
  • 网络impact erosion
  1. 岛的西南端有块岩石,长久受着海水海浪的冲击侵蚀,最终在其中部形成了一个洞穴。

    On the southeast tip of the island is a rock with a hole in the middle because of the long time lashing and etching of sea waves .

  2. 非西方国家的文化正遭受着严重的冲击与侵蚀。

    Cultures of non-Western countries are being severely lashed and infiltrated .

  3. 气体火花开关电极材料的冲击电流侵蚀特性

    Erosion Characteristics of the Electrodes Used for Gas Spark Gap

  4. 在模型中引入了表征材料抵抗侵蚀破坏能力的参数:冲击破坏侵蚀能和剪切破坏侵蚀能。

    The parameters characterizing the capability of materials resistance to erosion , impact damage erosion energy and shear damage erosion energy were introduced in this model .

  5. 此外,就算他如此固守着自己的文化,白人土地上几十年的生活,黑白两种文明的碰撞以及白人文化的冲击和侵蚀让他也不可避免的受到了白人文化的同化。

    In addition , even if he was so clinging to his African culture , years of life in white land , the collision of black and white civilization along with the erosion of white culture forced him to subject himself to cultural assimilation of whites .