
nónɡ yè zǒnɡ chǎn zhí
  • Total agricultural output value;total value of agricultural output;gross value of agricultural output
  1. 通过建模分析,在1996~2000年间,平均每年给江西国民生产总值增长约47.27亿元,工业总产值约80亿元,农业总产值约20亿元;

    Model analysis showed that during 1996 2000 , the average annual increase of GNP of Jiangxi is about 4 727 billion yuan , that of gross value of industrial output is 8 billion yuan and that of gross value of agricultural output is 2 billion yuan .

  2. 工农业总产值预计翻两番。

    It is estimated that the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output will be quadrupled .

  3. 在本世纪末实现工农业总产值增四倍的目标是完全可能的。

    It is entirely possible to achieve the goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural production by the end of the century .

  4. 该县的工农业总产值在全省居首。

    This county ranks first in the province in the total value of its industrial and agricultural production .

  5. 影响14个市州农村居民纯收入差距的量化分析显示人均耕地面积、农业总产值占GDP的比重、人口城镇化率及非农劳动力比重是影响农村居民人均纯收入差距的主要因素。

    The quantitative analysis of influence factors of net income gap showed that per capita cultivated land area , the proportion of agricultural output in GDP , population urbani-zation urbanization rate and the proportion of non-agricultural labour are major factors that effect of per capita income gap of rural residents .

  6. 关于工农业总产值的两种预报方法

    Two Prediction Methods of Gross Output Value for Industrial and Agricultural Production

  7. 农业总产值指数影响因素的模型分析&以江西省为例

    Analysis of Factors Affecting the Index of Gross Output Value of Farming A Model Jiangxi Province

  8. 现在,苏州市工农业总产值人均接近八百美元。

    Gross annual industrial and agricultural output in the city of Suzhou has approached US $ 800 per capita .

  9. 农业总产值达到34.48亿元,增长1.45倍,年均增长3.8%;

    The total agriculture production reached RMB 3.448b , 1.45 times of 1992 with an annual increase of 3.8 % ;

  10. 这里货币投放的目标是使工农业总产值规划得以完成,并使财政收支基本平衡和物价适度稳定。

    The output controllability and stability of the model , and the optimal currency supply problem are treared of in detail .

  11. 江苏从一九七七年到去年六年时间,工农业总产值翻了一番。

    In the six years from 1977 to 1982 , the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output in Jiangsu Province doubled .

  12. 农技进步对我国农业总产值贡献到本世纪末欲达60~70%左右,实现农业总产值规划目标技术进步是关键。

    The increased output value through agricultural technical progress till the end of the20th century is expected to60-70 percent of the gross agricultural output value .

  13. 结果表明:(1)在农业总产值结构上,南北两省都在向多元化方向发展。

    The results are as follows . ( 1 ) The structure changes of total agricultural output value in the two provinces move towards diversification .

  14. 有间接作用的因素为有文化人口比例、工业人口比例、0~14岁人口比例、人均工农业总产值。

    The indirect factors included the proportions of educated population , industrial population , 0 ~ 4-year-old children and total output of industry and agriculture .

  15. 大多数乡镇需减少地均煤炭碳排放,而人均农业总产值存在较大的提升空间。

    Fourthly , the majority of towns need to decline carbon emission density by coal and improve the gross value of agriculture production per capital .

  16. 影响水域面积变化的主要因子是工业企业个数、粮食总产量和农业总产值。

    The main impact factors of changes in the water area are the number of industrial enterprises , the food production and the agricultural output value .

  17. 南充市2002年土壤侵蚀总经济损失为6.22×10~8元,占当年农业总产值的4.96%。

    Results showed that the total value loss by soil erosion was 621586 300 Yuan in 2002 , being 4.96 % of agricultural GDP of the year .

  18. 丰南区万元农业总产值耕地生态足迹自2003年以来一直呈现下降的趋势,这在一定程度上反映出技术的提高促进了对耕地的利用效益。

    Cultivated land ecological footprint per agricultural output has shown a downward trend since 2003 , which reflects the improvements in technology have promoted cultivated land use efficiency to some extent .

