
  • Carey;Cary;Kerry
  1. 德拉姆获得的选票是凯里的3倍。

    Durham had garnered three times as many votes as Carey

  2. 《每日快报》把凯里医生说成是特别难对付的家伙。

    The Daily Express describes Dr Carey as a pretty tough nut .

  3. 凯里位于爱尔兰的最西端。

    Kerry is in the extreme west of Ireland .

  4. 最近的这次袭击发生在首都蒙罗维亚东北20英里处的凯里斯堡。

    This latest attack was at Careysburg , twenty miles north-east of the capital , Monrovia .

  5. 就在离被驱逐的最后期限仅有30分钟时,其余的“新世纪”旅行者也离开了凯里。

    The remaining ' New Age ' travellers left Kerry just 30 minutes before the deadline set for their eviction .

  6. 凯里-欧文简直就是NBA的当红炸子鸡。

    Kyrie Irving is the hottest player in the NBA right now .

  7. 这一数据模型已成功地应用于贵州凯里供电局电网调度SCADA系统。

    This data model has already been used with Kaillpower scheduling SCADA system .

  8. BleacherReport上曾预测了2011届最有可能水掉的两名球员:科怀-伦纳德和凯里-欧文。

    Bleacher Report top 2 most likely busts of 2011 draft : Kawhi and Kyrie .

  9. 2002~2004年凯里市市区体检人群HBsAg携带状况分析

    Analysis on the Carrying Situation with HBsAg among Urban Health Examined Population from 2002 to 2004 in Kaili City

  10. 碰巧,在过去几年里,凯里也一直在为《华盛顿月刊》(TheWashingtonMonthly)编辑一份不同的大学排名单。

    As it happens , Carey has been working for a number of years with The Washington Monthly to compile a different kind of college ranking .

  11. 这听起来很疯狂,奥运会金牌得主,3届NBA全明星,NBA总冠军凯里-欧文还在不断地探索着自己。

    It sounds crazy . Olympic gold medalist , three-time NBA All-Star and NBA champion Kyrie Irving is still searching for who he is .

  12. 凯里-欧文在2011年的NBA选秀大会上被克利夫兰骑士队以状元签选中,并当选了年度最佳新秀。

    He was named NBA Rookie of the Year after being selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers with the first overall pick in the 2011 NBA draft .

  13. 亚利桑那州立大学W.・P.・凯里商学院(ArizonaStateUniversity'sW.P.CareySchoolofBusiness)在2013年秋季对1003名消费者进行了调查,发现消费者对零售商的不满有所增加。

    A survey of 1003 people conducted this fall at Arizona State University 's W.P. Carey School of Business found consumer dissatisfaction with retailers is on the rise .

  14. 凯里-欧文曾5次入选全明星阵容,并于2015年入选了NBA最佳阵容三阵,于2016年随骑士队获得NBA总冠军。

    A five-time NBA All-Star , Irving was selected to the All-NBA Third Team in 2015 . He won an NBA championship with the Cavaliers in 2016 .

  15. 欧文因为膝伤,凯里欧文在2015年与NBA总决赛的最后五场比赛失之交臂后,他开始向他最喜爱的球星寻求激励。

    After missing the final five games of the 2015 NBA Finals with a knee injury , Kyrie Irving turned to one of his favorite players for some added inspiration .

  16. 新闻集团董事会小心翼翼地提出了让默多克依然担任执行董事长,同时把首席运营官蔡斯凯里(chasecarey)提升为首席执行官的想法。

    The board has discreetly floated the idea of Mr Murdoch remaining as executive chairman , with Chase Carey promoted from chief operating officer to chief executive .

  17. 当市场走低时,人们不会频繁换车,从而导致需求受到压抑,JDPowerandAssociates驻英国的预测部门高级主管皮特•凯里(PeteKelly)表示。

    When the market is down , people are not replacing vehicles as frequently , leading to pent-up demand , says Pete Kelly , a UK-based senior director for forecasting with JD Power and Associates .

  18. [方法]对凯里市市区2002~2004年到黔东南州疾病预防控制中心体检人群的HBsAg检查结果进行分析。[结果]合计检查15359人,HB-sAg阳性的939人,阳性率为6.11%。

    [ Methods ] To analyze the HBsAg test results of health examined population done by Qiandongnan CDC from 2002 to 2004 . [ Results ] 15,359 persons were examined , among which 939 were HBsAg positive .

  19. 新闻国际首席执行官汤姆默克里奇(TomMockridge)将继续担任该职务,但直接向凯里报告。

    Tom Mockridge , chief executive officer of News International , will continue in his post but report directly to Mr Carey , chief operating officer .

  20. 库里当时调侃了勒布朗晒出的训练视频,而现在的前骑士球员凯里-欧文,当时在边上跟着这位两届MVP开心地起哄欢呼。

    That would be Curry mocking LeBron 's mean-mugging workout videos , as a number of NBA players , including then-Cavaliers point guard Kyrie Irving , laughed along with the two-time MVP sharpshooter .

  21. 采用灵敏的IRMA法在贵阳、凯里、都匀三地区五年内筛查了24040例新生儿滤纸血斑TSH水平,以监测贵州省IDD。

    TSH levels were determined of 24040 newborns in Guiyang , Kaili and Duyun , using IRMA on filter paper blood spot , in the past 5 . years for monitoring of IDD in Guizhou province .

  22. 要是库里打不出总决赛第一控卫的表现,勇士就真麻烦了——而第四场,这位背靠背MVP可是被凯里-欧文压制的不轻快。

    If Curry isn 't the best point guard in this series , the Warriors have problems - and in Game 4 , the battle between the two-time MVP and Kyrie Irving wasn 't particularly close .

  23. 这一并购方案是6月初在时代华纳曼哈顿总部一个私人午宴上提出的。参加那次午宴的有默多克头号助手蔡斯•凯里(ChaseCarey)和时代华纳董事长兼首席执行官杰夫•比克斯(JeffBewkes)。

    The offer was made in early June at a private lunch in Time Warner 's Manhattan headquarters attended by Chase Carey , Mr Murdoch 's top lieutenant , and Jeff Bewkes , Time Warner 's chairman and chief executive .

  24. 为了探索迟播条件下两优363的高产栽培技术,在贵州省中低海拔的凯里(海拔670m),进行了一组杂稻两优363的正交栽培试验。

    Late sowing test of two line hybrid was conducted at the low elevation 670 m Kaili area of Qiandongnan in Guizhou .

  25. 本周一,新闻集团(NewsCorp.)首席运营官切斯•凯里表示,如果备受质疑的Aereo公司获准继续运营,那么新闻集团旗下的福克斯广播(FoxBroadcasting)以及所有附属电视台都将停用无线信号,改用有线传输。

    Chase Carey , News Corp. 's ( NWSA ) chief operating officer , said Monday that if the company in question , Aereo , is allowed to continue , his company 's Fox Broadcasting , and all its affiliate stations , will stop broadcasting over the air and go all-cable .

  26. 凯里我们没什么时间。

    Cary , we don 't have a lot of time .

  27. 凯里-欧文和勒布朗-詹姆斯一直都是一场“包办婚姻”。

    Kyrie Irving and LeBron James were always an arranged marriage .

  28. 为什么凯里成为波士顿关键时刻的王者?

    Why Kyrie is Boston 's new king of clutch time .

  29. 这项安排是由达菲和凯里协商达成的。

    The deal was negotiated by Mr Duffy and Mr Carey .

  30. 罗哈先生见过凯里多少次

    How many times has Mr. Roja met Cary in person ?