
dāo xiāo miàn
  • shaved noodles
刀削面 [dāo xiāo miàn]
  • [planed noodles] 用快刀快速从生面团上削下的面片做成的面食

  1. 硬面虽然不适合包饺子,却适合做刀削面。

    Though not suitable for making steamed stuffed buns , stiff dough is quite suitable for making shaved noodles .

  2. 他说自己的外号是“刀削面”,你想认识她吗?

    He said that his nickname is " Toshomen ," you want to know her ?

  3. 好。看来拉面、刀削面是吃不成了,一碗都太多了。

    OK . Let 's not order the sliced or hand-pulled noodles since there is a lot in each serving .

  4. 此时,我和我嘴角外的半根刀削面一同有个疑问:她要做什么?

    At this time , I and my outside the semi-roots together have a question : She is going to do ?

  5. 推荐烤猪排、烤牛肉、冷面、石锅拌饭、刀削面等。

    My favorite dishes here include roast pork rib , roast beef , cold noodles , Bibimbap , and sliced noodles .

  6. 山西面食用料多样,有小麦粉、高粱面、豆面、乔面等;品种繁多,有刀削面、猫耳朵、推窝窝等。面食融入了山西人对生活简单而丰富的理解。

    Take Shanxi Province as an example , the flour food is made of many kinds of material including wheat flour , sorghum flour and bean flour etc.

  7. 所以,他们自己做五香粉、刀削面,以及腌芥菜、辣豆瓣酱和豆豉等基本配料。

    So they are making their own five-spice powder , hand-cutting noodles and home-brewing basics like pickled mustard greens , chile bean paste and fermented black beans .

  8. 非油炸方便面、刀削面以及方便馄饨等众多非油炸方便食品面世。该类制品都要求有高质量的面片。

    The market has haven " non-fried instant noodles ", " rolling noodle " and " non-fried instant wonton " and many other non-fried instant food products available .

  9. 中餐常有刀削面、拉面、水饺、锅贴、小笼包、肉饼、炒面、炒饭,还有馄饨。

    Chinese food is often served with Sliced noodles , hand-pulled noodles , dumplings , fried dumplings , steamed buns , meat pies , fried noodles , fried rice , and wonton .

  10. 老板那句浓厚的家乡话一出,我激动的打了个趔趄,啊,一定是家乡的刀削面,现在我可要饱饱口福了。

    The boss that sentence strong revenge a , I concussion of dozen staggered , ah , must be hometown of noodles , now I can want full full the luck to eat STH delicious .