
fēn bù fǎ
  • step-by-step method
  1. 将2005年同期的152患者作为评估组,护士综合评估、决策后再选择留置针头开放静脉,并采用分步法静脉输液和输液安全管理。

    152 patients , from Jan to Jun in 2005 , received venous puncture after synthetic evaluation . Proper trochar , step-by-step method and safety management was also applied on patients ' intravenous transfusion .

  2. 采用分步法合成了9种结构非对称的DHP类化合物。

    Kinds of asymmetrical dihydropyridine derivatives are synthesized by three steps .

  3. 采用物理分步法对线性波中二维射流进行了大涡模拟(LES)。

    Two-dimensional jets in linear waves were simulated by large eddy with the help of physical ( fractional-step ) method .

  4. 实验表明,CPVC和SBS必须采用分步法溶解,即待CPVC溶解完全后,再加SBS溶解。

    The results show that CPVC and SBS must be dissolved with a two-step process , SBS must be dissolved after the dissolution of CPVC .

  5. 分批法和分步法在很多地方是相似的。

    Job order and process costing system are similar in many ways .

  6. 第4章对民营企业如何确定投资规模进行了探讨,介绍了本量利分析法和分步法;

    Chapter 4 introduced how nongovernmental enterprise to confirm scale of investment ;

  7. 数据实验表明:标定精度比直接采用分步法有所提高。

    Testing results using real data show that it improves calibration accuracy .

  8. 物理分步法在二维非恒定流数值模拟中的应用

    Fractional Step Method for Numerical Solution of 2D Unsteady Flow

  9. 分步法在二维不恒定流计算中的应用

    Application of the Method of Fractional Steps in Computation of Two Dimensional Unsteady Flow

  10. 采用分步法对5-溴-2-羟基苯甲醇中的不对称羟基进行了选择性保护。

    Selective protection of the asymmetric hydroxyl of5-bromo-2-hydroxyphenylmethanol was investigated by method of fractional steps .

  11. 分步法的第一步是建立成本中心。

    The first step in developing a process costing system is to establish specific process costing centers .

  12. 分步法中,人工成本仍然分为直接人工和间接人工。

    The labor consumed in the processing is often divided into two types , direct labor and indirect labor .

  13. 稀土元素的分离提纯先后也经历了分步法、离子交换法和溶剂萃取法等阶段。

    The separation and purification of the rare-earth elements experienced sub-step , ion exchange and solvent extraction in history .

  14. 运用分步法的企业也多使用和分批法相同的材料领取单。

    Companies using process costing systems often use materials requisition just like they would under a job cost system .

  15. 正交曲线拟合坐标和物理分步法在二维河道流速场计算中的应用

    The Application of Orthogonal Boundary-Fitting Coordinate System and Fractional Step Method to the Calculation of 2-D Flow Field in River Course

  16. 特别是在装配式多步骤加工企业中,平行结转分步法下,对两者内涵的分析尤为重要。

    In the article , the author put forward some ideas about the application of parallel process costing in assembly enterprise .

  17. 在分步法中,制造费用包括所有不能分清直接受益车间的成本支出。

    In the process costing system , factory overhead includes all those manufacturing costs that are not easily traced to a specific department .

  18. 将其改进后用于相机标定,提出了分步法与改进的差分进化算法相结合的相机标定方法。

    An improved differential evolution algorithm is proposed , and together with two-stage calibration method , a new camera calibration method is established .

  19. 产品成本计算方法的选择、产品成本计算的品种法、产品成本计算得分批法、产品成本计算的分步法。

    The calculating method of the material cost , the salary and welfare , the power expense , the depreciation and so on ;

  20. 本文首先介绍了平行结转分步法的特点及各步骤生产费用,要在产成品和广义在产品之间进行分配,列出了它的几个特点。

    First , it introduces the characteristics of Parallel Closing Process and the production costs in every step of processing finished products and unfinished products .

  21. 第五,联合应用超单元理论和分步法识别策略降低复杂结构的损伤识别难度,提出了损伤识别的多重子步法。

    Lastly , a multi-stage damage identification method based on super-element theory is presented for overcoming the solution difficulty of damage identification inherent in complex structures .

  22. 在原有的原位杂化法与间歇沉析法的基础上,提出一种新型羟基磷灰石涂层组装方法&分步法。

    Based on the in-situ hybridization and the intermittently precipitation , the CS / HA composite layers were prepared by a novel and simple two-step method .

  23. 针对不同的生产情况,成本会计系统又有两种核算办法,即分批法和分步法。

    To account for product costs properly , there are two common types of cost accounting systems : job order costing systems and process costing systems .

  24. 分步法的基本目的是计算单位产品在各个车间的直接材料、直接人工、制造费用的数额。

    The basic objective of a process costing system is the determination of unit processing costs for direct materials , direct labor , and factory overhead in each processing department .

  25. 讨论了分步法聚合反应机理及吸水性机理和后处理过程对树脂吸水性的影响。

    Not only the mechanism of polymerization by the stepwise method and those of water absorbtion , but also the effects of posttreatment on the water-absorbtion capability of resin are discussed .

  26. 分批法和分步法有很多相似之处,这两种方法都是用于计算产品成本并使用相同的账户。

    To a great extent , Process Costing Systems operate in much the same manner as job costing systems . Both systems are established to accumulate costs for a business and both use the same accounts .

  27. 根据结构模态应变能的大小挑选出环境激励下结构的主要贡献模态,即优化时所取的监控模态。根据模态振型形状、特征向量乘积以及模态置信度,采用分步法进行传感器优化布置。

    It means that the main contribution mode is selected according to the importance of structural mode responses under environmental excitation , and then applies the optimal sensor placement according to mode shape , feature vector product and confidence level .

  28. FIR数字滤波器的分步量化法

    Design of FIR Digital Filter with Different Quantisation Steps

  29. 分析了羊毛衫CAD系统中为计算任意款式工艺单所创建的区域分步计算法的实现方法,并进行了数学论证。

    Introduces the practical method about how calculating the arbitrary style with sweater CAD system , and builds the whole mathematics model on it .

  30. 材料与方法:1、应用分步消化法进行Wistar大鼠乳鼠心肌细胞原代培养,采用特异性免疫细胞化学染色方法鉴定所培养的心肌细胞。

    Methods : 1 . The isolated neonatal Wistar rat ventricular cardiomyocytes were cultured and purified with the method of differential attachment .