
  1. 转变乡镇政府职能是农村行政管理体制改革的重点,其难度和阻力很大,面临的问题也最为复杂。

    Transforming the functions of the governments of villages and towns is the key point of reforming the administration of rural areas , which is difficult and faced with resistance and complicated problems .

  2. 关于四川农村基层行政管理的思考

    Being Keen on the Administration of Rural Grass-roots Units in Sichuan Countryside

  3. 农村行政机关管理人员不仅可以准确掌握日常工作信息的管理还能够快捷方便查找相关共享信息。

    Executive management in rural areas not only grasped accurately the daily work of information management , but also found conveniently relevant sharing information .

  4. 一方面,乡镇政府作为国家最基层的政权组织行使行政权,对乡镇农村进行行政管理。

    On one hand , the township government as the basic organization of political power exercises administrative power and implement administrative management in villages and towns .

  5. 农业技术商品交易中的体制障碍分析,包括行政推广体制障碍,市场交易障碍,农业宏观与微观经营体制障碍,农村基层行政管理体制障碍;

    Agriculture technology commodity transaction system obstacle analyzed ( including administration spread system obstacle ^ market transaction obstacle N agriculture macro and microcosmic management system obstacle , country grass roots administration system obstacle );

  6. 创新农村基层公共行政管理激励机制

    On Public Administrative Management Incentive Mechanism in Rural Grass-root Units

  7. 我国农村现行的行政管理体制是党政权力高度一体化与地方政府体制高度统一的金字塔式权力结构。

    The current Chinese rural administrative system is the Pyramid type structure with CPC and administration highly integrated and unified .

  8. 农村需要一个行政管理科学化的乡镇政府来服务、协调和管理,以确保农村经济社会健康、快速发展。

    The rural area needs a scientific , harmonious administration service from town governments to ensure the healthy and rapid development of rural economy and society .

  9. 政府从2005开始鼓励毕业生到28个省市的农村地区工作,增强和提高农村的行政管理的同时,也为大学生创造了更多的就业机会。

    The government started encouraging graduates in2005 to work in villages in28 provinces and regions to improve and strengthen rural administration , as well as create more jobs for graduates .