
  • 网络Agriculture Industrialization;agricultural industrialization;AgribusinesS
  1. 其次,分析农业产业化经营的主要组织缺陷。

    Secondly , the main organization defects of agribusiness are analyzed .

  2. 推进农业产业化经营须正确处理十个关系

    Carry Forward Management of Agribusiness be Ought to Deal with 10 Relations

  3. 推进闽西农业产业化的几点思考加入WTO后闽西烤烟生产可持续发展的对策

    Measures of sustainable development of flue-cured tobacco production in the west of Fujian Province after entry into WTO

  4. GCM公司树莓高新农业产业化示范项目计划书

    GCM Corporation 's Demonstration Project Plan of High-Tech Agricultural Industrialization of Bramble

  5. 随着我国加入WTO和信息技术的广泛应用,农业产业化发展面临着一个更加开放的市场环境和更加激烈的市场竞争。

    With the entrance of the WTO and the employment of the informal technologies in our country , the development of our agriculture industrialization must face a more open-end market and a keener competition .

  6. 鄂东农业产业化调查札记与反思

    An Investigation of Agricultural Industrialization in East Hubei and Some Reflections

  7. 依靠科技进步推进农业产业化发展

    To Promote the Development of Agricultural Industrialization Depending on Sci-tech Progress

  8. 农业产业化程度的评估方法

    The Method for Assessing the Degree of Integration of Agricultural Chains

  9. 农业产业化信息网络系统及农产品营销网页制作研究

    Study of network system of agricultural industrial information and e-commercial affairs

  10. 强化政府支持和引导农业产业化发展的研究

    Strengthen Government Research about Supporting and Instructing Development of Agriculture Industry

  11. 建农产品生产基地抓农业产业化开发

    Establish Producing Base of Farm Products and Stress Agricultural Industrialization Development

  12. 欠发达地区农业产业化问题探索

    Exploring the Problem of Industrialization of Agriculture in the Developing Areas

  13. 甘肃省农业产业化金融支持研究

    Study on Financial Support of the Agricultural Industrialization in Gansu Province

  14. 农业产业化与高等农业教育改革探讨

    Special Topic On Agricultural Industrialization and Reform of Higher Agriculture Education

  15. 武汉远城区都市农业产业化初探

    The Property about Far Away City Agriculture of Metropolis in WUHAN

  16. 天镇县农业产业化实现途径研究

    Studies on Realizing the Paths of Agricultural Industrialization in Tianzhen County

  17. 健全农业产业化利益分配机制

    Amplifying the Mechanism to the Distribution of Interests of Agricultural Industrialization

  18. 第三部分:农业产业化和农村城镇化相互作用的实证分析。

    The positive analysis of agricultural industrialization and urbanization in rural area .

  19. 关于中国农业产业化与设施农业发展的战略思考

    Strategic consideration on agricultural industrialization and development of protected horticulture in China

  20. 渭南市农业产业化与农村经济发展

    Study on Agriculture Industrialization and Rural Economic Development of Weinan

  21. 吉林省农业产业化发展前景展望

    The development of Jilin province agriculture industry and the forecast

  22. 发展绿色生产基地加快农业产业化经营步伐

    Developing Green Production Base and Quickening the Tempo of Agricultural Industrialized Operation

  23. 农业产业化的龙头之一是市场。

    One of the leads of agricultural industrialization is market .

  24. 而最直接、最关键的因素还是农业产业化水平低。

    Key factor is that agricultural industrialization is rather poor .

  25. 培育龙头经济,加快农业产业化发展;

    Fostering dragon-head enterprises , accelerating the industrialization of agriculture ;

  26. 中国农业产业化经营的品牌战略研究

    Research on Brand Strategy of Agricultural Industrialization Management in China

  27. 五是加强社区警务建设的领导。农业产业化龙头企业集团建设初探

    Preliminary Study on The Construction of The Agriculture Industrialized Leading Enterprise Group

  28. 论我国农业产业化主体的重新构建

    Discussing the Reconstruction of the Subjects of Chinese Agricultural Industrialization

  29. 以社会分工为契机,促进农业产业化;

    Promote for an industrialized agriculture in the social specialization ;

  30. 现阶段的农业产业化及发展方略

    Agricultural Industrialization and Its General Plans in the Current Stage