
  1. 1994年9月分红派息配股

    Bonus , Rights Issued & Dividend in September 1994

  2. 上市公司能否通过制定合适的股利政策,达到提高公司价值的目的?本文利用深市上市公司2001年度与2002年度分红派息数据,运用计量经济学方法,验证了股利的信号传递理论。

    Using econometrical methods and listed companies ' dividend data of 2001-2002 from Shenzhen stock market , empirical analysis is fulfilled to testify the signaling theory .

  3. 第二,债券利息是公司的合同负债。而股利只有在董事会正式宣布分红派息之后,才成为公司的法定债务。

    Dividends , on the other hand , do not become legal obligations of the corporation until they have been formally declared by the board of directors .

  4. 因为股利不是逐日自然增长的,只有在董事会宣布分红派息之后,股利才能成为发行公司的负债。

    Dividends do not accrue from day to day , since they become an obligation of the issuing corporation only when they are declared by the board of directors .

  5. 获得利益有两种方法:一是从公司分红派息中得到;二是从股价上升中利用价差得到。

    Obtains the benefit to have two methods : One , draws bonus from the company distributes dividends obtains ; Two , obtains from the stock price rise using the price difference .

  6. 若基金管理人在交易日刊登分红派息公告,上市基金于公告日上午停牌半天。

    In case the funds manager publishes the dividend distribution statement on the trading date , the listed funds shall be delisting for half a day in the morning of the statement date .

  7. 当一家上市公司公布上年度有利润可供分配并预备予以实施时,则该只股票就称为含权股,因为持有该只股票就享有分红派息的权利。

    Appear on the market when the company announces to go up when year has profit to be able to be carried out for allocate and preparing to give , criterion this stock is called contain right , because of hold this stock enjoys the right of dividend distribution .

  8. 然而,德国财政部已要求取消今年的红利和股息发放,并将银行高管薪水限制在50万欧元以内,且没有分红和派息。

    However , the finance ministry has called for bonuses and dividends to be scrapped this year , and a 5 00000 limit on executive pay and no bonuses and dividend payments .