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chōnɡ xǐ
  • arrange a “warding-off” wedding
冲喜 [chōng xǐ]
  • [save a person's life by giving him a wedding to counteract his bad luck] 旧时迷信风俗,家中有人病重时,用办理喜事(如迎娶未婚妻过门)等举动来驱除所谓作祟的邪气,希望病人转危为安

  1. 知名社交网站Facebook上周五在万众瞩目下登陆纳斯达克,创始人兼CEO马克·扎克伯格第二天便和恋爱长跑九年的华裔女友“拉埋天窗”,被外人视为扎克伯格“冲喜”之举。

    It seems the honeymoon is already over for Mark Zuckerberg . In the three days since his wedding - held the day after Facebook 's £ 65billion flotation on the stock market - the firm 's value has slumped by more than £ 12billion .

  2. 旧社会,很多人是为了冲喜才结婚的。

    In the old society , many people went into marriage in order to cure their ill relatives .

  3. 后来,为救昏迷的吴聘,周滢嫁入吴家冲喜,但最终吴聘身亡。

    In order to save Wu Ping who 's in a coma , she married into the family but unluckily the young master passed away .