
  • 网络Geometric;the geometric distribution
  1. 关于二项分布、Poisson分布和几何分布的高阶矩的递推公式

    Recursive Formula of the Nth Moment of Binomial , Poisson Distribution and Geometric Distribution

  2. 几何分布和Weibull分布产品的统计分析

    The Statistical Analysis of Geometric Distribution and Weibull Distribution

  3. 例如,白金汉宫蜡烛以其“清香的茉莉花香”而闻名,据说其设计“灵感来自法国文艺复兴时期花园呈几何分布的种植”,售价115英镑(约合人民币1017元)。

    For instance , the Buckingham Palace Candle , noted of delicate jasmine ’ and whose design is said to be ‘ inspired by the geometric planting of gardens of the French renaissance ’ , costs £ 115 .

  4. 与之前一样,可以用一个3D数组保存当前的这些几何分布。

    As before , a3D array is used to maintain the current and working geometries .

  5. 谈在GPS定位中卫星的几何分布对定位精度的影响

    Discuss the influence of the satellites 's distribution to fixed position 's accuracy in GPS fixed position

  6. draw函数将这种几何分布发到显示窗口,update实施这些SIR规则。

    The draw function emits the geometry to the display window , and update implements the SIR rules .

  7. 但GPS系统的精度、可靠性和完好性等都依赖于跟踪的可视卫星的数量和卫星的几何分布情况。

    GPS 's high precision , reliability and integrality depend on the number of available satellites and their geometrical distribution .

  8. 基于TOA的传感器网络定位误差几何分布研究

    TOA-Based Location Error Geometry Distribution in Sensor Networks

  9. 通过超几何分布P值法和增、删、改相互作用的方法对聚类结果进行预测能力分析和稳定性分析。

    P value of hypergeometric cumulative distribution of modules and the disturbance analysis on the data , including adding , removing and rewiring interactions , are employed to evaluate the prediction quality and robustness of the method .

  10. 用几何分布来描述场景的变化,用AR(2)模型来反映同一场景内码流的波动。

    Geometric distribution is used to depict the change of scene and the fluctuation is described by the AR ( 2 ) model in the same scene .

  11. 对两个百分数的差别作统计学检验,在许多统计著作中介绍了以超几何分布为基础的Fisher精确法。

    Fisher 's exact test method based on hypergeometric distribution has been introduced to test difference between two proportions in many statistical books .

  12. 构造一类特殊多项式及级数,由此推导了二项分布,泊松分布及几何分布K阶中心矩的递推计算公式,得到了这几个公式的统一形式

    In this paper , according to constructing multinomial and series of functions concludes the counting formula of K-order centeral moment of binomial . poisson and geometric distribution and common form of these formula

  13. 本文由几何分布产品的统计分析和Weibull分布产品的统计分析两篇组成。

    This article is composed of two parts : the statistical analysis for geometric distribution and the statistical analysis for Weibull distribution as well .

  14. 定时截尾情形下几何分布参数的估计ParetoⅡ型分布的尾部特征及其参数估计

    Estimation of the Parameter of Geometric Distribution under Type - ⅱ Censoring The Tail Behaviour and the Parameter Estimation of Pareto Distribution of the Second Kind

  15. 本文研究了具有马尔可夫到达过程的离散时间可修排队系统,假定服务台寿命服从几何分布,服务台对顾客的服务时间和服务台的修理时间均服从离散位相型(PH)分布。

    In this paper we study a discrete-time repairable queueing system with Markovian arrival process . Provided that the lifetime of server follows a geometric distribution , the service time and the repair time follow a discrete phase type distributions .

  16. 引入相容目标轨迹的概念,分析了三维N阶运动目标在不同观测信息条件下的相容轨迹的几何分布,并证明多普勒和到达时差观测是等价观测量。

    By introducing the conception of compatible target trajectories , this paper analyzes compatible trajectories ' geometric distribution of three-dimensional N-order dynamics target under the different observation information condition and also shows that Doppler measurements are equivalent to arrival time difference measurements .