  19. 2009年,全省畜牧业生产总值1085亿元,占农业总产值的比重达35%。

    In 2009 , the animal husbandry output value in Hubei province reached 1085 billion Yuan . Animal husbandry accounted for the proportion of total output value of agriculture reached 35 % .

  20. 按人口平均计算国民生产值较高(的国家)去年全村工农业总产值460多万元,人均收入2000元。

    At the upper end of the per capita GNP scale Last year , the village 's industrial and agricultural output value exceeded 4.6 million yuan , averaging 2,000 yuan per person .

  21. 到1949年,国内工业总产值占到工农业总产值的30%,其中重工业比重为7.9%。

    By 1949 , the gross domestic value of industrial output accounted for 30 % of the gross output value of industry and agriculture , with heavy industry a share of 7.9 % .

  22. 将该模型用于柳州市总体规划,对相互关联的社会总产值、工业总产值和农业总产值进行了预测。

    The model has been applied to forecasting " gross societal output value "," gross industrial output value " and " gross agricultural output value " in the overall urban planning of Liuzhou city .

  23. 影响园地面积变化的主要因子是农业总产值、社会消费品零售总额和农民家庭人均总收入。

    The main impact factors of changes in the garden area are the total agricultural output value , the total retail sales of consumer goods and the total per capita household income of farmers .

  24. 要提高山东农业总产值,不但要增加农业投入,还要考虑影响投资效益的其他因素,特别是科技和政策因素。

    To Raise the agricultural gross output of Shandong , we not only should increase agricultural input , but also consider the other factor in investing benefit especially science and technology and policy factor .

  25. 从普京当政这几年的情况来看,农业总产值不断增长,粮食产量大幅度增加,农业由亏损转为盈利,农民的报酬和收入有所提高。

    During this period , the total output value of agriculture gained a continuous growth , grain production increased by a large margin , agriculture changed from loss to profit and peasants ' income increased .

  26. 尽管当下我国正在全面推进社会主义现代化建设,农业总产值在国内总产值中的比重有所下降,但作为国民经济基础的农业,依然占据影响全国大局的重量级地位。

    Despite the fact that China is comprehensively promoting the socialist modernization drive , agricultural output in the proportion of GDP has declined , as the national economy based on agriculture , the overall situation is still affecting the country occupying the heavyweight position .

  27. 据初步预测,当2000年工农业总产值翻两番时,全国污水总量达800亿米~3,约为1980年的2.8倍,年平均递增5.3%;工业废水排放量约600亿米~3;

    Based on preliminary estimation , as the total output values of agriculture and industries are doubled , the total wastewater will be up to 80000 million m3 , nearly 2.8 times as that in 1980 , with an average rare of 5.3 % annually .

  28. 研究结果表明,辽河流域水环境问题与经济发展中人口增长、工业总产值和农业总产值变化密切相关,水体污染主要来自农业面源污染和工业三废,最后提出相关建议。

    The results indicated that Liao River water environment problems and economic developing population growth , gross industrial output and agricultural output change are closely related . Water pollution mainly comes from agricultural non-point source pollution and industrial waste , Finally puts forward relevant suggestions .

  29. 利用经济计量模型分析发现:工农业总产值、公路营运里程以及居民消费价格指数是影响中国公路货物运输市场的主要因素。

    By using econometrics model analysis , it is found that the major factors , consisting of Length of Road , Regulated Industrial and Agricultural Production and Consumer Price Index , play important roles in the development of market of highway freight transportation in China .

  30. 芦苇地占地率在1996年以后始终是第一障碍因素。人均农业总产值的限制主要出现在1998年之前,之后对可持续土地利用未构成障碍。

    While the reed rate has been taken as the most important obstacle factor since 1996 , the restriction of the per capita farm gross output mainly arose before 1998 , which did not constitute the whole set of the obstacle factors for the sustainable land use later .