
fēn zǐ shāi xiào yìnɡ
  • molecular sieving effect
  1. 在吸附时,PAN基ACF呈现出明显的分子筛效应。

    Molecular sieving effect of the ACF based PAN was found during adsorption .

  2. PAN基ACF的吸脱附性能及其分子筛效应的研究

    The adsorption / desorption properties of PAN based activated carbon fiber and its molecule sieveing effect

  3. 分子筛效应在水工材料中的研究应用初探

    Approach for the Study Application of Molecular Sieve Effect in Hydraulic structure Material

  4. 有吸附,表现出了分子筛效应。可望应用于结构类似而分子体积大小不同的有机物特别是天然有机物的吸附分离。

    Therefore , it would find some uses in adsorptive separation of organic compounds with similar structure but different molecular size .

  5. 极少数天然矿物微孔道分子筛效应孕育有净化分子型气体污染物的作用,而大多数天然矿物超微孔道离子筛效应却孕育有净化离子型水体污染物的作用。

    The molecular sieves of the microchannel of handful natural minerals have the function of purifying molecular gas pollution , whereas the ionic sieves of ultra-microchannel of most natural minerals are likely to purify ionic water contaminates .