
  • 网络Analysis and judgment;analytic judgments;analytics judgment;analytical judgements;synthetic judgment;ANJ
  1. 因此,良好的接地的分析判断,必须借鉴不仅根据检查的特定实例的内部资源,但也更普遍的行为模式。

    Accordingly , well-grounded analytic judgments must draw not only on resources internal to the particular instance under examination , but also on more general patterns of conduct .

  2. 基于历史数据和行业相关资料,运用比较法分析判断了NF摩托公司的内部资源和能力状况。

    Meanwhile , based on historical data and related documents of the industry , analyzed internal resources and competency of NFMC in the way of comparison .

  3. 通过CT影像判断肺部单发结节(SPN)良恶性的方法是:综合分析判断SPN的形态、大小、密度等多个参数,进而得出最后诊断。

    The analysis by synthesis of the SPN 's character , such as shape , size and density , is the solution of diagnosing SPN .

  4. 然后再通过变速器NVH目标值测试对改进的变速器进行测试,并对测试结果做出分析判断,最终验证诊断结果正确。

    After that , the improved transmission is tested by NVH target testing and the new testing result is analyzed .

  5. 方法:采用药物利用指数(DUI)作为分析判断指标,对7种麻醉药品进行统计分析。

    Methods : DUI ( Drug Utilization Index ) was adopted as the statistical index of seven kinds of narcotics .

  6. 测试原理是利用激光位移传感器扫描木材表面,提供特征信号,由傅里叶分析仪FFT记录时间信号的波形,计算机进行数据处理和分析判断。

    The system is consisted of a laser sensor which provides scanning signal , a FFT analyser which records a curve and a personal computer which analyses and processes data from FFT analyser .

  7. 根据冻结壁的可靠性分析判断准则和变形位移方程,建立了冻结壁可靠性分析的功能函数和极限状态方程,并应用基于MATLAB软件的蒙特卡罗法对冻结壁的可靠性进行分析。

    According to the reliability of the frozen wall and deformation criterion equation , to established a functionality and reliability limit state equation of Reliability Analysis of the frozen wall and application of MATLAB based on Monte-Carlo analysis of the reliability of frozen wall .

  8. 采用荧光标记引物和不对称聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增HLA-B2、3外显子,产物与芯片探针杂交后经荧光扫描,并用特定软件分析判断阳性探针,以确定样品基因型。

    Unsymmetrical PCR was used to amplify HLA-B exon 2 and 3 , then labeled PCR products and hybridize with probes on the chip . Certified the typing of HLA-B by analysed and scanned the signals of hybridize through a set of computer software .

  9. IQ,也就是智商,是通过对不同类型的认知技能测试而最终得出的,其中包括语言、分析判断等方面。长久以来,人们认为IQ是终生不变的。

    IQ , measured by a battery of tests that capture a wide range of cognitive skills , from verbal to analytical and beyond , has long been thought to be unchanged throughout one 's life .

  10. 本文结合河北移动通信有限责任公司所用UPS双机并联冗余系统出现不同步报警后的处理过程,主要介绍UPS并联系统故障分析判断的思路、操作处理的方法,以及应注意的事项,以供参考。

    Based on the process of dealing with the asynchronization alarm of 1 + 1 parallel redundant UPS system in Hebei Mobile , this paper focus on the analysis methods , trouble-shooting procedures and some key factors of a parallel UPS system .

  11. 功能性行为评价(FBA)是为确定行为发生的原因而收集有关前提事件、结果事件和行为信息并做出分析判断的行为评价方法。

    Functional Behavioral Assessment ( FBA ) refers to a collection of methods for gathering information about antecedents , behaviors , and consequences to determine the reason ( function ) of behavior .

  12. 收集黄土高原区域近40a各主要气候要素变化资料并利用Petitt方法计算变点,滑动t检验气候变点或转折点,以分析判断黄土高原对全球气候变化响应的敏感性及敏感区域。

    The response sensitivity of climate in Loess Plateau in China to global change was investigated with the meteorological data during the recent 40 years , and the marked change points were calculated by Petitt method , and checked by moving T-test .

  13. 文章通过阐述FZ-15型避雷器的试验项目、标准及分析判断的计算方法,并就山西铝厂110KV水泥变主变的实际测试数据,结合设备的实际运行状况,具体分析判断,提出了可行性建议。

    Through expounding the test projects , standards and analyzing , judging and calculating methods of FZ-15 type lightning protector and , based on the actual testing data and connecting with the actual operating situation of the devices , puts forward some feasibility suggestions .

  14. 应用二:案例分析判断有效性。

    Application II : to determine the effectiveness of case studies .

  15. 过程和正确分析判断灌浆效果提供可靠的依据,使灌浆质量得以提高,灌浆施工自动化得以实现。

    As a result the good grouting quality can be realized .

  16. 对主要荷载&风荷载取值的分析判断,既保证结构受力的安全,也考虑到设计的经济、合理,避免过度设计。

    Analysis and judgement of controlling design load-wind load ensure structural safety .

  17. 以动态观点分析判断排除设备故障

    Fixes Equipment Failure by " Dynamic " Viewpoint Analysis Judgment

  18. 科学利用气象传真图分析判断台风路径

    Judge the path of typhoon by meteorological facsimile chart in-situ

  19. 电机异常噪声的分析判断

    The Analysis and Determination of Abnormal Noise of Motors Nantong Electric Motor Works

  20. 对于进口纸种的分析判断

    Analysis and Judgement of the Kinds of Imported Paper

  21. 用目测和半定量分析判断图像结果。

    Images were compared by visual and semi-quantitative analyses .

  22. 对系统误差模型进行分析判断。

    System error models are analyzed and diagnosed .

  23. 变压器预防性试验结果的综合分析判断

    The Synthetic Analysis - Judgment to the Result of Preventative Test for the Transformers

  24. 通过转炉炉口火焰纹理分析判断氧气顶吹转炉吹炼终点

    Estimate Blowing Final Point by Analysing Texture Features of Top-blowing BOF Vessel Mouth Flame

  25. 阴离子隙异常结果的分析判断

    Analysis of abnormal results of anion gap

  26. 平晶表面形状加压分析判断法的原理与应用探讨

    The principle of judgement method by compression analysis of optical flat surface shape and discussion on application

  27. 叶绿素荧光参数可以直观反应出光系统的状态,可作为分析判断叶片光合能力的辅助手段。

    Chlorophyll fluorescence is a useful tool to analyse the station of photosystem II as a assistant method .

  28. 通过对表面希腊铭文的分析判断,这个装置大约制造于公元前150年至公元前100年间。

    The device was made about 150-100 BC , according to analysis of Greek inscriptions on its surface .

  29. 介绍了电子仪器的故障分析判断和器件检查、仪器维修、维护的基本方法。

    This article introduces the basic methods of malfunction analysis and maintaining , maintain-ing and maintenance of electron instrument .

  30. 当断路器处于分断状态下,防止断路器合闸。分析判断与综合判断

    To prevent the breaker against closing operation when the breaker is in OFF state . analytical and synthetical judgments