
  • 网络Rural Finance Theory
  1. 本章主要运用经济增长理论、金融发展理论、农村金融理论等对农村金融发展与经济发展的关系进行理论上的分析,从而为分析山西农村金融对经济发展的支持现状和程度作一理论支撑。

    Economic growth theory , financial development theory , and rural finance theory are employed to analyze the relationship between rural financial development and rural economic development .

  2. 本文在归纳总结国内外研究文献及金融发展理论、农村金融理论、农户行为理论的基础上,对陕西农村金融抑制问题做了进一步的分析研究。

    Based on the domestic and foreign research , the theory of financial development and rural finance theory and farmer behavior theory , this paper makes the further analysis on the financial suppression of Shaanxi rural area .

  3. 第二章是农村金融理论综述。

    Chapter 2 : Review of Rural Financial Theory .

  4. 第二章,农村金融理论回顾与评述。

    Chapter II is the reviews and comments of the rural financial theories .

  5. 根据农村金融理论特别是金融排斥理论,结合实际情况对我国农村地区金融需求和供给进行分析,阐明正规金融在农村地区排斥的原因。

    Analyze the financial demand and formal financial supply in rural areas according to financial theories and illuminate the reasons for financial exclusion in rural areas .

  6. 包括农村金融理论、信息不对称理论中的逆向选择理论和道德风险理论,为文章以下章节的论述提供理论支持。

    Including rural financial theory , information asymmetry theory of adverse selection and moral hazard theory theory , which provide theory support the article discusses in the following section .

  7. 近年来的农村金融理论研究和实践均表明,应从如何发挥农村金融功能的角度出发构建普惠的农村金融体系。

    In recent years , rural financial theory and practice show that we should build inclusive rural financial system from the view of how to play the role of rural financial functions .

  8. 学术界关于农村金融理论进行了大量研究,政府关于农村金融的改革从未间断,但农村金融发展滞后与农村经济发展需求之间的矛盾没有得到根本解决。

    Academia had undertaken extensive research on rural financial theory , government has never stopped on the reform of rural finance , but the contradiction between the development of rural financial services lag and rural economic development has not been solved radically .

  9. 本文中得到了以下研究结果与结论。1.通过对金融发展理论和农村金融理论的最新研究成果进行梳理与提炼,形成了农村金融发展理论研究框架。

    The paper has obtained the following research results and conclusion . 1 . By sorting out the latest study of general theories of financial development and the rural finance theories , the frame studying of rural finance development theories has been formed .

  10. 接着通过测算农村金融理论融量与实际融量,计算农村金融相对于农村经济的金融缺口,反映了我国农村存在较大的金融缺口。

    Then calculates the rural financial demand of theory in conformity with rural economy development , the rural fund that really can be obtained at present , calculates the size of shortfall of the rural finance and reflects the variation tendency of this breach .

  11. 公共选择视角下的中国农村金融:理论与变革

    Chinese Rural Finance : Theory and Change from a Perspective of Public Choice

  12. 第二部分是本篇论文研究的理论基础部分:农业信贷补贴理论、农村金融市场理论等,并界定了农村金融资源的涵义及组成;

    The second part gives the concerned theory and the definition of rural financial resources .

  13. 以现代金融发展理论为基础,结合农业发展的特点描述了农村金融发展理论大致经历的几个阶段。

    Rural financial development theory experience there states , based on modern financial development and the character of agriculture .

  14. 首先,本文从对经典金融发展理论的回顾出发,继而评述了农村金融发展理论的形成、发展脉络及最新理论成果,并对近几年才出现的普惠金融理论进行了阐述和评价。

    First of all , this paper reviewed classic Theory of Financial Development , Rural Finance Development Theory and Theory of Inclusive Financial System .

  15. 全文共由六章组成:第一章阐述了国内外有关农村金融的理论研究,其中包括农户行为研究、我国农贷行为研究和农村金融发展模式的理论研究等。

    We introduced theoretical research on the activity of peasants , the loan activity of Chinese peasants and development pattern of rural finance in first chapter .

