
  1. 冯正霖副部长在全国道路交通安全工作部际联席工作会议上的讲话

    Speech of Vice-minister FENG Zheng-lin on United Symposium of Road Traffic Safety in Our Country

  2. 修好农村路为民办实事&访交通部副部长冯正霖同志

    Build good rural roads for the sake of the people - special interview with the vice minister of Communications on rural road construction

  3. 抓住现代物流发展机遇拓展现代物流发展空间&冯正霖副部长在2005中国物流高层论坛上的讲话(摘要)

    Get Hold of the Developing Chances and Open up the Developing Spaces of Modern Logistics & Speech of Vice-minister FENG Zheng-lin on High Forum of China Logistics in 2005 ( Brief )

  4. 明确目标落实责任全面开创建设工程安全生产管理工作新局面&冯正霖副部长在全国公路水运建设工程安全生产座谈会上的讲话

    Developing the New Phase for Safe Producing and Management of Engineering with Clear Target and Responsibility & Speech of Vice-minister FENG Zheng-lin on Symposium for Safe Producing of National Highway and Waterway Construction

  5. 交通部副部长冯正霖在春运高峰前表示,全国交通运输部门要针对春运期间可能出现的冰冻、极寒、雾霾、大雪等极端恶劣天气,完善春运应急运输预案。

    Transport authorities across China should improve contingency plans targeting bad weather such as extreme low temperature , fog and heavy snow , Feng Zhenglin , vice-minister of transport , said ahead of the peak travel season .

  6. 加强农村公路建设推进管养体制改革为建设社会主义新农村做出更大贡献&冯正霖副部长在全国农村公路工作座谈会上的讲话

    Strengthening the Construction of Rural Highway and Advancing the Reformation System of Maintenance and Management with Greater Contribution to the New Socialistic Country Construction & Speech of Vice-minister FENG Zheng-lin on Symposium for Rural Highway Work all over the Country