
  • 网络cooling crystallizer;cooler crystallizer,cooling crystallizer
  1. 喷淋冷却结晶器在小方坯连铸机上的试验与应用

    Test and application of spray cooling mold to billet conticaster

  2. 连铸喷淋冷却结晶器的应用及研究

    Application & study of spray cooling mould

  3. 连铸喷淋式冷却结晶器的设计及应用

    Design and application of spraying cooled mold

  4. 并数值计算了普通循环水冷结晶器与喷淋冷却结晶器的冶金参数。

    The metallurgical parameters of the conventional recirculating water cooling and the spray cooling molds have been calculated respectively .

  5. 针对铸坯在结晶器内的凝固特性,建立了喷淋冷却结晶器的传热数学模型。

    Based on an understanding of the solidification features of slabs in moulds , the mathematical model of heat transfer of the spray cooling mold has been proposed .

  6. 涟钢三炼钢厂小方坯连铸机采用了喷淋冷却结晶器,研究分析了拉速、中间罐浇铸温度、水压与水流量对该结晶器平均热流量的影响,以及水质对喷淋冷却结晶器的影响。

    The mould cooled by water injection has been used on the small billet continuous caster . The influences of draw speed , pouring temperature in the middle ladle pot , water pressure and flow , water quality on the mould was investigated and analyzed .

  7. 本文介绍了近二年来邯钢第二炼钢厂小方坯连铸机在生产中使用喷淋冷却结晶器的试验过程及其优点与实际效果。

    This article presented the course of testing of the spray cooling mould on the billet conticaster at the No 2 Steelmaking Plant of the Handan Iron and Steel Company over the two years and summed up the advantage and effectiveness of it in actual use .

  8. 二次冷却和结晶器电磁搅拌对高碳钢碳偏析及其凝固结构的影响

    The Effect of Secondary Cooling Intensity and Mole Electromagnetic Stirring on Carbon Segregation and Solidification Structure of High Carbon Steel

  9. 内外复合冷却高效结晶器内钢水三维流场数值模拟

    Numeric Simulation of Three Dimensional Flow Field of Molten Steel in a Mould with High Efficiency Inner and Outer Couple Cooling

  10. 莱钢炼钢厂应用高冷却强度结晶器技术,将原组合铜板式断面结晶器改造为高效管式结晶器。

    The mould technology with high cooling intensity is adopted in the steel-making plant of Laigang to transform general built-up mould to high effective tube mould .

  11. 冷却水对结晶器铜管使用寿命影响的研究

    Study on the effect of cooling water on service life of copper pipe mould

  12. 通过实验,研究了拉坯速度和结晶器冷却水量对结晶器出口处铸坯表面温度的影响。

    On the basis of experiments , research the relationship between surface temperatures of ingot at the end of copper mold and technology parameters such as casting speed , cooling water flow .

  13. 应用这些初期的基础计算,可进一步地模拟冷却参数、结晶器材质和镀层改变对结晶器所造成的影响。

    Using these initial basic calculations it becomes possible to simulate the effects of cooling parameter variations , changes of the mould material and of coatings on the behavior of a mould while in service .

  14. 实验结果表明,结晶器振动频率越大,振动幅值、结晶器冷却强度以及结晶器与铸坯间的接触压力越小,因结晶器振动而产生的弯月面温度波动亦越小。

    According to the experiments , the temperature fluctuation of meniscus decreases with increasing the mold oscillation frequency , decreasing the mold oscillation amplitude , cooling density , and contact pressure between mold and solidification shell .

  15. 还讨论了拉坯速度和冷却水流量对结晶器温度场的影响。

    The effects of casting speed and water flowrate on mold temperature field were discussed .

  16. 模拟计算了工艺参数对结晶器温度场的影响,在连铸过程中,拉坯速度、冷却水流量及结晶器壁厚是温度场的主要影响因素。

    The calculations got the distribution rules of temperature field for mold , and the effects of techniques parameters on temperature field were also calculated . During the continuous casting process , casting speed , cooling-water flux and mold wall thickness are the main factors .

  17. 论文研究结果表明:(1)钢液经冷却辊冷却浇入结晶器内,由于冷却辊对浇铸钢液起到了冷却作用,过热度变小,实现了低过热度浇铸的目的。

    The conclusion in the paper show : ( 1 ) For the refrigeration by cooling roller , the steel liquid is poured into mould realizing the purpose of casting at lower superheat .

  18. 研究了拉速、中间包浇注温度、结晶器冷却强度及冷却水水质对喷淋式冷却结晶器平均热流密度的影响,对喷淋式冷却结晶器的设计和应用有一定的参考价值。

    In this article the effect of casting speed tundish temperature , cooling indensity and the water quality on average heat flux density in the mold is studied . The results are useful for design and application of the mold .