  16. 第四,根据调查分析的问题,依据农村金融基本理论的指导,从政府、金融机构和农业产业化组织三个方面提出了完善农业产业化发展中金融支持体系的具体措施。

    Fourth , according to an analysis of the problem , in accordance with the basic theory of finance , from the government and financial institutions and agriculture organization of three aspects of industrialization made to improve the agricultural industrialization development of financial support the concrete measures .

  17. 实施农村金融保护的理论探析

    A Theoretical Study of the Financial Protection for Rural Areas

  18. 首先,从不同角度金融风险进行回顾。包括金融风险产生的理论和金融风险预测的理论,然后阐述了农村金融的相关理论。

    First , it has a review of financial risks from different perspectives including the financial risk arising and prediction theory .

  19. 在这一部分,首先对金融发展和农村金融的有关理论作了简要的概述,认为金融约束理论和农村金融市场理论对目前我国农村金融市场发展具有很强的适应性;

    We thought that Financial Restraint Theory and Rural Financial Systems Paradigm are highly adaptive for development of China 's rural financial market .

  20. 本文通过对农村金融抑制的理论考察,分析中国农村金融抑制的主要表现,找出农村金融抑制的原因,提出深化农村金融体制改革、消除农村金融抑制的思路。

    The paper analyzes the theory and causes of rural finance strain , at last point out the solutions to deep rural financial reform .

  21. 目前,农村政策性金融理论的研究总的来说是分歧多、争论多,争论焦点是政策性银行的职能定位与出路。

    Currently , the policy-oriented financial theoretical research in general differences , disputes , is the focus of the debate in policy-oriented banks and the functions way .

  22. 本部分将市场结构、金融机构效率的影响因素以及相关衡量方法纳入农村金融产业组织理论分析框架中,构建了农村中小金融市场结构与绩效之间关系的分析框架。

    This part takes the factor affecting the efficiency of financial institutions in the frame of the industrial organization theory of rural finance . And it constructs the analytical framework of the relationship between rural financial market structure and the performance .

  23. 第一部分是农村合作金融的基本理论。

    First section : basic theory of rural co-operative finance .

  24. 第一部分为农村金融风险的一般理论。

    At first , the thesis introduces basic definition of rural financial risk .

  25. 关于深化农村金融体制改革的理论探讨

    Theoretical Discussion of Rural Finance System Reform

  26. 本文的研究对于推动农村金融改革具有一定理论价值和实践意义。

    This article research regarding promotes the rural finance reform to have certain theory value and the practice significance .

  27. 在世界范围内,农村金融无论是在理论上,还是在实践中,都是一个难题,而中国农村金融可以说是迷中迷。

    Around the world , Rural Finance , whether in theory or in practice , is a difficulty , and the Chinese Rural Finance more challenging .

  28. 本文在一个基础性的均衡分析框架内对中国农村金融市场进行了理论分析与现实考察,并对新农村建设背景下的农村金融发展模式选择作了尝试性的解答。

    This paper analyses the limitations of Chinese rural financial market , and gives the answer to the model selection of the rural financial development in the new country of China .

  29. 其次,从农村民间金融的相关理论入手,对农村民间金融的概念进行了界定,对农村民间金融的主要形式及其功能进行了分析阐述。

    Secondly , starting with the related theory of rural folk finance , rural folk financial concept is defined , rural folk financial main forms and function are analyzed and elaborated .

  30. 本文首先对信贷、农村信贷等概念进行界定,并阐述了与本文研究相关的农村信贷补贴理论、农村金融市场理论以及不完全竞争市场理论等相关理论,分析了本文研究的理论基础。

    Finally , same countermeasures and suggestions are raised for improvement our country rural credit . Firstly , the credit and the rural credit are defined . It Introduce the theory of rural credit subsidies , the rural financial market theory and the theory of imperfect competition market .