
  • 网络Tillite;tillit;tilloids
  1. 震旦纪地层是本区新发现的地层单位,由含泥砾白云岩,砾岩(冰碛岩?)

    As a newly discovered stratigraphic unit , the Sinian strata of this area are composed ofboulderclay dolostone , conglomerate ( tillite ?)

  2. 通过对冰碛岩沉积特点的研究,分析沉积环境。

    Analysis of the sedimentary environment is made according to the characteristics of deposition .

  3. 罗圈组冰碛岩变形构造

    Deformation structures in the tillites of LUOQUAN formation

  4. 鄂尔多斯盆地边缘沉积盖层底部类冰碛岩的讨论

    Tilloid at the bottom of the sedimentary covers on the margins of the Ordos Basin

  5. 东南极格罗夫山地区新生代冰碛岩(物)中孢粉的发现及其意义

    Preliminary study on the spore-pollen assemblages found in the Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in grove mountains , East Antarctica

  6. 我国修定后的震旦系与埃迪卡拉系完全相当,底界以南沱冰碛岩之上盖帽碳酸盐岩的下界为界。

    The redefined Sinian System in China , bounded by the base of the cap carbonate ( the lowermost Doushantuo Fm . ) just above the Nantuo diamictite , quite corresponds with the Ediacaran System .

  7. 例如向斜、背斜、断层、盐丘,冰碛层之下结晶岩的顶面起伏形态,矿体以及粘土矿床等。

    Among such features may be synclines and anticlines , geological faults , salt domes , undulations of the crystalline bedrock under a cover of moraine , ore bodies , clay deposits and so on .