
jūn zhǒng
  • services;armed services
军种 [jūn zhǒng]
  • [armed services] 军队在其组成上,按照军队主要武器装备的不同性能和作战活动空间环境以及任务等的不同所作的基本区分。成分为陆军、空军、海军,有的还有防空军、战略火箭军。军种包括若干个兵种和专业兵种

军种[jūn zhǒng]
  1. 陆军、海军和空军是并行的军种。

    The army , navy and air forces are coordinate armed services .

  2. 皇家联合军种研究院(RoyalUnitedServicesInstitute)教授MalcolmChalmers表示,公众并不接受首相的解释。

    But Professor Malcolm Chalmers of the Royal United Services Institute says the public is not buying the prime minister 's reasoning .

  3. 英国皇家联合军种研究院(RoyalUnitedServicesInstitute)的军事分析家MalcolmChalmers说,目前为止,公众还没有真正关注阿富汗的战事。

    Military analyst , Malcolm Chalmers of Britain 's Royal United Services Institute , says until now the public has not really events in Afghanistan .

  4. 联合战役仿真系统是为研究联合战役中各军种之间的战法和协同而建立的基于HLA的仿真系统。

    The joint campaign simulation system is the simulation system based on HLA to study tactics and coordinated attack between army services in the joint campaign .

  5. 而国防分析人士估计,中国军费开支约占GDP的4%(中国GDP虽小于日本,但增速快得多),海军在中国军队成为日趋显赫的军种。

    Defence analysts estimate that China spends roughly 4 per cent of a smaller but far faster-growing GDP on its military , of which the navy is an increasingly prestigious part .

  6. 第10届国际防务展(或称IDEX)将在阿布扎比举行,届时将有1000多家公司参展,展示他们的武器装备和军种。

    The 10th International Defense Exhibition , or IDEX , is taking place in Abu Dhabi with more than 1000 companies showing their military equipment and services .

  7. 英国皇家联合军种研究院(RUSI)的马尔科姆查默斯(MalcolmChalmers)表示:中美之间的技术差距或许会缩小,但它在很长一段时间内不会消失。

    The technological gap between China and the US could narrow but it will not disappear for a long time , says Malcolm Chalmers of the Royal United Services Institute ( RUSI ) .

  8. 最后,将军完全了解USSOCOM直接指导各军种特战部队,通过特战大学提供的课程循环训练学生,这是每个特战队员职业生涯中必经的某些阶段。

    Ultimately , the general sees USSOCOM directing the service components to cycle students through courses offered by the university within certain phases of each individual special operator 's career .

  9. 从整个海军第三舰队在圣地亚哥,亚太总部SPAWAR系统中心街道正在为海军和其他军种的数百个研究项目。

    Across the street from the Navy 's Third Fleet headquarters in San Diego , SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific is working on hundreds of research projects for the Navy and other military services .

  10. 军事力量结构的平衡与优化是军事力量建设实现现代化的标志,联合作战要求各军种保持必要的指挥协调和力量平衡。

    Combined war requires the command coordination and balance of army services .

  11. 不同的军种用不同的词示明他们的军衔。

    Different services use different words to show their ranks .

  12. 各军军种皆可以或许遏制各自的模拟练习。

    All the services and arms can conduct their own simulated training .

  13. 这些新系统的大部分现在可以跨军种通话。

    Many of these new systems can now talk across service boundaries .

  14. 多数人认为各军种的基本功能应当继续保持。

    It seems to most people that those are fairly consistent functions .

  15. 因为数字化技术在扩散,我们殷切希望各军种更好地相互依赖。

    We should expect the services to be more interdependent as digitization proliferates .

  16. 安德森说军种混乱是网络的魅力之一。

    Such confusion , says Anderson is part of the internet 's appeal .

  17. 海军是一支武装部队。陆、海、空三军是部队的三个平行的军种

    The army , navy and air force is coordinate branch of the armed service

  18. 1982~1997年军区(军种)总医院生物医学论文产出分析

    An Analysis on Biological Medical Papers of PLA General Hospitals Published from 1982 to 1997

  19. 她在哪个军种服役?

    Which service is she in ?

  20. 他补充说,该文件概略地陈述了该办公室应向这两个军种提供的支持。

    He adds that the document outlines the support that the office provides the two services .

  21. 这种军种支持下的研究涉及开发一个完整的系统或诸如传感器之类特定载体。

    This service-supported research can involve developing an entire system or specific payloads such as a sensor .

  22. 他们来自各个军种,为这个国家冒险有时甚至献出自己的生命。

    From all branches of the services they risked and sometimes gave their lives for this Nation .

  23. 目的:探讨不同军种的老年人群生活质量的差异。

    AIM : To explore the difference of quality of life in veteran retirees between different military services .

  24. (陆军的)特种空勤部队.陆海空三军军种中的高级官员。

    Special Air Service ( of the army ) the senior officer of a service of the armed forces .

  25. 各军种都建有优秀的战斗训练中心,在这里举行现实可行的联合大规模、实兵演习。

    Each of the Services maintains excellent combat training centers where realistic joint large-scale , live-fire exercises are held .

  26. 但是,办公室的核心任务是获取、管理和支持军种使用的无人化平台。

    But the office 's core mission is acquiring , managing and supporting the unmanned platforms used by the services .

  27. 第一章探讨了杜鲁门政府时期的全球战略&对苏“遏制战略”的形成过程及其对美国空军成为独立军种的影响。

    Chapter I discusses the shape of Truman Administration 's Containment Strategy to Sovietis affecting the independence of U.S.Air Force .

  28. 然而,现有的这些训练项目固守本军种为核心,在联合应用特战部队方面只能提供很少的指导。

    However , these training programs are inherently service centric and provide little instruction in the joint application of SOF .

  29. 但英国皇家联合军种国防研究所的俄罗斯专家伊格尔·苏亚金并不认为入侵已经迫在眉睫。

    Russia expert Igor Sutyagin , of London 's Royal United Services Institute , does not think an invasion is imminent .

  30. 我们也应考虑合并采购制度,成立一个由来自每一军种的文职及军职人员组成的单独机构。

    We should also consider integrating the acquisition system , creating a single organization staffed by civilians and military officers from each service .