
jué cè zhī chí xì tǒnɡ
  • decision support system
  1. WebServices在人才安全决策支持系统中的应用

    The Application of Web Services in Talent Safety Decision Support System

  2. Web环境下IT招标项目风险评价决策支持系统研究

    Risk Decision Support System for IT Bidding Projects in Web Environment

  3. 基于Web方式决策支持系统访问控制机制的设计与实现

    Designing and Implementation of an Access Control Mechanism Based on Web DSS

  4. 多Agent电网运行决策支持系统体系结构研究

    Study on multi-agent architecture based decision support system for power system operation

  5. 基于Agent的航空安全管理智能决策支持系统

    Agent-based Aviation Events Management Intelligence Decision Support System

  6. GIS技术在城市建设决策支持系统中的应用初探

    Study on the application of GIS in urban construction decision support system

  7. 基于GIS的城市环境规划决策支持系统

    Decision support system of urban environmental planning based GIS

  8. 基于GIS的粮食管理预警决策支持系统

    GIS-based Early Warning Decision Support System for Grain Management

  9. 基于GIS的城镇可持续发展决策支持系统

    Town Sustainable Development Decision Support System on GIS

  10. Internet环境下分布式智能决策支持系统生成器Browser/Multi-Server结构的研究

    The Research Of The Browser / Multi - Server Structure Of The Distributed Intelligent Decision Support Systems Generator In The Internet Environment

  11. 面向客户关系管理(CRM)的综合决策支持系统框架探讨

    On Frame of Synthetic Decision Support System Oriented to CRM

  12. 智能决策支持系统(IntelligentDecisionSupportSystems,简称IDSS)是将人工智能技术引入决策支持系统而形成的一种新型信息系统。

    Intelligent Decision Support Systems IDSS is a new kind of information system that introduced artificial intelligence into decision support system .

  13. 一种基于Intranet的群体决策支持系统设计

    A Design of Group Decision Support System Based on Intranet

  14. 基于EJB的农业宏观决策支持系统研究

    The Research of EJB_based Macro Agriculture Decision Support System

  15. 3S技术与水资源环境管理决策支持系统

    S technology and the water resource environment management decision sustain system

  16. 通过对内陆炼油厂原油储运现状的分析,提出并实现了一个基于Web的原油储运管理决策支持系统。

    The status of oil storage and transportation in inland refineries is analyzed , and a Web based management decision support system of oil storage and transportation is implemented .

  17. 医疗决策支持系统中TS模型的应用研究

    Research on TS Model for Clinical Decision Support System

  18. 基于B/S和J2EE结构的灌区用水管理决策支持系统研究

    Study on the Water Management Decision Support System in Irrigation District Based on B / S and J2EE Structure

  19. 90年代以来,计算机技术,尤其是数据库技术的发展为决策支持系统(DSS)提供了技术支持。

    Computer technology , especially database technology supports Decision Support System ( DSS ) .

  20. 自20世纪80年代以来,作为群决策支持系统分支的谈判支持系统(NegotiationSupportSystem,NSS)受到国内外研究谈判的学者们关注。

    Since 1980s , Negotiation Support System ( NSS ), which is regarded as a branch of Group Decision Support System , is focused on .

  21. 基于组件的决策支持系统模型部件等。在实际应用中,应用COM组件标准实现了模型组件的创建、表现、组件信息提取和组件的运行。

    Creation , representation , information retrieval , and operation of model components have been implemented in practical application .

  22. 提出基于组件GIS的造林决策支持系统(ADSS)框架体系。

    A framework of component GIS-based afforestation decision support system ( ADSS ) was put forward .

  23. 以数据仓库和OLAP技术为基础的税务决策支持系统的研究和应用

    Design and Application of a Tax Revenue DSS Based on Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology

  24. 基于CBR和ANFIS技术的智能建筑应急决策支持系统

    CBR-and ANFIS-based Emergent Decision Support System of Intelligent Buildings

  25. 一种采用扩展QFD的决策支持系统

    A Kind of Decision Support System Based on an Extended QFD

  26. 并且提出了一个基于多Agent的决策支持系统模型,详细阐述了系统模型中Agent的协作策略和通信交互。

    Secondly , put forward a model of DSS system based on multi-Agent system . The collaboration strategy and communication behaviors of each Agent in the model have been discussed .

  27. Voronoi多边形在网点规划决策支持系统的应用

    The Application of Voronoi Diagrams in Web Site Planning Decision-Making Support System

  28. CIM环境中的决策支持系统的研究

    The Decision Support System in the CIM Environment

  29. 在这一思路的指导下开发了服装CPC在线决策支持系统。

    Under this guidance , the on-line decision support system based on CPC for garment trade is developed .

  30. 智能决策支持系统中cBR、RBR的集成

    The Integration of CBR and RBR in Intelligent Decision Support Systems