
lěnɡ shì
  • Cold chamber;cold room;refrigerating room ;refrigerating compartment
  1. 你从附近的屠宰场买到20kg的牛心脏,放在冰上带回,在冷室或在冰上进行每纯化步骤。

    You pick up 20 kg of beef hearts from a nearby slaughterhouse . You transport the hearts on ice , and perform each step of the purification in a walk-in cold room or on ice .

  2. DGLS型洁净冷室的研制

    Development of DGLS clean cold room

  3. 方法:大鼠置于4℃的冷室4h。

    Methods : Rats were maintained in cold chamber at 4 ℃ for 4 h.

  4. Texaco气化炉激冷室热质传递过程模拟

    Process Simulation of Heat Mass Transfer of Quench Chamber in Texaco Gasifier

  5. TEXACO气化炉激冷室下降管传热传质过程模拟

    Heat & Mass Transfer Research on Descending Pipe of Quench Chamber in Texaco Coal Gasifier

  6. 结合J11280型卧式冷室压铸机,研究了基于Windows界面的压铸机电气控制系统的开发。

    A new control system based on Windows OS for horizontal cold chamber die casting machine mode " J11280 " is designed .

  7. 根据铝合金壳盖铸件形状复杂、壁薄、外形尺寸小等特征,选用了J1125型卧式冷室压铸机。

    J1125 type horizontal cold chamber die casting machine was used to produce the aluminum alloy housing of motorcycle based on its complicated shape , thin-wall and small profile dimension .

  8. 气化炉激冷室液位测量中的信号处理

    Signal treatment in measurement of liquid level in gasifier quenching chamber

  9. 冷室压铸机用新型熔融金属输送系统

    New Molten Metal Delivery System for Cold Chamber Die Casting Machine

  10. 冷室压铸机压射机构的改进

    The Improvement of the Injection Mechanism of Cold Chamber Die Casting Machine

  11. 新型多喷嘴对置式气化炉激冷室的改造

    Revamping Summary on the Chilling Chamber of the New Opposite-positioned Multi-nozzle Gasifier

  12. 进入20世纪以后,热室压铸机日渐成熟,冷室压铸机问世。

    By 1920 , the earliest cold chamber die casting machine was published .

  13. 水煤浆气化炉激冷室带水问题的探讨

    Theoretical Study on Entraining Water Problem in Quench Chamber of Coal-water Slurry Gasifier

  14. 全自动卧式冷室压铸机

    Full automatic horizontal cold chamber die casting machine

  15. 可在4℃冷室或温度60℃和相对湿度80%的培养箱中使用。

    Apply to4 ℃ cold chamber or60 ℃ incubator with relative humidity of80 % .

  16. 文中对二冷室的抽风形式及风量确定进行了较为详细的论述。

    Exhaust type and exhausting volume determination for the chamber were discussed in detail also .

  17. 对气化炉激冷室的工艺特点进行了分析。

    An analysis is made of the process characteristics of the quench chamber of the gasifier .

  18. 最佳加工贮藏初步工艺为:采用热榨加工工艺,在15-18℃冷室,无氧贮藏方式。

    The optimal processing and storage were processed by hot-pressed juice and stored at 15-18 ℃, non-oxygen .

  19. 一冷室喷流速度分布及喷流冷却速度的研究

    Study on the Distributions of Spray Flow Velocity and its Cooling Velocity for the Primary Cooling Chamber

  20. 液态金属在冷室压铸机压室中运动的理论与分析

    Theory and Analysis of the Motion of the Liquid Metal in the Chamber of the Cold Die-casting Machine

  21. 通过对压铸件成型压力的计算,选择锁模力为6300kN的J1163型卧式冷室压铸机。

    The horizontal cold chamber die casting machine with closed force of 6 300 kN has been selected by calculating filling pressure .

  22. 七屠体待运区(未设预冷室者应设之):应设置高架吊轨及送风设施。

    Carcass holding area ( required when chilling room is not set up ) Overhead rails and forced air blower shall be equipped .

  23. 双室多功能真空烧结炉的冷室用于烧结后制品的快冷、气淬或油淬;

    Cooling chamber of the multi-purpose two-chamber vacuum sintering furnace is used for quick cooling ( gas quenching or oil guenching ) aftr sintering .

  24. 分析了录音机芯飞轮压铸模的原设计失败的原因,重新设计了用于冷室压铸机的中心浇口、浮动分流的压铸模。

    A new die-casting die fit on cold chamber die casting machine was redesigned in the part of the center gate and floating flow-distribution .

  25. 班亚的中心原则就是促进血液循环,我现在呆的是冷室,之前要在热室里接受火的折磨。

    The central principle of thebanyais to stimulate the circulation , and this was thebasseyn , the cold room that preceded the ordeal by fire .

  26. 本文结合工程设计实践,对连铸机二冷室排蒸汽系统中的几个关键问题进行了分析。

    Combined with practical engineering , the several key problems concerning the vapour exhausting system for CCMS secondary cooling chamber were discussed and analyzed in this paper .

  27. 模拟结果揭示激冷室内部的热、质传递的一些规律,提出了影响下降管内壁水膜覆盖的因素,影响下降管内部的换热因素以及灰渣的在激冷室内的流动特性。

    The simulation results give some relationship curves of the heat and mass transfer inside the cooling chamber , and the author posts the effect factors on flow and heat transfer in the cooling chamber .

  28. 据此分析认为:卧式冷室压铸机冲头的慢压射过程是加速运动和匀速运动的组合,组合的结果直接影响压铸件的质量。

    For this theory : the process of die-casting in the short sleeve of the cold die-casting is composed of invariable velocity and invariable accelerated motion , which result directly effect the quality of the cast .

  29. 压铸模具使用于卧式冷室压铸机,其型腔根据标准压铸试样的尺寸设计。其次,本文研究了在机械振动的条件下液体的对流规律。

    The die mold matches horizontal cold chamber die casting machine , and its cavity is designed according to the die casting test bars . Secondly , this paper studies convection of liquid under mechanical vibration .

  30. 卧室冷室压铸机压铸时,压室底部被浇入的金属熔体所覆盖,熔体上部分至压室顶部的空间被气体所占据。

    The bottom of shot sleeve is filled with melt by horizontal cold chamber die casting machine , when the beginning of the slow shot phase , volume on the melt to the top of sleeve is occupied by gas .