
  1. 他买了农业信托的股票,他就成了法律上所说的受益人。

    By buying share in a farming trust , he became a beneficiary .

  2. 最后,从宏观层面和微观层面,提出农业信托长远发展的建议。

    In last , from the macro level and micro level , propose the recommendations of long-term development of the agricultural trust .

  3. 据农业研究与推广信托基金中央地区推广处的主管人金斯利·杰尔说,烟草的生产成本因化肥的价格而上升了。

    According to Agriculture Research and Extension Trust ( Aret ) Central Region Extension Supervisor Kingsely Jere , the cost of production has risen due to the price of fertiliser .