  17. 该文针对裂隙及裂隙水流的几何分布特征和压水试验的非稳定过程,引进维数n来建立压水试验条件任意维数裂隙水流的非稳定井流公式;

    Aiming at the geometric distribution characteristics of fracture and fractured water flow and the unsteady process of pump-in-test , the dimension n is introduced to establish the formulae of unsteady well flow for fractured water flow of arbitrary dimension under pump-in-test condition ;

  18. 几何分布截尾样本场合步进应力加速寿命试验TFR模型下的统计分析

    The Statistical Analysis of Geometric Distribution with Censored Sample Based on Tampered Failure Rate Model under the Step-Stress Accelerated Life Testing

  19. 本文通过定量分析卫星预报星历的精度,对应用预报星历预报卫星的几何分布精度因子的可行性进行了探讨,提出应用预报星历对GPS测量进行优化设计的思想。

    In this paper , based on analyzing the precision of forecasting ephemeris quantificationally , the feasibility of applying the forecasting ephemeris to predict the DOP was researched , and the view of GPS optimization design on GPS ephemeris was put forward .

  20. 由探测器的几何分布预先算出控制矩阵,用Zernike多项式曲线拟合的方法重构出波前。

    Based on geometric setup of the wavefront detector , the control matrix is obtained at first , and then the wavefront is reconstructed with curve fitting of Zernike polynomials .

  21. 而Poisson分布、Pascal分布、几何分布等作为其特例,分别得出有关结论,从而为产品质量检验中的有关概率计算,提供了行之有效的估计方法。

    As special examples , some results related to distributions of Poisson , Pascal and geometry are obtained . These results offer a good method of estimation for some probability calculations in quality test of products .

  22. 将一维情形的超几何分布、二项分布与Poisson分布之间的联系加以推广,提出多维Poisson分布的概念。

    In this paper , the relationships between the hypergeometric distribution , the binomial distribution and the Poisson distribution in one-dimensional case are extended to those in multidimensional case . and the concept of the multidimensional Poisson distribution is raised .

  23. 最后,针对几何分布不规则的一般信源,给出一般的几何矢量量化方法&标量矢量量化(SVQ)。

    Finally , a more useful geometric vector quantization method is presented , which is called scalar vector quantization ( SVQ ) .

  24. 本文研究了索赔到达间隔服从几何分布、索赔额分布为一般离散分布的SparreAndersen风险模型。

    In this paper , we consider a Sparre Andersen risk model with geometric distribution of claim inter-occurrence times . The claim size distribution can be a general discrete distribution .

  25. 针对交叉路口附近道路几何分布较为复杂的实际特点,提出基于道路精简滤波(RRF)原理的地图匹配算法。

    A Map Matching Algorithm Based on Road Reduction Filter ( RRF ) is proposed in this paper , which pays particular attention to the matching problems that arise at intersections .

  26. 首次将损伤失效率模型应用于离散型寿命分布场合,给出了TFR模型几何分布产品简单步加试验下参数的极大似然估计。

    The tampered failure rate model is applied to the discrete life distribution occasion for the first time . In this article , the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters for geometric distribution based on type ⅱ tampered failure rate model under simple step-stress accelerated life testing are derived .

  27. 在研究了控制器局域网络(CAN)通讯模型的基础上,提出了一种新的基于Pois-son过程和几何分布的错误统计模型,并分析了模型参数与节点发送误码率的关系。

    Based on the study of the existed controller area network ( CAN ) communication models , a new error model based on Poisson process and geometric distribution is set up in this paper . The relations between model parameters and transmission bit error rate are presented .

  28. 具有几何分布统计特征的在线租赁竞争分析

    Competitive Analysis for On-line Leasing with Statistical Characteristic of Geometric Distribution

  29. 索赔到达间隔为几何分布风险模型的破产问题

    Ruin probability of risk model with inter-occurrence of geometric distribution ARRIVAL

  30. 关于几何分布的高阶原点矩的探讨

    On the Geometric Distributions ' Moments about the Origin of Higher-order