
bīng bào
  • ice storm;icefall;ice cascade
冰暴 [bīng bào]
  • [ice storm] 一种暴风雨,其所降落的雨只要一接触任何物体就立刻冻结

冰暴[bīng bào]
  1. 据NPR新闻的马丁·凯斯特报道,冰雪和冰暴使数万个家庭和商店断电。

    NPR 's Martin Kaste reports snow and ice storm have left hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses without electricity .

  2. 教给他的部族冰暴中蕴涵的力量,那种力度和无情。

    Wendigo has taught his tribe the power that lies in harnessing the ice storm , its strength and implacability .

  3. 几年前,由于冰暴袭击,跑道结冰,多架飞机滞留机场数小时。

    A few years ago we had issues with planes sitting on the runway for hours .

  4. 美国南部发生了冰暴,有众多停电、高速公路险情以及悲惨伤亡的报道。

    There is an ice storm down South , stories of power outages , treacherous highways and , tragically , deaths .

  5. 由于遭受上周的冰暴侵袭,从密执根州到缅因州,近50万家庭遭遇停电。

    A half million customers from Michigan to Maine without power , all thanks to an ice storm that hit the region last weekend .

  6. 飓风、龙卷风、雪暴、冰暴和雷暴,都是可能威胁到整个社会的极端的气候现象。

    Hurricanes , tornadoes , snowstorms , ice storms and electrical storms are all examples of extreme weather that may challenge an entire community .

  7. 这个系统有些复杂,冰暴正在向纽约州北部地区逼近,从佛蒙特州向新罕布什尔州转移,而密歇根州因冻雨而遭遇停电。

    That put in mildly and the ice storm is bearing down on northern New York State from Vermont to New Hampshire , while Michigan is coping with power outages due to a frozen rain .

  8. 中国中部地区的高速公路与铁路因雪灾及冰暴原因关闭,这在全国运输系统中产生了连锁反应,而最受影响最大的莫过于广州,它是南方省份广东的省会。

    Snow and ice storms have closed highways and rail lines across central China , with the ripple effect back through the national transport system felt most keenly in Guangzhou , capital of southern Guangdong Province .