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jī wēi
  • slimmish
几微 [jī wēi]
  • (1) [slimmish]∶细微;细小

  • 几微之差

  • (2) [sign]∶征兆;迹象

  1. 理论上可使产生光学双稳态的临界入射功率小到几微瓦。

    According to this theory , the critical switching power could be as low as a few watts .

  2. 但最大值也不过几微应变,这不会影响原型零件的尺寸精度。

    However , the largest deform is several micro-strains only , which can 't impact on the accuracy of prototype at all .

  3. 只电容器如果同时放电,在几微秒钟内可能发出相当于世界发电总量两倍的电源。

    If find simultaneously , the4,032 capacitors would produce for a few microseconds twice as much current as generated elsewhere on earth .

  4. 在起初的几微秒内什么事情都不会发生。在这一时间尺度下,甚至连空气分子都几乎是静止的。

    For the first handful of microseconds , nothing happens . On this timescale , even the air molecules are nearly stationary .

  5. 为了在地球上模拟出这种极端环境,物理学家必须再现宇宙诞生最初几微秒内超高的温度、压强和密度。

    To simulate such extreme conditions here on earth , physicists must re-create the enormous temperatures , pressures and densities of those first few microseconds .

  6. 她留意到,他一直密切关注着尤金的面部表情、语调和姿势中的变化,并在几微秒内就对它们作出相应的反应,时而提出问题,时而旁白“见证人看到了”。

    She could see him tracking Eugene 's facial expressions , tone of voice and changes in posture and responding to each in microseconds , posing a question or remarking " the witness sees . "