
  • 网络Fengqing;fengqing county
  1. 云南省凤庆县城市公园绿地系统规划研究

    Study on Park System Planning of Fengqing County , Yunnan Province

  2. 凤庆县艾滋病预防控制与关怀项目效果评估

    Great effictiveness from HIV / AIDS Prevention & Care Projectin Fengqing County

  3. 玉米灰斑病是凤庆县近年突然暴发流行的一种玉米叶部病害。

    Gray leaf spot of maize occurred suddenly in Fengqing County , Yunnan Province in the recent years .

  4. 彝族,是凤庆县除汉族以外人口最多的民族。

    Except for Han Nationality , Yi Nationality is the major population in Fengqing of Lincang , Yunnan .

  5. 欠发达地区小城镇成长机制研究&以云南省凤庆县为例

    A Study on Mechanism Little Cities and Towns ' Development in the Less Underdeveloped Region & a Case Study in Fengqing County

  6. 总体来看,沧源县、双江县、耿马县、云县的物理特性较好,这些区域主要位于临沧中部和东部;凤庆县、永德县相对较差,主要位于临沧北部和西部区域。

    Cangyuan County , Shuangjiang country , Gengma country and Yun County are of better Physical characteristics , these areas are mainly located in central and eastern of Lincang .

  7. 凤庆县位于云南省的西南部,凤庆汉语方言属于北方方言区西南官话中的云南方言。

    Fengqing County locates in the southwest of Yunnan province , its Chinese dialect belongs to Yunnan dialects , a part of the Southwest Mandarin , within the North Dialects .

  8. 绚丽多姿的彝族俐侎人茶俗&云南凤庆县郭大寨乡团山村的调查塔上各种造型优美、秀丽和谐的雕塑、浮雕、彩绘,组成了一座绚丽多姿的艺术之塔。

    The Colorful Tea Customs of Limis Yi Race Decorated on all sides with beautiful , well-proportioned sculptures , relief sculptures and coloured drawings and patterns , the group forms a magnificent work of art .