
  • 网络Edge dislocation
  1. 同时观察到在预熔化温度时,刃位错和螺位错的复合位错结构呈现出一种交叉生长的趋势。

    Also observed in the melting temperature , edge dislocation and screw dislocation present a crossover growth trend . With the increase of time , rang of screw dislocation extend .

  2. 本文利用单个刃位错弹性理论的应力公式,借助于应力叠加的方法,计算了[111]方向平界面生长的YAG单晶中圆形和环形分布的位错束产生的应力和应力双折射分布。

    Using stress formulas for the single edge dislocation in the theory of elasticity , distributions of the stress and stress birefringence in Nd : YAG single crystals growing along [ 111 ] with homogeneous circular and annular distribution dislocations on the flat interfaces wore calculated .

  3. 在它的高分辨电子显微像中,不但可以看到明显的镶嵌块结构,而且可以清楚地看到刃位错、空位、非周期性结构与Kink等晶体缺陷。

    Not only mosaic blocks but also lattice imperfection including edge dislocations , vacancies , unknown defect with aperiodic fringes and even Kinks are quite clear in the high resolution electron micrograph .

  4. 钢铁材料中刃位错与溶质原子的交互作用

    Interaction Among Solute Atoms and Edge Dislocations in Steel or Iron

  5. 单晶镍基合金体刃位错的电子结构

    Electronic structure of dege dislocation in single crystal nickel - base alloy

  6. 用光散射层貌术观察Nd:YAG晶体中的非缀饰刃位错

    Observation of Undecorated Dislocations in Nd : YAG Crystals by Light Scattering Tomography

  7. 三维晶体中刃位错引起的相变理论及其实验验证

    The theory of edge dislocation-mediated phase transition in three dimensional crystal and its experimental results

  8. 轻杂质加剧强碳化物形成元素在刃位错区的偏聚。

    The light impurity can enforce the aggregation of strong carbide forming elements in the edge dislocation area .

  9. 用改进分析型嵌入原子法计算金属钼中刃位错的弛豫结构和应变能

    Calculations of the relaxed structure and strain energy of edge dislocation in metal Mo by modified analytical embedded-atom method

  10. 本文用六原子模型.分析丁硼、磷原子在硅、锗半导体中刃位错附近的三维振动特性。

    This paper analyzed the property of atom of boron and phosphorus vibrating in three dimesions near the edge dislocation in semiconductor of silicon or germanium with model of six-atoms .

  11. 发现膜厚的增加,会使得薄膜中的位错密度显著减少,并且螺位错密度的减少速度要快于刃位错密度的。

    We found that the film thickness increases , making a significantly reduction in the dislocation density of the films , and the screw dislocation density decrease faster than the edge dislocation density .

  12. 纯刃位错易于沿位错线被腐蚀,因而其腐蚀坑是沿着表面阶梯分布的尖底倒六棱椎.孙侦探的嘴角上带笑,而眼角棱棱着。

    However , the pure edge dislocation is easily etched along the dislocation line , inducing an etch pit of inverted hexagonal pyramid aligned with the surface step . Detective Sun 's mouth curved in a smile , but his eyes narrowed .

  13. Fe中刃型位错芯的模型建立及电子结构研究

    Model Construction and Electronic Structure Investigation of Edge Dislocation Core in Fe

  14. Fe中刃型位错上扭折及掺杂体系的电子结构

    Electronic structure and doping effect of kink in edge dislocation of body-centred cubic iron

  15. 细索两股松松地扭结在一起的轻质绳子Fe中刃型位错上扭折及掺杂体系的电子结构

    A light rope made of two loosely twisted strands . Electronic structure and doping effect of kink in edge dislocation of body-centred cubic iron

  16. BCC铁中刃型位错与铜沉淀物相互作用的原子尺度模拟

    Atomistic Simulation of the Interaction of Edge Dislocation in BCC Iron and Copper Precipitates

  17. 研究了快速热退火(RTA)对p型GaN中位错的影响。我们发现RTA对GaN中螺型位错的影响很大,而刃型位错则在RTA下比较稳定。

    The relationship between rapid thermal annealing ( RTA ) and the dislocations in p-doped GaN via MOCVD was studied .

  18. 分子动力学模拟研究单个刃型位错对NiAl马氏体相变的影响

    Molecular dynamics study on the influence of single edge dislocation on martensitic transformations in NiAl

  19. GaN薄膜中的位错主要为堆垛层错与刃形位错;随着远离界面,GaN中位错密度与镶嵌组织迅速减少。

    The dislocations in GaN film mainly are stacking faults and edge dislocations , and the dislocation density and mosaic structures in GaN decrease rapidly away from the interface .

  20. 本文用密度泛函理论框架下的离散变分方法(DVM)研究了bccFe[100](001)刃型位错体系的电子结构,给出了结合能、原子间相互作用能以及电荷转移信息。

    The electronic structure of the bcc Fe ( 001 ) edge dislocation core is investigated using the first principles discrete variational method ( DVM ) .

  21. 透射电镜(TEM)资料显示:金刚石中刃型位错与螺旋位错均有发育,位错缠结十分明显,位错密度分布不均,在位错缠结的带内位错密度明显高于带间。

    TEM shows both screw and knife dislocation can be seen and dislocation tangle is very clear ; the dislocation density is uneven distribution : the density in tangle belt is clearly higher than that in the zone between two belts .

  22. bcc-Fe刃型位错偶极子的动力学过程模拟

    Dynamic simulation of edge dislocation dipole in bcc-Fe

  23. 由于[0001]方向的螺型位错的Burgers矢量比刃型位错的Burgers矢量大得多,故可从蚀坑的深浅来判别螺型位错和刃型位错。

    Because of the Burgers vector of the screw dislocations in [ 0001 ] direction are much larger than that of the edge dislocations , one can distinguish the screw dislocations from the edge dislocations according to the depth of etch pits .

  24. 刃型位错芯及其畸变区范围

    The Core of the Edge Dislocations and Its Vicinal Distorted Region

  25. 刃型位错间交互作用应力场的光弹性模拟显示

    Photoelastic Simulation Display of Interaction Stress Field of Edge Dislocations

  26. 刃型位错应力场分量的计算机模拟

    Computer simulation for the stress field of edge dislocation

  27. 刃型位错和圆弧形刚性线夹杂的干涉效应

    Interaction Between an Edge Dislocation and Circular-arc Rigid Lines

  28. 刃型位错弹性应力场的求解

    Solution of the double harmonic equation in the elasticity stress field of edge dislocation

  29. 失配位错为纯刃型位错,可通过滑移面的改变而形成穿透位错;

    The misfit dislocations are pure edge dislocation and that can be transformed to threading dislocations via slip .

  30. 刃型位错降低了应力诱发马氏体形核的激活能,并在相变中起到了塑性协调作用。

    Edge dislocation can reduce the activation energy for stress induced martensitic nucleation , and it also plays a role of plastic accommodation in the transformation processes .