
  • 网络cold mountain
  1. 2004年,她凭着在《冷山》(ColdMountain)中饰演的角色获得了奥斯卡奖,那是个坚强的南方女人,经营着一家快要倒闭的农场,连拧断小鸡的脖子都害怕。

    She won an Oscar in 2004 for her role in " Cold Mountain , " in which she played a gritty Southern woman working on a failing farm , unafraid to snap a chicken 's neck .

  2. 她在电影《冷山》中的精湛演绎为她获得了2003年的奥斯卡奖,不过让蕾妮▪齐薇格最出名的还是她的英国电影《BJ单身日记》。

    Her role in the film Cold Mountain won her an Oscar in2003 , but Renee Zellweger is best-known for the British film Bridget Jones 's Diary .

  3. 冷山镇一定感觉像是世界末日。

    Cold mountain must feel like the end of the world .

  4. 大冷山尽是奇峰幽谷,林海松涛。

    Cold Mountain is full of great piz Valley , Tao .

  5. 我比你先到冷山镇。

    I ` m reachin ` cold mountain before you .

  6. 他在书里是怎么称呼冷山的?

    What did he call cold mountain ?

  7. 一如《冷山》中的艾达,妮可凭借着她的狡立意识在竞争激烈的好莱坞脱颖而出。

    Nicole Kidman , like Ada in Cold Mountain , survives thanks to her sense of independence .

  8. 特别是,居民的冷山是作为森严,与世隔绝,和狭隘的。

    In particular , the inhabitants of Cold Mountain are presented as guarded , insular , and narrow-minded .

  9. 妮可在新片《冷山》中所诠释的角色,更确切地反映出她本人的性格。

    The character that Kidman portrays in Cold Mountain , her latest film , is a more accurate reflection of Kidman herself .

  10. 英曼曾告诉过斯云麦,说他曾爬到冷山的顶端,还有毗斯迦山和斯特灵山。

    Inman had pointed out to Swimmer that he had climbed Cold Mountain to its top , and Pisgah and Mount Sterling as well .

  11. 裘德?洛1972年出生于伦敦南部,曾凭借1999年的《天才瑞普利》以及2003年的《冷山》中的角色获得奥斯卡提名。

    Born in south London in 1972 , Law has received Oscar nominations for his roles in 1999 's The Talented Mr Ripley and 2003 's Cold Mountain .

  12. 首先,《冷山》一书的快速成功和在评论界受到的普遍欢迎是有很多潜在原因的,比如,小说巧妙的文字运用,小说所描述的独特的浪漫爱情故事。

    First of all , there are many reasons underlying Cold Mountain 's prodigious success and critical popularity , such as the masterly use of language , the unique romantic love story .

  13. 与美国文学史上的一些文学巨匠们写的经典著作相比较而言,查尔斯·弗雷泽的《冷山》(1997)仅仅只能算是诞生于消费时代与速食文化之中的一本新书而已。

    Compared with those classics by literary giants in American history , Charles Frazier 's Cold Mountain ( 1997 ) is but a new book born in the consumptive and fast-food culture of today .

  14. 于是他信奉另一个世界,一个更好的世界,而他也大可以把冷山当作这一世界的所在,就像他可以随便想象任何地方一样。

    So he held up to the idea of another world , a better place , and he figured he might as well consider Cold Mountain to be the location of it as anywhere .

  15. 查尔斯·弗雷泽(1950-)是美国一位新近崛起的作家,《冷山》是其文学生涯中的首部小说,同时也是1997年美国国家图书奖获奖小说。

    Charles Frazier ( born November 4,1950 ) is a contemporary American writer . Cold Mountain is the debut novel in his writing career , which is also the prize-winning novel of the 1997 National Book Award .

  16. 第三部分是论文的主体,分析《冷山》与《奥德赛》在主题,故事情节,人物塑造及叙事结构上的平行与变异,尤其是在主题和人物塑造过程中移用的运用。

    The third part is the main part of the thesis , which includes the analysis of the parallels and variations on themes , plots , characters and narrative structure between Cold Mountain and The Odyssey , especially , the displacements in the depiction of main characters in Cold Mountain .