
  • 网络the solidification front
  1. 颗粒被凝固前沿排斥的临界速度模型

    The Critical Velocity Model for Pushing of Particles by the Solidification Front

  2. 溶质偏析对连铸坯凝固前沿裂纹敏感性影响的研究

    Influence of Solute Segregation on Crack Susceptibility at Solidification Front of Continuous Casting Strand

  3. 同时,溶质Al在该合金系凝固前沿固相内的溶质增加量少于在液相中的溶质增加量。

    Meanwhile proved that augmentation amount of solute in the solid phase of front solidification was less than in liquid phase .

  4. TiC颗粒与凝固前沿间的相互作用控制其微观分布。

    TiC particulate distribution is dominated by the interaction between the particulates and the solidification fronts .

  5. 应用仿真软件,对南钢的铸机浇铸20g钢时的应变分布进行了模拟,分析了拉速、钢水过热度和二冷制度等工艺参数对铸坯凝固前沿应变的影响。

    The strain distribution was calculated for 20g steel in the caster of Nangang . Through simulation the influence of casting speed , superheat and secondary cooling scheme on the strain had been analyzed .

  6. 计算了小方坯连铸机在2.4m/min拉速、不同二冷配水下铸坯的温度场和凝固前沿温度梯度。

    Billet temperature field and temperature gradient in the front of solidifying shell have been computed in condition of 2.4m/min casting speed for different secondary water strategy .

  7. 金属凝固前沿热传递机理分析

    Analysis of Heat Transfer Mechanisms of Metal Solidifying Front

  8. 凝固前沿低熔点液相区增大;

    The residual liquid phase in interdendritic region increased ;

  9. 并由简化的模型计算由此引起的凝固前沿钢液的最大流速。

    Further more , the max velocity in the front of solidification was computer by the simple model .

  10. 脉振磁场力使凝固前沿的铝熔体作上下振动,以达到加剧结构起伏和能量起伏的目的。

    To intensifies structure fluctuation energy fluctuation , the pulsating magnetic force makes molten aluminium vibrating up and down in the solidifying front .

  11. 第一章主要是在查阅了国内外有关凝固前沿的形状和位置分析及铸轧工艺规律研究文献的基础上,概述了当前对凝固前沿的形状、位置分析及工艺规律研究的现状及技术发展要求。

    The first chapter mainly review researching and developing status of the fuzzy that is on the basis of looking for a great of reference .

  12. 给出了铝液初始温度、钢板预热温度和轧制速度等参数与复合板温度、凝固前沿的关系;

    The dependence of the temperature of the clad , solidifying forefront on temperature of liquid Aluminum , temperature of steel plate and velocity of roll was predicted .

  13. 钢锭侧面凝固前沿位置即金属熔池具有无圆柱部分是判断电渣锭表面质量优劣的基本依据。

    The main basis of deciding ESR ingot surface quality is that there is a cylinder part or not in ingot side freezing forward position - metallic molten pool .

  14. 探讨了组合电磁场对铝熔体的作用性质:行波磁场力对凝固前沿作微切割,使成长中的柱状晶碎断;

    This paper discusses the character of electromagnetic force in the molten aluminium : the traveling magnetic force cuts the solidifying front to break down the growing columnar crystal ;

  15. 结果表明,铸坯凝固前沿磁感应强度、电磁力及钢液转速均随着搅拌电流的增加而增大。

    The results showed that the magnetic induction intensity , electromagnetic force and flow velocity of molten steel at the solidification front of billet increased with increasing the stirring current .

  16. 根据模拟计算结果发现,在拉速一定的条件下,过热度和冷却强度对钢液的凝固前沿有着显著的影响。

    It is found from the result of calculation that when casting speed is constant , superheat and intensity of cooling have remarkable influence on the front edge of solidified shell .

  17. 结果表明:复式结晶器能够降低钢液凝固前沿的温度梯度,从而使铸坯的等轴晶率超过80%。

    The results show that temperature gradient on the front edge of solidified shell in combined mold can be reduced and the proportion of equiaxial crystal of billet is more than 80 % .

  18. 开发的热传输模型充分考虑了由于气隙的存在而使得结晶器表面散热不均匀,处理了凝固前沿相变所产生的结晶潜热,并采用变热物性参数。

    A new model with varied thermal-physical parameters in which the existence of airspace resulting in heterogeneous heat transfer and the latent heat of fusion at the solidification front was considered was developed .

  19. 因此,旋转磁场带动液体的旋转流动,对宽面的凝固前沿冲刷很强,热交换也快,柱状晶的生长受到抑制,电磁搅拌较好地改善了铝镁钪中间合金偏析问题。

    Consequently , rotative magnetic field drive the rotative flowing of liquid , which bring a strong scour against the solidifying front of broadside , heat exchange is fast , the development of columnar crystal is restricted , electric-magnetic stirring improve the intermediate alloy aliquation in a good extent .

  20. 在这种技术中,偏晶合金凝固界面前沿的第二相液滴将在重力场下作Stokes运动和在温度梯度场下作与重力方向相反的Marangoni运动。

    In the technique , the droplet of the secondary phase ahead the solid-liquid interface of the melt of the immiscible alloy will make Stokes movement in gravity field and Marangoni movement in the opposite direction of gravity field in temperature gradient field .

  21. 凝固界面前沿颗粒行为的研究进展

    Advances in Research on Particle 's Behavior in Front of Solidifying Interface

  22. 对电磁场作用下金属凝固界面前沿颗粒行为进行了考察。

    Behavior of the particles in front of metallic solidifying interface under electromagnetic force was discussed .

  23. 电磁力对凝固界面前沿颗粒行为影响的实验研究

    Experiment Research on the Influence of Electromagnetic Force ( EMF ) on Particle Behavior at Solidifying Front

  24. 电磁场对金属凝固界面前沿颗粒行为及分布的影响

    Effect of electromagnetic field on the behavior and distribution of the particles in front of metallic solidification interface

  25. 电磁场中金属凝固界面前沿颗粒的推斥/吞没行为

    Pushing / engulfment behavior of the particles in front of metallic solid / liquid interface in electromagnetic field

  26. 采用模拟体系,对电磁力改变凝固界面前沿颗粒行为的三种典型过程进行了直接观察,采用金属液实验证明了施加电磁力可以改变颗粒在金属凝固体中的分布。

    By using simulative experiments , three representative processes of alternating the behavior of the particles in front of solidifying interface under electromagnetic force were observed , and it was verified in ground experiment that the distribution of the particles in solidified metal could be controlled with applying electromagnetic force .

  27. 结果表明:在大的凝固速度条件下,凝固界面前沿存在成分过冷区,液-液相分解在此区域内进行;

    It is shown that at a high solidification velocity a constitutional supercooling region appears in front of the solid / liquid interface where the liquid liquid decomposition takes place .