
  • 网络metallurgical machinery;Metallurgy Machinery
  1. 沈阳有色冶金机械总厂研究所理化实验室按工艺要求采用防静电环氧地面,该地面具有防静电,抗腐蚀作用。

    Electrostatic-proof epoxy floor , which has application of electrostatic proof , is used in Shenyang Metallurgy Machinery Plant Research Institute .

  2. 把以上研究结论应用到西安冶金机械有限公司信息化建设项目当中。

    The aboves research results are finally applied to the informatization construction project of Xian metallurgical machinery limited company .

  3. CAD技术及其在冶金机械设计领域中的应用

    CAD Techniques and Their Applications in the Field of Metallurgical Machine Design

  4. 本文以企业信息化系统研究为背景,结合某中型企业&西安冶金机械有限公司(以下简称西冶)信息化建设项目,对现代办公自动化(OA)系统开发所涉及的主要技术方法进行研究。

    In this paper , the main technologies for developing modern Office Automation ( OA ) systems based on information systems of enterprise were studied .

  5. 本文简述了CAD技术、CAD系统的基本构成,着重介绍了几个实用的软件包以及它们在冶金机械设计领域中的应用。

    The fundamental constitution of CAD system and CAD techniques are briefly related in this paper . Several practically used software packages and their applications in the field of metallurgical machine design are introduced in particular .

  6. 冶金机械设备用镶嵌型固体自润滑轴承

    Inlaid Type Solid Self Lubricating Bearing Used for Metallurgical Machinery Equipment

  7. 突出能力培养,办出冶金机械专业特色

    Give prominence to capacity distinguish characteristics of speciality of metallurgical machinery

  8. 2005年,在沈阳东北大学冶金机械专业学习。

    Study in Shenyang North-east university , specialize in metallurgical machine .

  9. 进一步提高冶金机械零件加工质量和生产率的新方法

    New Method of Increasing Working Quality and Productivity for Metallurgical Machinery Parts

  10. 冶金机械过盈联接的组装方式及影响因素

    Setting methods and its effect factors of interference connection of metallurgical machinery

  11. 1990年以来全球粉末冶金机械零件工业发展动向

    Global development trend in PM machine parts industry in 90 ′ s

  12. 论90年代冶金机械的发展趋势

    The development tendency of metallurgical machinery in the 1990 's

  13. 八五期间粉末冶金机械零件工业的发展

    Development in p / m machine parts industry during the Eighth Five-Year Plan

  14. 冶金机械的绿色技术及应用

    The Green Technology of Metallurgical Machinery and Its Application

  15. 本公司主要承接各类冶金机械成套设备及零部件的加工与制造。

    The company manufactures various types of metallurgical machinery sets and spare pares .

  16. 汽车工业发展是粉末冶金机械零件工业振兴的主要动力。

    The development in automobile industry also serves as main impetus to it .

  17. 冶金机械齿轮传动装置的制造技术与发展趋势

    Manufacture Technology and Development Trend of Metallurgical Machinery Gearing

  18. 一种新的冶金机械主传动系统建模方法

    A New Method of Establishing Mechanics Model for Metallurgical Mechanical Main Driving System

  19. 浅谈冶金机械企业的管理工作

    Discussion about the management of metallurgical machinery enterprise

  20. 高强度冶金机械链条的研究

    Study on High Strength Chain in Metallurgical Machinery

  21. 冶金机械典型零件修复的经济性与实例

    Economy Effect and Practical Examples for Repairment of the Typical Metallurgical Machinary Spare Parts

  22. 笔者与赣州有色冶金机械厂合作,为该厂设计了设备维修管理微机信息系统。

    A microcomputer information system of equipment maintenance is established in GanZhou Metallurgical Mechanical Plant .

  23. 冶金机械的绿色设计与制造

    Green design and manufacture of metallurgic machine

  24. 冶金机械设备液压系统工作介质的热因素故障探讨

    A study on the fault caused by heat factor of hydraulic system medium of mechanical equipment

  25. 日本企业管理特点及推进冶金机械企业管理的意见

    Discussing on Japanese Style Management and Promoting to the Metallurgical Machinery Enterprise Management in Our Country

  26. 更换下的冶金机械典型零件修复的经济性应进行分析。

    The economy effect of repairment of the replaced typical metallurgical machinary parts should be analyzed .

  27. 本人兼职从事英语口译笔译工作,擅长冶金机械行业翻译。

    I work as a part-time English interpreter and translator , having good knowledgy of metallurgical machinery industry .

  28. 这一剥离一旦完成,冶金机械制造市场的竞争将进一步加剧。

    Once the separation is completed , the competition in the metallurgical machinery manufacturing market will become even keener .

  29. 加速轿车零件国产化促进我国粉末冶金机械零件的发展

    Speed up car parts to be made in china , promoting development of p / m parts in our country

  30. 在多年的发展和成长之后,我国冶金机械制造业已经具有了一条比较完整的价值链体系。

    After years of development and growth , the China Metallurgical Machinery Manufacturing already has a more complete value chain system .