
  1. 湘西凤凰古城的景观保护和旅游发展

    The Preservation of Landscape and the Development of Tourist in Fenghuang

  2. 凤凰古城特色店铺装饰设计

    Decoration of Distinctive Stores in the Ancient Town of Fenghuang

  3. 凤凰古城的景观生态内涵刍议

    On the landscape ecology connotation in Fenghuang ancient city

  4. 凤凰古城饭店投资定位研究

    Research on Hotel Investment Positioning of Phoenix Ancient Town

  5. 凤凰古城景观特质探析

    Studies on Landscape Characters of Fenghuang Historical District

  6. 其次,论文从宏观到微观分三个层次来分析凤凰古城建筑景观。

    Then , the paper analyzes the building landscapes of Fenghuang form three different levels .

  7. 凤凰古城自古以来就一直是苗族和土家族的聚居地区。

    Phoenix city since ancient times has been the areas inhabited by the Miao and Tujia .

  8. 人都是有梦想的,湖南的凤凰古城就是我梦想的地方。

    Everyone has dreams and the ancient city of Fenghuang is the place that I dream .

  9. 本文系研究体系中的湘西凤凰古城部分。

    This paper studies Hunan Fenghuang .

  10. 历史文化古城的非利用价值评估研究&以凤凰古城为例

    Study on the assessment of the non-utility value of historical cultural ancient city & fenghuang as an example

  11. 湘西凤凰古城土家族木构吊脚楼与风水景观

    Houses of Wooden Structure Projecting over the Fengshui Landscape of Tujia Minority in Phoenix Old Town of Western Hunan Province

  12. 凤凰古城有优美的自然风光和不同寻常的古代建筑,每年吸引许多游客前来参观。

    Fenghuang has wonderful natural landscapes and the unusual ancient buildings , which attract a number of tourists every year .

  13. 凤凰古城河岸吊脚楼建筑特色及再生设计初探

    Study on Architectural Features and Rebirth of the Houses on Stilts on the River 's Banks in the Ancient City of Phoenix

  14. 在工作忙碌之余我还和同事去了湖南的张家界和凤凰古城。

    Busy at work while my colleagues and I also went to the Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province and the ancient city of Phoenix .

  15. 每年都有成群背包客前往凤凰古城,领略苗族和土家族的别样风情。

    Every year , armies of young backpackers flock to the ancient town of Fenghuang for its rich Miao and Tujia ethnic culture .

  16. 海口市中山路近代店铺的整体风韵凤凰古城特色店铺装饰设计

    The Whole Style and Features of Modern shops in Zhong Shan Road , Haikou City Decoration of Distinctive Stores in the Ancient Town of Fenghuang

  17. 本文以凤凰古城为实例,研究了饭店投资定位体系的实际可操作性。

    This thesis took the Phoenix ancient town as an example , and studied the actual maneuverability of the system of the hotel investment positioning .

  18. 本研究以作为凤凰古城原汁原味文化表征物的旅游景观为感知单元,应用头脑风暴法抽取对凤凰古城风貌具有代表性的景观作为凤凰居民与旅游者的感知测量要素。

    This study takes landscapes which represent the ancient culture of Fenghuang as perceived units , applies the brainstorming method to extract representative landscapes as survey items .

  19. 在这个以苗族、土家族为主的少数民族聚集县,凤凰古城以其独有的水乡小镇的古典灰吸引了一批又一批的中外游客。

    In the Miao , Tujia ethnic minority-based aggregation County , the ancient city of Phoenix Water town with its unique classical gray attracted waves of foreign tourists .

  20. 城市化进程中历史遗存片断的可持续保护与利用&以连云港凤凰古城保护开发为例

    Sustainable Preservation and Utilization of the Fragments of Historical Legacy in the Course of Urbanization & Exemplified by the Preservation and Development of the Phoenix Ancient City of Lianyungang

  21. 湘西凤凰古城河岸吊脚楼建筑特色探析这里,在她脚下的尘土中,就是威尔克斯家族引以自豪的家业啊!

    Construction Characteristics of the Houses on Stilts on the River Banks of Ancient City Fenghuang in Western Hunan Here was the Wilkes pride in the dust at her feet .

  22. 如何在发展现代旅游产业的过程中延续其特有环境和风貌,同时保持其自身活力,是目前凤凰古城在发展过程中急需解决的难题。

    How to keep its special circumstances and features while keeping developing is a pressing problem at present which needs to be solved during the course of developing modern tourist trade .

  23. 半山上也用吊脚楼形式,这形式是必须的吗?凤凰古城河岸吊脚楼建筑特色及再生设计初探

    Yet they were built on stilts , quite needlessly . Study on Architectural Features and Rebirth of the Houses on Stilts on the River 's Banks in the Ancient City of Phoenix

  24. 不同收入城市居民文化旅游需求差异研究&以长沙市不同收入居民对凤凰古城的旅游需求为例

    A research of the Discrepancy of Culture Tourism Requirement of the Different Income Citizens & A Case of the Tourism Requirement of the Different Income Citizens of Changsha to the Old City Fenghuang

  25. 在国内外历史城镇保护和发展的历史长河中,探寻古镇的保护和开发思路,举例分析了丹麦哥本哈根、中国丽江古城和凤凰古城三个优秀的城镇建设案例。

    In order to seek the thinking of protection and development for the ancient town , cases of town building such as Copenhagen , Lijiang ancient city and Fenghuang ancient city was introduced and analyzed in this paper .

  26. 第四章将凤凰古城河岸吊脚楼与西南其它地区不同民族的吊脚楼建筑特色进行了横向比较研究,以凸显其特色。

    The fourth chapter makes the comparative study of the architectural features of the houses on stilts in Phoenix and other stilted houses in other regions of the southwest in order to demonstrate the features of the stilted houses in Phoenix .

  27. 每每说起文化遗产,人们所想到的都是各种规模大的和名气高的,如故宫、长城、兵马俑、敦煌壁画、凤凰古城等举世闻名的历史古迹。

    When we talk about cultural heritage , come to mind are a variety of large and high reputation , such as the Forbidden City , Great Wall , Terracotta Warriors , Dunhuang murals , Phoenix and other ancient world-famous historic sites .

  28. 在凤凰古城的小巷中漫步,并未如在丽江或是北京后海那样,不时能与操着生疏汉语的老外擦肩,一个晚上加上一个早晨,细细计算,也不过遇见了3、5个外国游客。

    In the alleys of the ancient city of Phoenix in the walk , not in Lijiang , such as Beijing or after the sea , from time to time with unfamiliar Speaking of the Chinese foreign rub shoulders , plus a night in the morning , careful calculation , but also met 3 , 5 foreign tourists .

  29. 笔者针对凤凰县历史文化古城传统民居保护工作中的不足,对传统民居的保护发表了自己的见解。

    This paper points out the dissatisfactions of the vernacular architecture preservation work in Fenghuang County , and submits the authors opinion on them .