
bīng tóng
  • matte
冰铜[bīng tóng]
  1. 实际转炉吹炼的冰铜熔体中S和Fe活度的测定

    Determination of activities of S and Fe in melts of matte converting process by EMF method

  2. 对冰铜品位神经网络模型的训练和检验结果比较表明,该算法优于BP算法,是一种快速全局搜索算法。

    Compared the training and testing results of the matte grade neural network model with the GA-BP and BP respectively indicates that the GA-BP is superior to BP , and it can search answer quickly in overall range .

  3. GM型鼓风机在冰铜吹炼流程中的应用及对策

    Application and Measure of GM Type Blower on Air Blowing and Smelting of Mitte

  4. 在模拟反射炉和电炉熔炼冰铜的实验中,用X射线电视装置研究了铜冰铜熔炼时的各种物理现象。

    The technique of X-ray radiograph video was used to study the physical phenomena in experiments simulating copper matte smelting in reverberatory or electric furnaces .

  5. XRF粉末压片法测定艾萨冰铜中的Cu、Fe、S、SiO2等元素

    Determination of Copper , Iron , Sulfate , Silicon Dioxide and etc. in Aisa Copper by XRF Pressure Powder

  6. GA-BP算法及其在冰铜品位神经网络模型中的应用

    Application of GA-BP to the Matte Grade Model Based on Neural Network Difference Between the two Nouns of and in Modern Chinese

  7. 采用坩埚法,借助自行设计的高温X射线透射影槐设备,通过X射线照像及电视观察,研究了烧结MgO材料在炉渣(SiO2-FeO-CaO)与冰铜(FeS-Cu2S)界面区局部优先侵蚀过程。

    The local priority corrosion of sintered MgO at the interface of molten slag ( SiO_2-FeO - CaO ) and matte ( FeS-Cu_2S ) was studied by the crucible method and high temperature X-ray video and radiographic technique .

  8. 本文讨论了Cu2S-FeS伪二元系的表面张力和密度,研究了温度及往冰铜中添加ZnS对体系表面张力、密度的影响。

    The surface tension and density of Cu_2S & FeS pseudo-binary system are discussed . The influence of temperature and the addition of ZnS into the matte on the surface tension and density are also examined in the paper .

  9. Cu-Fe-S系冰铜表面张力与密度的研究

    Research on dens / ty and surface tension of Cu-Fe-S system matte

  10. 在控制气相中硫分压的条件下,用X射线透座滴法测量了Cu-Fe-S系冰铜的表面张力和密度,实验数据的相对误差为3-4%。

    The density and surface tension of Cu-Fe-S system were determined by the Xray radiograph sessile drop method under the condition of the controlled vapour pressure of sulfur in the atmosphere . The relative error of experiment data is about 3 & 4 % .

  11. 贵溪冶炼厂于1998年对贫化电炉冰铜流槽系统成功地进行了改造,将7.5m长的冰铜流槽缩短为3.1m长,其与水平面的倾角由原来的7°25′改为12°。

    The matte-launder system of the slag cleaning electric furnace was retrofitted successfully in Guixi Smeltery in 1998.Its length was shorten from 7.5 m to 3.1 m and its horizontal inclination was enlarged from 7 ° 25 ′ to12 ° .

  12. 固体冷冰铜碎磨性质的研究和工艺设计

    The Crushing & Grinding Properties and Process Design of Cooling Solid Copper-matte

  13. 冰铜吹炼造铜期金银行为的研究

    Behavior of gold and silver in copper making stage in a converter

  14. 闪速炉高品位冰铜冶炼方法探讨

    Approach to High-grade Matte Smelting Process by Flash Smelting Furnace

  15. 石英砂的品质对冰铜生产的影响

    The Influence of Quartz Sand Quality on Mattes Production

  16. 铜闪速炉冰铜温度预测模型的研究

    Research on the Estimation Model of the Temperature of Matte in Copper Flash Smelter

  17. 冰铜中全铁的测定

    The Assay of Total-Iron in Copper Matte

  18. 固体冰铜处理工艺方法的讨论

    Discussion on Process for Treating Solid Matte

  19. 含铅冰铜中铜、铁、铅、锌的快速测定与应用

    The efficient measurement of copper , iron , lead , zinc in lead-containing copper matter

  20. 冰铜富氧吹炼工艺的模型开发与应用

    Development and application of converting process models of copper matte using oxygen ~ enriched air

  21. 铜冰铜-炉渣间界面张力的研究

    Interfacial tension between slag and matte

  22. 冰铜温度测量方法研究

    Study on measurement of matte temperature

  23. 研究了高品位铜冰铜转炉吹炼石英熔剂熔化行为。

    Melting behavior of silica flux in the converting process of high grade copper matte was investigated .

  24. 生产冰铜时,通常认为渣含铜直接与冰铜的品位有关。

    When producing matte , it is generally found that the slag copper content is directly related to matte grade .

  25. 通过电子探针显微分析确定贫化渣中主要铜相为冰铜相。

    The matte as main copper phase in the cleaning . slag was deter - mined by electron probe microscopic analysis .

  26. 将高砷(As2.6%)铜精矿熔炼成白冰铜后,烟气中95%以上的砷可除去。

    The smelting of high arsenic concentrates ( 2.6 % ) to white metal allows removing over 95 % of the arsenic in the off-gas .

  27. 其仿真结果与冰铜温度真实值基本吻合,可以为生产操作提供指导。

    The results of simulation are similar with the real matte temperature , thus , this model could be used as a guide in practical operation .

  28. 同时,模拟计算了冰铜品位、氧气浓度、温度及精矿中微量元素含量等因素对微量元素行为的影响。

    The effects of some operating conditions such as matte grade , oxygen potential , temperature and contents of minor elements in concentrate were predicted and elucidated .

  29. 介绍贵溪冶炼厂固体冰铜处理生产现状,讨论了固体冰铜处理的几种可能方法,并进行相应的技术经济比较。

    It describes present situation bout solid matte treatment in Guixi Smelter , discusses several possible methods for treating solid matte and gives relevant techno - economic comparison .

  30. 在菲尔普斯道奇迈阿密铜冶炼厂,艾萨炉是初炼装置,向电沉淀炉提供冰铜和炉渣的混合物。

    The Isa vessel at the Phelps Dodge Miami Smelter is the primary smelting unit that supplies the mix of Cu containing matte and slag to the electric settling furnace .