
  • taxi driver;hackie
  1. 出租车司机在车站接了一名乘客。

    The taxi driver picked up a fare at the station .

  2. 在等我们的时候,出租车司机让计程表继续走字。

    The cab driver left the meter running while he waited for us .

  3. 出租车司机把发动机发动起来。

    The taxi driver revved up his engine .

  4. 那个出租车司机不肯帮忙。

    The taxi driver was being very unhelpful .

  5. 出租车司机的抗议使得阿比让陷入了混乱。

    Abidjan was thrown into turmoil because of a protest by taxi drivers

  6. 如果你觉得出租车司机敲了你的竹杠,就说出来。

    If you feel a taxi driver has overcharged you , say so

  7. 出租车司机载着他们绕了个大圈才到警察局。

    The cabdriver took them on a circuitous route to the police station

  8. 1990年,出租车司机鲁莽驾驶导致的违章事件总共达239起。

    Rude taxi drivers clocked up a total of 239 offences in 1990 .

  9. 出租车司机气得大吼一声。

    The cabby gave vent to an angry shout .

  10. 巴黎出租车司机们正威胁阻塞交通以对政府进一步施压。

    Parisian taxi drivers are threatening to mount a blockade to turn the screw on the government .

  11. 出租车司机费力地拿着她的行李,进门时把一个包剐破了。

    The cab driver struggled with her luggage , scraping a bag against the door as they came in

  12. 到了火车站,为了检验自己对当地的了解程度,我请教了一个出租车司机。

    Arriving at the railway station , I put local knowledge to the test and ask a taxi driver .

  13. 出租车司机协会劝告那些工作时长不受限制的会员不要疲劳驾驶。

    The taxi drivers ' association is urging its members , who can work as many hours as they want , not to overdo it .

  14. 出租车司机停车让一个乘客上车。

    The taxi driver stopped to pick up a fare .

  15. 主要原因是司机,他们被称为"出租车司机"

    The main reason for this is the drivers , who are called " cabbies . "

  16. 他们甚至不看地图就知道最短的路,因为每个想成为出租车司机的人都必须通过非常困难的考试,才能拿到驾驶执照。

    They know the shortest way possible without even looking at a map , because everyone who wants to become a taxi driver must pass a very difficult examination in order to get a license to drive a taxi .

  17. 昨天我很兴奋,因为出租车司机亲自回来把钱归还给了我。我真的很感激。

    I felt very excited yesterday because the taxi driver came back to return the money in person . I am really grateful . "

  18. 记住在英国我们付小费给出租车司机、理发师

    Remember that in England we always tip taxi-drivers barbers and hair-dressers .

  19. B:服务员,出租车司机和理发师。

    B : Waiters , taxi drivers , and hairdressers .

  20. 出租车司机洪材道向他装在汽车仪表板上的GPS全球定位系统里输入一个地址。

    Taxi driver Hong Jae-do punches an address into his dashboard-mounted GPS navigator .

  21. 无人驾驶汽车将使Uber避免与出租车司机分享乘客的打车费用。

    Autonomous cars would let Uber avoid having to share money from passengers with drivers .

  22. 例如在伦敦,出租车司机们计划在周三举行反对Uber的抗议活动。

    In London , for example , taxi drivers are planning an anti-Uber protest on Wednesday .

  23. 他的许多影片被世界各地的观众所熟知,得到外国影评人的赞美:在《十段生命的律动》(Ten)中,他的镜头跟随女出租车司机穿过德黑兰大街小巷;

    Many of his films were well known by international audiences and acclaimed by foreign critics : " Ten , " where he follows a female taxi driver through the streets of Tehran ;

  24. 在上周五的高峰时段,45岁的Grab出租车司机格雷丝·拉珠接到了一名从武吉免登前往森图医疗中心的孕妇。

    During rush-hour last Friday , 45-year-old Grab driver Grace Raju had picked up a pregnant passenger from Bukit Bintang to Sentul Medical Centre .

  25. 方法应用MOSSF-36健康调查量表对247名成都市男性出租车司机进行问卷调查。

    Method MOS SF-36 was used to assess the quality of life of 247 male taxi drivers in Sichuan Province .

  26. 《夜行者》其实是口味较轻的《网络》(Network),或者说是《网络》和《出租车司机》加起来的轻口味版本。

    And Dunaway is again the point of reference for Russo 's performance in " Nightcrawler , " which is , in its way , " Network " Lite . Or , rather , " Network " - meets - " Taxi Driver " Lite .

  27. 四川省绵阳市男性出租车司机HSV-2血清流行病学研究

    Seroprevalence and risk factors of HSV-2 infection among male taxi drivers in Mianyang city , Sichuan province

  28. 如果你在纽约叫出租车司机送你去“CBD”,他只会用茫然的眼神瞪着你,不知所云。

    If you ask a New York taxi driver to take you to the CBD , you 'll get a blank stare .

  29. 我朋友的丈夫William(是一名出租车司机),此时正坐在车里等着一名顾客付钱,同时,看着倾盆而下的大雨在那条忙碌的街道边上留下一些犹如湖一般大小的水洼。

    Sitting in his cab waiting for a fare , my friend 's husband , William , watched as a torrential downpour left lake-size puddlesjust off the curb of the busy street .

  30. 给出基于协调知识水平的分布式协调推理结构,并以出租车司机问题为例,探讨协调推理的单个Agent的内部结构,为协调建模从形式化向可计算化的转化提供依据。

    Then a distributed coordination-reasoning framework on this knowledge level was ( given ,) and taking a taxi driver problem for example , we presented this framework in an individual agent , which proved the possibility to transform formal coordination models to computational models .