清洁生产和再生液持续利用的思想,本文探索了用新生氢氧化铝胶体来再生弱碱性树脂的弱碱性树脂胶体再生新工艺。

    According to the principle of cleaner production and sustainable usage of regenerator , this paper has probed novel technology of the colloid regeneration of the weakly basic resin .

  16. 介绍再生液自调控浮动床离子交换器的特点及其在该厂450t/h除盐水系统改造中的应用情况。

    This article presents the characteristics of regenerated liquid self controlled floating bed ion exchanger and its application in 450 t / h demineralized water modification project in the plant .

  17. 研究热电厂水处理设备用过的再生液,可二次利用做软化水设备的再生剂的原理、选择综合工艺及注意事项。

    This article studies the regenerative liquid which has been used by the equipment during the process of treating water in a heat and power plant . The regenerative liquid principle making the softened water equipment can be adopted to choose complex crafts and points for attention .

  18. 在相同的总碱度下,再生废碱液的吸收速率(或传质系数)与OH-的浓度直接相关。

    Under the same total alkalinity , the absorbing rate of the regenerated spent caustic liquid ( or mass transfer factor ) is directly related with the OH concentration .

  19. 补体C3在周围神经再生条件液中的存在及其神经生物学活性的研究

    Investigation on the Detection of Complement C3 and Its Neurobiological Character in Nerve Regeneration Conditioned Fluid

  20. 从电路板蚀刻液回收硫酸铜及制作再生蚀刻液进行了工艺探索,得出中和法可从蚀刻液中脱除约90%的铜,沉淀氢氧化铜的最佳pH值为56~60。

    The recovery of copper sulfate and making a regenerated etching solution from spent etching solution were studied . About 90 % copper can be removed from the spent etching solution by neutralization .

  21. 通过研究,综述了炼油废碱液的利用技术主要有熬制工业硫化碱、结晶提取Na2S、废碱液造纸制浆、沉淀法再生废碱液和中和法回收环烷酸等。

    After the study , the utilization of lye change consists of production of alkali sulfide with evaporation process for industry purpose , extracting Na2S after crystallisation , paper pulp making , regenerating lye with precipitation measure and recycling naphthenic acid with neutralization method .

  22. 螯合树脂塔再生酸碱液的回收利用

    Reutilization of regenerated acid and alkali from chelating resin tower

  23. 神经再生条件液对运动神经元细胞活性的影响

    Neurobiological effect of nerve regeneration conditioned fluid on motoneuron

  24. 该法工艺简单,无需特殊设备,银的回收率高,再生定影液的定影效果好,可以在照像馆、医院及电影制片厂等单位推广使用。

    It has the advantage that the technique uses simple equipment , recovers high quantity of silver , and the regenerated fixer possesses good fixation efficency .

  25. 研究了再生肝胞液(RLC)对实验性肝损伤大鼠血清胰岛素、C-肽水平及肝细胞结合A14[~(125)I]、胰岛素的影响;

    The effects of regenerating liver cytosol ( RLC ) on serum insulin and C-peptide levels , and liver cell binding specific ( ~ ( 125 ) I ) iodoinsulin were studied in rats with liver injury induced by D-galactosamine ( Galn ) .

  26. 目的利用体外培养的方法建立体外实验模型,探讨再生室收集液(RCF)、远端变性神经对培养背根神经节的趋化作用。

    Objectives We intended in this study to investigate the neurotropic effects of regeneration chamber fluid ( RCF ) and the degenerated nerve segments from distal of the regeneration chamber on the dorsal root ganglion ( DRG ) .

  27. 隔膜电解法净化再生镀锌钝化液的研究

    Purification and Regeneration of Aged Cr-6 Solution by Electrolysis Method

  28. 离子交换法再生脱硫胺液

    Reclamation of spent alkanolamine liquor by ion exchange method

  29. 神经生长因子和再生室收集液对培养神经组织的趋化作用

    The neurotropic effects of nerve growth factor and the regeneration chamber fluid on cultured nerve tissue

  30. 指出再生漂定液返回彩扩店后的冲印效果和新鲜药液一样。

    The effect of regenerated solution is as well as the original fresh solution in use .