
  • 网络Icelandic Parliament;Althing;Alingi
  1. 冰岛议会周四通过了这项法案,目前已经呈交该国总统格林姆松(OlafurGrimsson)签署,预计将于周五生效。

    The bill , which Parliament passed Thursday , goes to President Olafur Grimsson for his signature and is expected to take effect Friday .

  2. 2008年,银行业崩溃前夕,冰岛议会通过紧急立法确立:储户对宣布破产的银行的资产享有最优先追索权。

    The Icelandic parliament , through emergency legislation on the eve of the meltdown in 2008 , granted priority to depositors over other claims on the estates of fallen banks .

  3. 英国和荷兰必须决定,是接受冰岛议会本周料将批准的修正协议,还是甘冒协议泡汤的风险坚持原协议条款。

    Britain and the Netherlands must decide whether to accept the amended agreement set to be approved by the Icelandic parliament this week or to risk its collapse by demanding original terms be met .

  4. 冰岛议会的5个党派中,已有4个党派成员批准了相关条款。此前数周,冰岛议会就此爆发了激烈争论,差点导致该国脆弱的联合政府瓦解,并破坏经济复苏。

    The conditions , approved by members from four of the five Icelandic parties , came after weeks of fierce debate that threatened to tear apart the country 's fragile coalition government and undermine economic recovery .