
  1. 介绍了空调冷水站自动控制的特点及流程,举例说明了应用可编程序控制器(PLC)控制的硬件输入输出和软件设计。

    Describes the characteristics and flow chart of control in a chilled water station for air conditioning and demonstrates hardware and software designs when programmable logic controllers are used .

  2. 移动式冷水站在高拱坝混凝土冷却中的应用

    Application of Mobile Cold Water Station in Concrete Pouring of High Arch Dam

  3. 介绍了冷水混合站、风机过滤器及干盘管等关键设备的运行原理。

    Presents the operating principle of some critical components such as chilled water mixing station , fan filter unit and dry cooling coil .