
míng xiǎng
  • meditation;muse;deep thought
冥想 [míng xiǎng]
  • [meditation;deep thought] 对一个主题进行深刻、连续的思考

  • 冥想是艰苦的工作

冥想[míng xiǎng]
  1. 她通过瑜伽和冥想找到了宁静。

    She found peace through yoga and meditation .

  2. 许多忙碌的主管开始练习瑜伽和冥想。

    Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation .

  3. 我在冥想,并进入了一个更高的意识境界。

    I was meditating , and reached a higher state of consciousness .

  4. 接受过东方冥想训练的瑜伽信徒能够改变他们的心率。

    Yogis trained in Eastern meditative techniques can change their heart rate .

  5. 学习瑜伽自然会发展到进行冥想。

    A study of yoga leads naturally to meditation .

  6. 冥想有助于降低血压或使血压恢复正常。

    Meditation tends to lower or normalize blood pressure

  7. 选择了一种冥想方法后,至少要坚持练习两周时间,这一点非常重要。

    Having chosen a meditation it is important that you stick to that meditation for , at the very least , a fortnight .

  8. 歌声把我带入对草原的冥想。

    The song took me into a reverie of the grasslands .

  9. 周末静修Weekendretreats周末的静修活动包括瑜伽、按摩、以及冥想工作坊。

    Weekend retreats include yoga , massage workshops .

  10. 这个恬静的花园适于冥想。

    This peaceful garden lends itself to meditation .

  11. 研究表明冥想有助于重建大脑灰质,有效提高认知表现。

    Meditation has been shown to help rebuild gray matter in the brain and increase cognitive performance significantly .

  12. 研究还发现,这些植物对人们对压力感知的影响与之前的一项研究相似。在那项研究中,参与者每周参加一次正念和冥想的课程,持续八周。

    The research has also found that the effects of the plants on people ’ s perceptions of stress were similar to a previous study in which participants were given mindfulness and meditation3 sessions once a week for eight weeks .

  13. 波士顿柏斯以色列狄肯尼斯医学中心(BethIsraelDeaconessMedicalCenter)开出的医嘱中会包含一项令人难以置信的处方:冥想。

    At Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston , doctor 's orders can include an unlikely prescription : meditation .

  14. 该学院每年向所有的mba参与者提供3次寺庙静修,其中包括冥想、集修和独自修炼。

    Monastic retreats , which include meditation , group and solo work , are offered three times a year to all MBA participants at HEC .

  15. 但最终,年轻的心对冒险的渴望战胜了他对安静冥想的向往,于是他选择了夏威夷大学(UniversityofHawaii)。

    But in the end , a youthful thirst for adventure beat out any yearning he might have felt for quiet meditation , and he chose the University of Hawaii instead .

  16. 一种信奉冥想的佛教方式&正念(mindfulness),正开始在快节奏的金融家中流行。

    Fast-paced financiers are turning to mindfulness , an ancient Buddhist idea that embraces meditation .

  17. 艾默理大学(EmoryUniversity)的温迪·哈森坎普(WendyHasenkamp)和劳伦斯·巴萨卢(LawrenceBarsalou)的研究显示,正念冥想能改变认知控制的指标之一——大脑维持注意力的神经回路。

    Mindfulness seems to flex the brain circuitry for sustaining attention , an indicator of cognitive control , according to research by Wendy Hasenkamp and Lawrence Barsalou at Emory University .

  18. 北卡罗莱纳州达勒姆的杜克大学医学中心(DukeUniversityMedicalCenter)精神病学教授穆拉利•多雷斯瓦米(MuraliDoraiswamy)说,目前还不清楚冥想是如何作用于身体的。

    Murali Doraiswamy , a professor of psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center in Durham , N.C. , says it isn 't clearly understood how meditation works on the body .

  19. 斯科特·G·埃伯利(ScottG.Eberle)是罗切斯特(Rochester)斯特朗国家玩具博物馆(Strongmuseum)的副馆长,负责研究玩具。他表示,办公室玩具另一个好处是,它们能诱导你进入冥想状态。

    Scott G. Eberle , vice president for play studies at the Strong museum in Rochester , said another benefit of desktop toys is the way they lull you into a meditative state .

  20. 他们是(i)对生与死的恶业之果的冥想(ii)增加善的种子和(iii)去除所有的烦恼。

    They are : ( I ) to meditate on the evil karmic consequences of birth and death ,( ii ) to increase the seeds of good , and ( iii ) to crush out all the defilements ( 28 ) .

  21. 这次体验的最难忘部分是,精瘦结实、梳着长发绺的教练斯图尔特·吉尔克里斯特(StewartGilchrist),在冥想结束前播放了冲撞乐队(Clash)的“伦敦呼唤”(LondonCalling)。

    One of the most memorable parts of the experience was when the wiry , dreadlocked instructor , Stewart Gilchrist , played the Clash 's " London Calling " right before closing meditation .

  22. 负责这项研究的AndrewNewberg博士通过对在进行祈祷,诵经或冥想的修女,修士以及佛教徒的脑部扫描,发现人们的宗教思维体验与大脑之间的微妙联系。

    But by scanning the brains of praying nuns , chanting Sikhs and meditating Buddhists Dr Andrew Newberg has shown a connection between the brain and religious experiences .

  23. 这种更深的白日梦状态存在于意识的底层(梵文称为Citta),而冥想的目的就是对它的扫除。

    This state exists in the sub-stratum consciousness ,( Citta in Sanskrit ) and the object of meditation is its negation .

  24. 英国伍斯特(Worcester)的尼古拉斯•李(NicholasLee)曾接受过金德的培训,他做冥想,还一直使用一个页面顶端印着“吸气”,底部印着“吐气”的记事本。

    Nicholas Lee of Worcester , England , who trained with Mr. Kinder , meditates and faithfully uses a notepad with ' Breathe in ' printed on top of the pages and ' Breathe out ' at the bottom .

  25. 这种冥想叫作内观(Vipassana),是来自印度的一种古老训练,并且教导人们严格自我观察的形式,走向心理与情绪自由。

    The type of meditation , called Vipassana , is an ancient discipline from India and taught as a form of rigorous self-observation , leading to mental and emotional freedom .

  26. 在余下的4周时间里,实验组的被试在训练后的下午进行身体整理活动之后,进行25min的呼吸冥想训练;

    During the following weeks , 25 minutes of breathing meditation were given to the experimental group after the physical warm down during the afternoon post workout session .

  27. 积极心理学家巴巴拉弗雷德里克森研究了仁爱冥想(LKM)的效果,这是一种传统的佛教练习,是对爱的冥想,把同情延伸到自己身上,再逐渐扩展到更多其他人身上。

    Positive psychologist Barbara Frederickson has conducted research on the effects of lovingkindness meditation ( LKM ) , a traditional Buddhist practice that involves meditating on love and extending compassion to oneself and a progressively large group of others .

  28. 花时间练习冥想,瑜伽,和祈祷。

    Make time to practice meditation , yoga , and prayer .

  29. 他们不知道,但是他们打算冥想。

    They don 't know but they are going to meditate .

  30. 外出散步,去健身房或者做冥想。

    Take a walk outside , visit the gym or meditate .