
  • 网络Van;Van province
  1. 地震袭击了土耳其东部的凡省,造成数百人死亡。

    An earthquake hit the province of Van , in eastern Turkey , killing hundreds .

  2. 地震发生后,总理埃尔多安前往凡省进行视察灾情。周一早上土耳其内阁将就地震召开会议。

    Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan was traveling to Van and the cabinet was expected to discuss the quake at a meeting called for Monday morning .

  3. 他于1月1日在凡省住院并于当天死亡。

    He was hospitalized in Van Province on1 January and died the same day .

  4. 袭击凡省的7.2级地震造成的死亡人数最新统计预计为213人。

    The latest death toll from the7.2 quake that struck Van province is reported to be213 .

  5. 我们一直在以极大的关注跟踪土耳其东部凡省的地震报道。

    We have been following reports of the earthquake in Turkey 's eastern province of Van with great concern .

  6. 最初的世卫组织小组在土耳其卫生部长陪同下于昨天傍晚抵达凡省。

    The initial WHO team , accompanied by the Turkish Minister of Health , arrived in Van Province yesterday evening .

  7. 由于恶劣的天气,今天一个国际专家小组前往凡省的计划已经推迟。

    Plans for a team of international experts to travel today to Van Province have been deferred because of adverse weather conditions .

  8. 在凡省和安卡拉的国际小组成员今天与当地专家共同开展工作,计划有关研究。

    Members of the international teams , in Van province and ankara , are today working with local experts to plan relevant studies .

  9. 伊斯坦布尔八所大学展开特别行动,募集和发放救援物资给凡省那些需要的人。

    Eight universities in Istanbul have also set up special operations to gather and deliver aid to those in need in Van province .

  10. 电视画面显示,震区凡省姆拉迪耶县的一些建筑物倒塌,有些居民来不及从楼房中逃出,被埋在废墟下。

    Television footage showed the province where the earthquake Ratko el County collapsed some buildings , some residents a chance to escape from the building , buried under the rubble .

  11. 今天宣布的5例来自该国中北部毗邻黑海的卡斯塔莫努、乔鲁姆和萨姆松省以及凡省。

    The five cases announced today are from Kastamonu , Corum , and Samsun provinces , bordering the Black Sea in the north-central part of the country , and from Van Province .

  12. 凡在本省行政区域内从事政府制定价格成本监审(以下简称成本监审)活动的,适用本办法。

    Theses Measures shall apply to the activities of supervision over and examination of the costs of government-fixed prices ( hereinafter referred to as cost supervision and examination ) within the administrative region of this Province .